What Chris Metzen Actually Did On The War Within

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We have a wealth of deep dive interviews to cover, including with Chris Metzen, who has talked about what things were like when he returned to Blizzard, and how they’ve changed.
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48 thoughts on “What Chris Metzen Actually Did On The War Within”

  1. I actually really like the "cozy therapy time" vibes of DF, precisely because of that. Like, I personally felt like we needed a more grounded, Azeroth-based expansion after SL, without mind-boggling, Legiony, cosmic stakes. For much the same reasons, I love BFA too.

  2. Much better than that Dragon Flight rubbish they brought out, I did enjoy the new one but I thought it was far too easy to complete the War Within. I've gone back to hardcore classic as I'm lvl 80 and there's not much for me to do now

  3. I don't think the power scaling was broken. At the end of dragon flight I was able to solo normal level 70 dungeons on my geared out pally just fine. Why should I expect to get weaker just because it's a new expansion's level 70 dungeon?

  4. Make normal battleground matchmaking based on gear.. 90% of games are one sided so much so that even winning feels bad.. how do the expect people to get into it.. fk it just remove gear so it’s 100% skill based.

  5. Old blizzard was unbearable, when i see things in the game that remind me of it i cringe so bad. Thankfully nowadays the gameplay issues and bad system designs that i come across are mostly unintended bugs, but back then they were intentionally designed this way.

  6. ”I don’t see how the players fit into that.”

    That’s easy! We don’t! Because we the players are not part of the story! We are just the rigging crew setting up the camera for the real characters to do the active adventuring! 99% of what we the players do in these last expansions is just busy work in between the real story developments where the actual characters can stand around and talk about their fcking feelings so that the writers can pat themselves on the back for a job well done. It is literally just their fan fiction virtual novel that we are just tagging along in and I for one am so damn tired of this type of storytelling.

  7. The big problem for me is WoW hasn't been a story driven game in such a long time I just don't care about it. You never feel like actually part of the world or that you have any say in what is happening. Why the hell aren't there quests with multiple outcomes or endings depending on your choices? I would actively want to replay a zone and explore alternative endings based on different decisions. Ultimately, good guys win, bad guys lose. Dead good people are resurrected and everything is predictable.

  8. All of the main characters introduced in TWW are uninteresting. I wish they would have some tough characters like Varian or Arthas. Story wise I have only enjoyed the deeper lore around the Kobold and Nerubians. The fight between Kadagar and Xalatath was comically bad. I hope the main story gets better because its not inspiring at all.

    That said I have enjoyed the gameplay and the new hero talents. I hope they continue to grow that aspect.

  9. Something my friend pointed out to me that I cannot unsee about Metzen's work is that his reason for anyone doing something evil: Corruption.
    Fel corruption
    Void corruption/old god corruption
    Sha corruption
    Listened to a friend who was secretly void corrupted corruption
    Nobody is ever evil or doing evil things because they are actually evil, or just straight up morally grey. There is always a puppet master "corrupting" them. It's infuriating because it feels like no evil doer in WoW has agency. We should all just feel sorry for them because they were actually a nice or regular person but they were cOrRuPtEd!

  10. The issue is these employees are running the ip into the ground with their degree of autonomy. I dont care for metzens philosophy here. Hes wrong. His job is to manage those cats. If theres more of them get a bigger room to bark orders at them in. Make a detailed design doc and stick to it. These people are gonna make tauren wear lipstick and dresses if you give them autonomy. They have no idea about waelrcraft and often no idea about fantasy. They try to one up one another on how wacky and politically virtue signalling their idea for warcraft is. Its clear they have an ego amd metzen doesnt want to take responsibility. Thats why nothing changed. We want warlortds of draenor cinematic level bad ass masculine energy and we got more daft blondie with her emotional support husband running away from her role as wife, doing what a paladin should… Hunting a void creature, and both her and the vilan are idiots rubbing shoulders with as mortal enemies like they can trust each wont just stab the other when possible…

  11. Metzen returning is such a massive deal that people misunderstand. He IS Warcraft. He is the Warcraft everyone loved and wants back. He had very little influence on TWW, but bet your ass you'll see massive epic stories come Midnight and The Last Titan. These next two expacs are going to be phenomenal, story/lorewise. I cannot waittttttt to see how this saga goes. It's already starting great.

  12. I disagree that the cozy stuff was bad. I fucking love it and all the role players that I know love it too and there's a fuck ton of us now. There should be more to the game than just rushing to max level to do some shitty ass raids. Which are fucking boring. I've never done a raid in the last 20 years that I've played wow. I've watched videos of them and it doesn't look fun at all

  13. I find it astounding that they're working on so many expansions and patched that the same time. Really loving TWW atm and can't wait for the rest of the story. I stopped playing right before Legion launched and returned right before blizzcon last year and bought the TWW game with lvl 70 boost so didn't really do any story in DF but overall I liked the places and pace of it. Looking forword to rest of the games

  14. Storytelling should be top down for 99% of the story. Allowing people who literally can't write a story for their lives contribute is why the story is a joke. Even metzens' storytelling is objectively bad compared to other games nowadays.


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