What is The SEPULCHER ? Why Must We Stop The Shadowlands Jailer From Reaching It ???

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands The Jailer and Shadowlands Sepulcher.

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37 thoughts on “What is The SEPULCHER ? Why Must We Stop The Shadowlands Jailer From Reaching It ???”

  1. What if…….. and this is not my preferred theory, but what if…….. Elune was one of the lords of death? I don't mean an eternal one, but the actual lords of death that Bwonsamdi mentions? And if the Eternal Ones were just middle-managers from the force of Order that cooperated with Light and Life a very very very long time ago to capture and chain the lords of death; that could help to explain some things we already know. When the Well of Eternity was formed from a massive amount of death and destruction and injury to the world soul of the planet…..the dark trolls that congregated around its shores felt they were hearing a voice. As time went by, that voice offered them magical power, but also immortality. They would not die, if they offered worship and cooperation to that voice. They did so, and became Night Elves. The Night Elves understood that voice to be Elune. But Elune never seemed to take powerful form in reality….she didn't really manifest. You even mentioned it yourself in another video, how one of the Xal'atath quotes about Elune was quite dismissive, calling her an upstart goddess that probably didn't have any power anymore. But that quote of Xal'atath could just be based on her understanding that the lords of Death were chained away long ago, replaced with a buffer of the shadowlands to send souls anywhere else "except" straight to Death. Elune wouldn't be the only lord of death, but she could be one of them. She could, in fact, be imprisoned by the Jailer. The Jailer could have been keeping her "in" a jail for many thousands of years until he started his current change of heart and mind.

  2. Ok… The titan pantheon. Has what it needs to maintain order throughout. Embassador's from respected fields, Sargeras:chaos, Which aggramar took his place, Eonar :Life , Aman thul: Arcane and Argus :death who is now gone think about that for a minute and why he wasn't all there when we fought him. All part of a order system. Now wit the titan of death gone"and probably unruly and uncooperative long before that. Seems as a backup the shadowlands had to be made to wall off death because death was no longer going with the plan.

    So on the flip side you have again ambassadors from each house(cosmo force) in the shadowlands. Life,arcane,death,chaos at least I think. With a construct the arbiter being the computer that maintains balance. A secondary system since the first one failed. Death has to be locked up somewhere there. Otherwise this system of control would never stand. I think zoval was death ambassador but had to be locked up after getting wise and pulling something then stripped and imprisoned. Souls flowing into the maw is powering death who has to be there locked up somewhere.Argus soul? Or something older predating titans running the show.

    …oh yeah and destroying the forge of souls might have been a bad idea.

  3. Question on the Map: If Order, Life, and Holy(Light) are aligned, why isn't Order up where Disorder is, and vice versa? Then the top three would be aligned (Order and Life on either side of Holy) and the bottom three would be aligned around Void. Yet it has Order beside Void, closer to Void than to Holy. Is it merely stylistic, or is there something we're missing? Or maybe I'm just missing it? lol. The last most likely, but I thought I'd ask.

  4. Fire & Spirit / Earth & Decay have bridges leading to eachother. Notice how Necromantic is a timer or compas. Notice how Light shines outside of its sphere, and Life grows far outside of it and coils to the very corner. Notice how Deathknights came from Fel, how warlocks have "Shadow Bolt" and "Drain soul" abilities, those 3 forces has allways been aligned. Notice the elements are polar opposite of their respective parrels. If the light side of Elune is the holyiest of light, then perhaps her dark side is the darkest of void, to whom we see hands reaching up to. And notice how the aspect of Death is litterally dead people chained up. Death leans up against disorder, their aspect funnel directly to eachother, thus cannot be said about death and order as void is in the way, what is void? empty space of darkness.

  5. I'm 100% behind this theory, the lords of death are actually hinted within the hooded figures, they are even present within revendreth, so maybe there is more to Denathrius

  6. A massive question a lot of people seem to overlook, is if the Maw is so "inescapable", how is it that the Mawsworn and Anduin can just easily move in and out of the Maw as they please?…

  7. I really think you need to step your game up, have you watched all the interviews with the other channel casters? Have you watched the law that has been spoken about? I feel your way behind in the law at the moment and there is so much you could be speculating about, yet I feel what your speculating is rubbish.

    Maybe have a look at what other youtubers have come out with within their law with interviews with steve.

