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I’ve been loving doing this style of video. It reminds me of older YouTube like the 2007-2010 version where people could just be themselves, share stories, and make authentic content without the need for overediting it or adding in like 100 transitions in the first 30 seconds of the video. I’m very blessed at the reception my previous video has received thus far and want to thank you all for it.
Similarly to what I said in the video, if there’s any particular topic about the game or anything you’d like for me to yap about, let me know! I’m open to suggestions!
I’m also aware of audio issues with some parts being softer than others. I try to compensate for this in post by adjusting gain levels, but what’s happening is that whenever I’m yapping, I’ll sometimes pull away from the mic to think about what I’m saying next and then realize it mid-sentence, rofl. This will get better as I make more of these types of videos.
I’m live on Twitch a few days a week if you’re around to catch me while I’m live:
As always, thanks again for watching and supporting the channel and doubly thanks if you clicked on the description and read all the way to the bottom! 🙂
I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and guess that you're still young enough that this stuff matters to you. There is nothing wrong with that, but you do need to understand that the average WoW player is in their late 30s to early 50s at this point. For me personally, I have almost completely quit playing because I no longer have the time to dedicate to the things that I enjoy doing in the game. I have always been fairly competitive in the raiding scene. Not on like a world level, but generally speaking, in the top 5 guilds on whatever server I was on for any expansion. Like many people, my life has changed and I can no longer put in that kind of time. So to answer the question posed in this video, that is what has happened to guilds in WoW. People got old and have responsibilities in life.
Staumbled upon you by accident, but subbed. Definitely do more of this, your voice is calming and the topics could be great.
huh? guilds are all over the place.. i barely play with anyone outside of guild and pugging
Wow plying wow for 20 years I have a lot of guild stories. How crazy do you want them?
The game is dead
Guilds are stupid , pugs go 3/9M 9/9H in like 2 hours or less. Imagine wiping on heroic bosses all week long. Unless you are in mythic guilds are useless. And if you think they are fun you need friends
Guilds became to clickish so a lot of players learned to do most stuff on their own or pug it. And LFG is the biggest contributor and biggest reason that killed guilds.
I have been running a heroic raid guild for about 12 years now, and so much of what you said here is spot on. A lot of making and loosing relationships, a lot of figuring out how to deal with drama (there is no one way). A lot of soul searching and coming to understand what kind of community you want and stand for, and then communicating that to the guildies in a way that is positive. A lot of clics that have different motivations that continually try to pull or push you into their view of what the guild should be. But at the end of the day, its the relationships that are made, the common sense of achievement you have when that final raid boss goes down, is what keeps me going. Managing a Wow guild is managing a community of individuals, and the GM and officers have to be guides, tutors, mentors, big brothers and sisters, and sometimes just good listeners. It is quite bit more than just a game. If you are a sol player I would say this, the game can be as much or as little as you want it to be. if you play it with people you enjoy, its ten times better.
Once they added LFG for raids, I never cared to join guilds except for maybe chatting people while questing or farming. Before I was in a high end guild and I will say it wasn’t fun. It became a job, but then when BC came out, our guild fell apart as I was in college and it was so nice playing on my own until I joined a very chill guild with cool people and made pvp much more fun.
Can 100% confirm sleepless nights as a (former) guild leader. 😅
Our guild on Moonrunner The Golden Fries has been around for 18 years
12 years of playing. all my guilds had drama and disbanded. literally.. all of them. i have been in like 45 guilds. lol
The only thing that requires socializing in wow anymore is mythic raiding and that's like .5% of the population and they all already have guilds/communities that they've been in for ten years plus.
Old wow used to force you to get to know people on your realm and make friends/join a guild just to do very basic stuff in the game.
New wow is designed to be a solo que lobby.
There is no need for a guild besides for raiders. And most people dont have time for that. And no, I don't see a solution for the raid/time problems… The fact is, the the best raids and dungons are giant in size and have an enormes ammount of trash (like BRD) – the smaller the raid/dungon and the less trash, the worse it feels. A boss cant be a boss if he doesnt have minions.
Over the years, and across various guilds, I've been a GM, Council Member, Officer, Raid Leader etc etc
I've never been happier than just being a player, and having no responsibility. I've lost sleep, had panic attacks and been stressed by shit that's gone on in previous guilds where I've been in charge, and man, not having that weight on my shoulders and just being a regular player? Far better. Lot less stress, and I can just enjoy playing the game for my own enjoyment and performance.
Guilds inevitably don't end well, 99% of the time, and as long as I have the parses & progression to take with me when I go guild-hunting, I'm more than satisfied.
Edit: I should add, it's not like I'm guild hopping constantly – in 15yrs I've only been in a literal handful of guilds, but even when the time you have there lasts for several years, it'll usually turn to shit, with cliques being too insular which causes people to drift away, then they're not replaced, raids start to get cancelled and then disbanding and getting screwed over by players/officers being selfish.
It happens, and it's part of life in WoW these days I guess.
i on moon guard atm. used to be on emerald dream, back when it was a RP server. had an amazing guild, but it went quiet and i drifted away
returned, server dead, moved to moon guard.
but….havent found a guild. all the guilds seem to random invite spam, and i dont trust those as they tend to be desperate or quantity over quality.
nowadays, idk how to find a guild. in the old days, i'd run dungeons and we'd socialize. then people would invite to guild. it was nice
but dungeons now….little to no talking….most focus on speed running and not enjoying the game. like is it fun to 1 tap every dungeon encounter? and never socialize?
My experience with my first guild in vanilla WoW in 2005:
I was brought into ZG as a lvl 55 Druid. You could get into ZG raid at 50 believe it or not.
The ZG tiger drops, and I rolled a 100. The only one to roll a 100.
The guild leader gave it to a mage, because I was lvl 55 and was only brought in to heal.
3 weeks later the mage quit. Moved back to China. Never to play again.
I never saw the mount again up to current day.
To this day, I’m angry about that.
I’m 42 now.
Join us on Hyjal! Guild name is From Nothing! Family first guild, raiding 1 day a week, as casual as you want it to be. Tell em Palastiel sent you!
i have joined 3 different guilds as a returning player(after quite a few years away). And i haven't found one guild that was not dead or just a player mil of players and make you feel like you are standing in a stadium of people. disappointing and probably wont be renewing my subscription.
I have struggled to find a guild in any MMO I play anymore. Sure, I'm in some and they're even decent. But it's not what I really want. I want that guild that feels like family, that want to get to know each other and have those deep, rich bonds you describe.
If they're out there, they're closed off to outsiders.
My first proper WoW guild, we used to hold meetings in Darnassus and do silly shit like Naked Gnome Races and betting on who would die first in raid.
It's hard for me to accept that the gaming climate just isn't like that anymore and I keep throwing my head at the wall hoping to find them out there.
Personally, I feel like guilds died in World of Warcraft because of how toxic society has become due to the long term effects of Social Media AKA (anti-social media) also i feel like today's political affiliation and sexual orientation creates a huge divide in humanity today unfortunately. There's definitely a huge crash in societal connections today which kind of ultimately affected WoW's social structures.