How to Swap & Rejoin Covenants in Shadowlands

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23 thoughts on “How to Swap & Rejoin Covenants in Shadowlands”

  1. How much overall progress do you lose by rejoining on week one? Will I be able to make up all the progress on week 2? I went Bastion-Venthyr and I want to go back to Bastion. May as well wait until Monday so I at least have some covenant abilities rather than none, right?

  2. do you think after shadowlands if you unlock all the covenant transmogs on one character like in the next exspansion youll be able to use them all and they wont be locked still?

  3. Hey generation, I don't ever want to see ebegging on VIDEOS ever again. They're VIDEOS. Do you get it? VIDEOS. No affiliate links, no donate buttons, and for crying out loud, don't tell me to subscribe. We've had enough.

  4. What if you were to swap now. After building all 3 building in sanctuary, reaching renown level 3. Having some stored anima.

    If I were to swap now. What do I lose? What will I have to do to be at the same level I am at now with a new Covenant?

  5. Great thanks hopefully this didnโ€™t change since it went live I went with my best dungeon covenant to speed up the dungeon gearing process to be changed when the raid comes out to the better single target one I was a little worried swapping would be more time gated

  6. okay so i know blizz said they wanted to make swapping covenants hard which honestly it isnt if its just a straight two week set of quests which can even be done almost back to back
    but i kinda really do like that one
    you dont take all your progression with you since i mean duh you havent helped the new place with anything so ofcourse you dont have stuff over there yet and two
    you get to keep progression on previous places
    for one that makes swapping alot easier since i dont have to worry about loosing my progress and just have to build it up in a new place

    i dont know about other people but i like this cause loosing all progress and having to do it again in a previous covenant was my biggest worry but with this i can actually try out different covenants and even build up multiple to swap between depending on how much playtime i have

    which btw is even easier in sl considering most of the quote grind we have this time is alot of weekly stuff so the grind in shadowlands isnt anywhere near the pain it was in bfa

    this could change but as the system stands right now i can say im pretty happy with how it works right now


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