  8. I am beginning to think The Jailer was his former title given to him by The Purpose. Like The Primus, The Archon, The Winter Queen. I've always found it suspicious that his siblings no longer seem to call him that. Almost as if they are refusing to let him keep that title. The only people who seem to acknowledge him as that are Sylvanas, and beings trapped in the Maw. Torghast was likely the prison he was the warden of. Don't we find it a little odd that The Jailer needs special chains and runes to bind him to the Maw? Almost as if it isn't the inescapability of the Maw that is keeping him there. As if he'd normally be able to leave, which you'd expect from a First One.

    There are two cases in which his allies refer to him as The Banished One. The Mawsworn who come for Kel'Thuzad and Sire Denathrius.

    Sire Denathrius opts not to use a "title" beyond Sire Denathrius, which reflects what his original goal in the Shadowlands was, to instill Humility. (Which I honestly think is just a fancy way of saying 'breaking someone's ego'.) Notice how the other zones don't exactly reek of Humility? I could see that as a reason for him to question the Purpose. "If we aren't humble, then what's the point in what I'm doing here?" Thus would explain him rebelling into this Prideful dude. One who even goes to the extent of weaponizing a prisoner's arrogance. (Kael'thas) I'm going to guess that his title would have been "The Lord of Dread". (Harkening back to when the Accuser said that he used to be the lord of dread, which was never further explained.) Or maybe even more on the nose than that. "The Dread Lord". Lord of Dread does fit his role, seeing as most of their techniques of breaking arrogance tends to be instilling dread in various ways. I could see him cynically naming the Nathrazim dread lords as a tongue-in-cheek shirking of that title. If he thinks the plan is to wash away the old system, I can see why he wouldn't label him as The Jailer.

    The Mawsworn aren't told a lot. In fact they're actually imprisoned and broken within the Maw. I don't think Helya cares for the system either, and likely wouldn't refer to him as his Purpose given title. Sylvanas on the other hand probably was lied to. She feels like he was betrayed, and rightfully deserves the same honoured title as his siblings. Partially a reminder that the system is still in place, and so he should be still be referred to by his original station in the Shadowlands. Especially if we consider who we're talking about. She has had 1001 different titles. Dark Lady, Ranger General, Warchief, Banshee Queen. She clearly has some kind of reverence for titles. After all, in life she was a high ranking official.

  9. I wonder if the lore has been inspired by Gnosticism, wherein (supposedly), Jesus told his disciples that when he died, the entity they all called "God" was in fact Satan and had tricked the entire world into worshipping him. He had made the Earth a prison and so long as people kept worshipping him, it would stay so. The only way to change it was to completely change the system. And… of course the Church edited those sections away from the Bible quite quickly a few hundred years later.
    If so, then the Titans are pretenders and have been hiding many secrets from us….

  10. Do you think Korthia has something to do with the Air on the map? Monsters we see are flying. The land is pulled from skies up in the air? Is Zuval trying to connect Death through these chains? Somehow seeing everything it gives me thoughts that all these connections are made between multiple jails. Places which order chained long time ago.

  11. My theory is that the void is all for this because "Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path." what if the void saw this outcome and these events here will open the door to Azeroth.

  12. this is my theory
    please read it out kinda long xd

    so in the begining shadow and light bangs first ones are created
    after this they develop the universe as we know the map
    they created off spring being the titans
    after that the same thing as in greek pantheon happens
    children kill off there parents but 1 was too strong way too strong the first one called azeroth the first one with the power of reality any thing she think or unthinks just happens omnipotent so she got sealed away in the middle the titans made a pact with all factions death life order disorder light and void they all helped in sealing the last first one so they can rule the universe i also think they betrayed every one and made a veil as well as sealing her at the same time locking out every one from the beyond(reality) by doing this death got chained and locked off then the shadowlands was created to hide the rune and chains that bind the realm of death and as a new means to use the anima for them self
    the jailer try to free death this is why he became the betrayer and the chained one
    the emerald dream was created too keep control over the slumbering azeroth this is why reality is owned by the titans this is why they try making emerald nightmare in legion to take it over cos the one in control over azeroths dream will be the strongest
    i think fel got true the veil cos sargeras ran over to the side of fel ( when cornered by fellow titans he try to end every thing azerite shield in crust off planet prevented this together with our help )
    light can shoot them self off like an arrow being able to pierce the veil be be very weakend after this is why i think the legion naru was so weak that we found in the sea and helped
    there is also a rune between order and arcane then in front of arcane titan so what are they hiding there seems order palace could hold the very end game off the game or the titans are not who they say they are and we never even seen order order got double sealed off so might be a faction yet the be known
    if you connect void life disorder make triangle so does holy death and and order combining them makes a pentagram and azeroth is in the middle
    further stating its a beast in the middle aka first one end off all things
    hope you like this theory its kinda crazy but it sound legit in my head XD sry if my english is a bit bad its not my native languish best regards rawgary

