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All of this is already out on TurtleWoW and its Free to play with 0 botting on the entire server. The server is older now but the rush of fresh players is insane. Its free you have nothing to lose. Its F R E E, the only thing holding you back is you, this is the best way to experience wow. There are no bis-lists, its exploring and gearing like a fresh new experience. No IO Score, no gatekeeping and everyone except the few black sheep that come with WoW in general its a blast and everyone is so incredibly nice and helpful
Just Play Turtle wow
Turtle wow is literally doing this and it's a dream come true. I guess no "big" streamer will ever play or promote it, they all want Blizzard to do it. But Blizz could never…
He basically talking about Turtle WoW pserver 😅
Yes please…….😮
Lol, as if it would ever happen
All classic + needs to be
1. keep level 60 cap
2. Add more zones to level 1-60 in
3. New races
4. New dungeons
5. New quests and loot
6.Adjusted talents for broader range of playstyles
Classic + will be huge if they do it
This! This! SoD was not classic +
Been said this, mad season is late on this. Plus he says f the horde in his videos so f him 😂❤
Well its called Turtle WoW and already out
Sounds just like an expansion with more linear progression.
Should make more sideways content, server events etc. Revamp some systems, redesign some encounters, redesign xyz. Shouldn't just be a race to max as the be all and end all.
So mad we’re going to tbc…..
Sign me up !!
What about alternate history? Like a Hostile Gilneas kingdom behind the wall in silverpine. We could fight like a hostile greymane
Whay is that? Like, is it a real plan or ideas?
No no more level cap… it kills the content we enjoy…. Just Add stuff….. expansions remove content not expand on it
Where is this possible who can we play this i want to join this team that's hilarious
Blizzard do so much wrong that is the best thing i waiting for
Not to burst the bubble, but this sounds no different than every new expansion when they get announced. Ideas are hype, executions is everything else.
never going to happen, and any private server who tries is just watered down rehashes. grow up.
Actually the best proposition I ever heard except for the level cap increase just keep it at 60 so everything else is relevant
Idk if i agree with 1 person getting an item. Unless its a make a wish it should be available to everyone
Turtle wow. Absolutely amazing
This is WOW!!!!
Soy face thumbnail
Blizzard: "Best I can do is a $100 mount in the store. Oh and how about we give you Classic guys the WoW token?"
Don’t need it to be 70, it makes the old raid obsolete again. Keep the 60 raids required for progression, you can add AA like eq to get more skills for the new plus raids
It's all endgame content though… That's not good. The game has to expand across all levels.
I really wish Private servers were streamable. Turtle wow is doing incredible things right now, new content, new balanced specs, loads of new content. And noone can talk about it because its a P Server. ITs legit the best wow there is right now and its slept on.
Wow i want to play the same game forever!
I would like some shit thats in ascension in wow classic… Pls blizzard give me that 😢
The last fucking thing we need is ANOTHER version of classic Jesus Christ log in to retail and save the game we all love first
Add this to the real game please. Why not make real WoW better instead of making private server tier classic stuff
Dld i see classic pvp!?
If you increase the levelcap to 70 you are just repeating a failed "expansion" system that led us here. You are making content obsolete.
What is this called??
Just play turtle wow
Wow needs to take an OSRS approach