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Unedited so don’t mind the music. Not technically a “solo”, but I could have easily done this without the group. I guess more of a carry video. I was just too lazy to go to the dungeon. For power leveling purposes you wouldn’t be by yourself anyways.
Armory link?
Can you even powerlevel someone since you give them a 95% anti exp debuff in group????
How do you que for freehold? All i have is Atal'Dazar.
How long does it take from L10 – L50 via this method?
what pots and food are you useing/ How do you que for Free hold at lvl 10 its showing Atal'Dazar
Why dont u play Mistweaver instead? His Spinning Crane Kick deals like 50% more damage.
Is a good 2hander better than 2x Hellscreams Cleaver? they have 2 gem slots each
Hey man,
What enchant do you have on your legs? Cant find it? Also whats the name of the gems? Thanks man <3
I have demon hunter and paladin
both can solo dungeons but seeing monk can do as well is so nice
whats the best alliance and horde race for level 10 monks? what gives more dps? night elf/human passive racials or maybe mechagnome hmm
i need all the help i can get to twink
awful music selection
still possible with the same gear to run dungeons solo? 😀
Can go even faster with a MW monk as I just learned. Lifesteal and wf gear is very very op