  13. I believe that interview when they said that "Eternal Ones are titan++", we misinterpreted or misunderstood it. Or Blizzactivision lied. With that reveal and theory about The Eye Of The Jailer being Odyn, I believe 50-50 that Eternal Ones are not the same race with Titans and First Ones, but different iterations in tim, how I thought 100%. Eternal Ones are the same as Watchers on Azeroth, but in Shadowlands where Order was forced upon Shadowlands. This one FITS with the Il'gynoth quotes about the King of Diamonds and etc, and even fits that Freya is the sister of Winter Queen. And the First Ones are Titans but they are called different in Shadowlands. I believe that he referred to the Eternal Ones, as titans++, just like in washing machines power consuptions, A+++ are the best, the titans, the First Ones how they are known in Shadowlands, they ordered the realm of Death after they invaded it and put in power of the same level of power or more like the Watchers on Azeroth, so A++.

  14. What makes no sense is how weak they make the Jailor look, this is assuming he is similar in power to his brothers. If a DK can stab angel lady like that and defeat her… How weak are they? Imagine a DK trying to stab Sargeras? LOL! Yes, a DK empowered by the Jailor but still, a damn DK with a toothpick sword if we would compare it to Sargeras.

  15. Sylvanas said this world is a prison and she will set us all free. You talked about the runes keep the reality locked, so my assumption was that 4 keys equal the 4 runes and that the keys will unlock the reality. And thus setting the world free as Sylvanas aims to do. Despite having read so much lore I am not by any means an expert (there's just soooo much of it), so I could be fully wrong, but this unlocking reality was my automated assumption.

  16. Ok, let me put my tinfoil hat on for a bit, and it's gonna a long one.

    Life, Order and Light sought to "order" Azeroth which includes Life & Death, as we all know it's a natural cycle, to live, we need to die, and to die we need to live. Many world religions follows this rule, such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Taosim, Hinduism and so on. To clarify, while Christianity, Islam and Judaism does not specifically say you will be reborn, you do live again at God's side as an angel or an "ascended" or "saved". Back to Shadowlands, originally, death as we know, has no rules and people stay there and live in the after life (no pun intended), or if there are rules they follow, we current do not know. So many traditional beliefs around the world believes that when you die you live in another plane or realm but you are "dead" in our realm. So when the Titans ordered Azeroth, they forcibly created a life cycle (or death cycle), so that people who die can return to mortal realms again by being "reborn" because the whole theme of the shadowlands outside of the maw is rebirth.

    When Order, Life and Light came down on Death, now, Zovaal or the Jailer probably is the brother of the other 4 covenant leaders, but once he saw what order, life and light was trying to do, which is to control death which means weakening death, meaning weakening themselves, he turned against them and got locked within the Maw, which was the creation of Life, Order and Light, since we've had many information on that the Maw use to not be how it is now. What I mean by weakening Death is that, they are trying to force spirits to reborn rather than letting them stay in the after life, now to us, they might be dead, but they can very well have their own lives in the Shadowlands. We know that spirits brings anima to the shadowlands, which fuels the various things there, which includes power of the covenant leaders and the Jailer. This is probably why Bwonsomdi said whatever was given to the lords of death can be easily given away. This is referring to the energy that fuels them, in this case the anima. This was put right in front of us in the Venthyr zone where every need anima to be strong, and when the Winter Queen used her anima power to ress Ysera, which costed the Winter Queen to lose a part of her power forever. However, Life, Order and Death did not foresee that Sire Denathrius also was troubled by what they did to the realm of Death since his own powers are now being limited, as we know, he created the Venthyrs, stoneborns and the Dread Lords, so by putting a lid on how much anima powers they can get, which is effectively limiting their powers and weakening them, which supports your theory that Death is probably the strongest force in the WoW universe. So Sire D hatches a plan with Zovaal or Jailer, to release him from the Maw and bring Death back to how it was before. Which is to keep spirits forever in the shadowlands and let them have their after lives, they are still living, just not in the same realm as us.

