What Classes WON & LOST? Shadowlands Alpha Melee DPS Roundup – What’s Good & What NEEDS Love

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Melee DPS are always fun to play – but which of the 13(!) specs are the most fun, or maybe the strongest? We can’t answer for you, but we can help!
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37 thoughts on “What Classes WON & LOST? Shadowlands Alpha Melee DPS Roundup – What’s Good & What NEEDS Love”

  1. Blizzard should stop enforcing gameplay limitations via GCD and bring back resource spending and give players back the ability to tailor that to their own playstyle. If you want to stack more mana to get a more sustained dps going then you should be able to otherwise sacrifice mana for more burst dps etc. We have always only had the "illusion" of choice in WoW but even that illusion has been taken away.

  2. Fix feral….
    Remove snapshotting, give us more bleeds and more lore based spells to do with nature dmg like imbedded vines/roots in wounds, and make BT a hard hitting bleed, and then bring back Ashamane's frenzy and make it base line, and give us some options to mix more instant damage and bleeds in instead of the bland options we have had for years…

  3. Complains about Demon Hunters been to OP but says absolutely nothing about rogues. Go google forums on which class was OP in BFA. DH gets mentioned a few times but the majority calls Assassin Rogues the most OP. Check all the BFA arena ranking leader boards and you will see how few Demon Hunters do well compared to Rogues and other classes. Even in the DPS damage meters DH's are never on top! The OP is obviously bias and hates Demon Hunters.

  4. these fury nerfs are the stupidest shit ive seen so far, why ruin a spec thats hardly b tier in bfa m+. we already have a sad excuse for CC and our damage was the only thing getting us invites, 10% nerf to the haste buff from enrage? wtf?

  5. All I have to say is I actually liked BFA Feral Druids except for the little reward for the amount of Grind that required me to just get the right stuff and have 2 separate sets of gear just for switching between Aoe and Single, but the Shadowlands BT "NERF" is just to much that completely ruins it for me I love feral I really do, my favorite spec for a while despite all the Hate that it gets, and the lack of groups I can find just because I am a damage druid and they know that i'm not boomkin. Something has to be done about it, It's been towards the bottom for a while now and It's frustrating to love something, but have it constantely bashed all the time. :'(

  6. 15:52 If you knew anything about paladins as a whole and not just from a PVE stand point you would realize they are pretty shit.. ret aura and crusader's aura Use to be Passive…. Word of glory doesnt heal for jack shit.. At lv 60 in Pvp a Warlock can literally perma slow paladins.. SOO many classes look at ret as nothing but a punching bag…. as far as DPS goes Paladins havent been top of the leader boards or even close to it in a long time.. unless ur god at ret and can figure something out… PLEASE BELLULAR…take a closer look…. Paladins have shit mobility… and the steed of SHAME doesnt even count… Im so tired of my Favorite class getting shit on every patch, every expac…. somthing needs to change.

  7. Hunter should just get rid of survival and do a shadow hunter type class. Better yet merge beast mastery and marksman, keep survival but improve it and make a shadow hunter class.

  8. Since their release I've always been a DH so will continue that way. I'm very a 1 character person so I like focussing everything to be complete and spent so much time already so will continue with it

  9. As someone who has invested many hours into every class, I dont see any point in playing anything other than a DH. If every class in the end will be roughly the same DPS, then why not play the one with the most mobility and survivability?

  10. They should execute the class designers for bfa . Buff balance more , give some fucking healing to arms and frost dk , stop making op healers that will hit harder than most classes , delete monk class, and for just one patch make paladins weak , and dont let me start on fire mage …..

  11. I played SV since Legion and I really like the BfA-Survival, with one exception from the rule – I want the Artifact-Ability back and Flanking-Strike as baseline instead of Killcommand. I agree with you, Bellular, that the big hits of MB with that old artifact ability added a big burst-potential these times – when we remember the RageTower – the SV and Sub-Xylem and Demon had 30mio more health because of the gigantic burst-potential. Something like that, i wanna back – that Mungo with Artifact..was really great. Apart from that, I like the new one more than the old with traps and caltrops. The flanking-strike would hit the theme of the SV more than killcommand – you go all in battle with you beast – in my case Fenrir – thats lovely. The way of "pet, go and fuck of that dump moth" or whatever is something for the range ones.

  12. I completely agree with everything you've said
    I also think the Demon Hunter was the worst thing to happen to wow. It robs so many core elements of so many classes.
    I've mained rogue since Burning Crusade. I was disappointed when they released monks in mists of pandaria. It peeled much of the rogues identity out of their kit, diluting the pool. WW monk's mastery is literally the combo point system. Then they created the demon hunter, another melee agility class. so what makes feral druids special now? what makes rogues special now? If the literal definition of the word rogue means to go off on one's own, then why is it one of the only classes that is incapable of soloing content?

  13. The last time i played and ran some M+, the people were all like "GOGOGOGOGO" so if you can't go fast, it feels bad. The pirate dungeon just started and the DH tank was already 10 miles away from the entrance, lol.

  14. As a WW main since MoP, DH is very frustrating. Just as much mobility, and often times better damage with less work required.
    I can either weave a couple attacks/CDs as WW, or just click eye beam as DH for the same damage

  15. This video is extremely informative, yet I still don’t know which melee class to play …I’ve never played anything aside from warrior but I don’t see myself going back. Hmm.

  16. I have, right, noticed, right, that you tend to say right in a lot of places where it, right, doesn't make a lot of sense lately. Love your, right, videos Bellular but please, this is, right, all I can focus on when watching them lately. I can't be the only, right, one who notices this?


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