    If we play the side quests we get a glimpse on when the Light and Void attacks various zones within Shadowlands, I do believe that you are right, when the Light became too fanatical, Life and Order removed them from the equation, hence the big battle at Ravendreth, and various Naarus being caged there and being drained for their powers (anima maybe?). However, I do believe that this is also aided by the void, which is all part of the Death's plan, to slowly remove each of the forces' from equation and return Death to it's original state. So that brings me to the void attacking Bastion, I believe once the void was being manipulated by the dreadlords, they attacked various zones within Shadowlands, but was repelled, this was to turn the covenant leaders' attentions away from Sire D and Zovaal while they hatched their plans. However, I do not believe that Void allied with Death, but rather was used by death. Hence why in the Sylvannas comics, when Alleria met Sylvannas, the void inside of her told her to kill Sylvannas right away, because to the void, a person/entity that cannot be controlled or manipulated, is a dangerous one to them. Which is quite ironic, as the Dreadlords are probably sent by Sire D and Zovaal to manipulate all the other cosmo forces so that death can be freed from its chains figuratively. We are still missing a lot of the pieces of information, I cannot comment on the Sepulcher but I do not believe is where the "lords of death" are buried but rather it's probably something that the leaders of life, order and light hid from Zovaal so that he cannot use it to overpower all the other cosmo forces. With that said, I want to comment on Odyn a bit, so when Odyn looked into the Shadowlands, he saw something so horrific, he hid away up in the sky and made his Valarjar army. I believe what he saw is what was done to Death by the Light, Order and Life, and he was confused and shocked by that. And he knows now death wanting its revenge, hence he created the Halls of Valar so vrykuls created in his image, can be brought up there rather than go to the shadowlands which further fuels the army of the dead (no pun intended).

    I believe 9.1 will give us a lot of this missing pieces of information, so I am definitely looking forward to it. Also I want to note that Fel or Sargeras or Disorder, allies with no one, they are fighting everyone. I do believe as Shadowlands unfold we'll get more information on the dreadlords as well and maybe some backstory on how they manipulated light, order, disorder and void. One thing I forgot to touch on is that the spirit healer or Valkyrs are actually created by the Titans, as their job is to bring people back to life, but they were corrupted by Zovaal so now they bring people back as "undead" which is part of Zovaal's army of the dead. Sylvannas is being tricked by Death because she believes that by turning everyone into undead they are free of Void's corruption, because to her, perhaps Void is still the biggest threat, yet she does not realize that she herself is being controlled by death, as we know that Frostmourne was created by the Jailer. She knows this too, or suspects this as well, since she saw the new sword being created.

  17. Just realized something that actually makes sense like a puzzle, the leaders Don’t seem to be of death but act as if they are, they do all hate the jailer for something they do not know…. what if the “betrayal” was the jailer siding WITH DEATH and the eternal ones currently ruling! Are NOT of death! What if the pantheon or some other group started a war against death who was getting too strong so the eternal ones had a war then va death and the jailer sided with death THAT is why he is called the betrayer THAT is why the shadowlands is broken AND THAT is why they require anima to sustain there respective domains. It was NONE OF THERES FRO MTHE START THEY HAD A CONQUEST against death.

  18. Also, when looking at the map we see the titans for Order, wild gods for Life, naaru for Light, old gods for Void, what appears to be Sargeras and the Legion for Disorder and finally for Death there are undead. Forsaken and undead in the game are obviously not the undead at the power level of the titans. So if the titans of Death are locked away, that would make sense as to why we haven't met their equivalent yet. At this point in the game we've met all but them. If Zovaal is the Jailer, then I agree that he was most likely in charge of their confinement, kind of like how Illidan is now for Sargeras. Zovaal most likely sided with them and attempted to use the keys to free them, which Zovaal probably had being the "jailer" and all. The other Eternal Ones found out and sealed off the Maw, each taking a key in their charge.

  19. Actually accolonn you are wrong with the idea that light cant ally with death. Calia menethil was resurrected with the combined forces of light and death. Steve already confirmed it. And Order did ally it self with Disorder, Remember your old friend Sargeras? Wasn't his purpose to eradicate all life to make it flourish again with the help of Fel? Isn't that an Order thing? Please do more research next time, I enjoy your theories but I don't like when u bring stuff up without research, BUT! I totally agree with the end part.

  20. Loved this. I'm also very excited about this potential new dreadlord lore. The idea that they are actually beings of Death that infiltrate the other parts of the cosmos is fascinating.

  21. I have a theory:

    What if the covenant abilities that we get from each covenant, are also abilities that The jailer gains by acquiring the keys from each covenant leader?

    Sir Denathrius key gave him the Door of Shadows ability. Making it possible for him to step beyond a gate. If you remember during the Venthyr campaign how we got to learn using the Door of Shadows ability to teleport behind a "wall" to get to safety.

    Or perhaps those abilities were The Jailer's from the beginning and stripped from him, to weaken him and made into keys in order to incapacitate and chain him down? (and he is claiming them back)


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