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This cinematic is everything wrong with WoW writing.
by @BellularClips
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I stopped playing & they stopped having somebody they could rip off/steal from without no one noticing.
BfA was were it all went to shit.
"What Is Wrong With World of Warcraft's Writing"
Corona has impaced and collapsed brain structures.
Try watching Young Justice, it's super good.
fyrakk is goofy and they tried to make him scary but hes a big floating unattackable blimp that barely hurts you lmao.
WoW is the Disney of gaming. Boring, formulaic, inoffensive, no bite BS when it comes to story and characters. The only savings grace can be the gameplay loop and systems.
Genndy Tartakovsky is a fucking genius. Imagine Clone Wars comes back again with the CN shorts from before… Madness.
Guys just let retail die I swear they don’t deserve to make any money from this game it became so soulless
Said this before it's a 90's G.I. Joe wrap up acted by 80s P0rnstars
It's because the staff is all woke and afraid to offend anyone
Soft-Modern sounds like the watered down version of Post-Modern and I've got to say, it also fit on an ideological stand point. 🤣
Adventure Time goes harder than Dragonflight. (i love adventure time btw)
Y'all missing the point. World of Warcraft has the most sinister, scheming, manipulative, multi-expansion antagonist of all – the writers. They get you every time my dudes and you keep coming back for more bahahaha *twirls moustache*
can we get a mash up warcraft x fast and furious xD
I just periodically watch the cinematics of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft Brood War on Youtube if I wanna feel something… Man, I hope they make a Shadowlands classic but with a different story direction, like where like you recruit ol' Garrosh and Garithos to stop Sylvanas from ruining the story!
I liked vyranoth kicking Odin shit in.
I would have liked fyrakk more if during that avengers esque cutscene instead if running away he just squared up against everyone porting in.
The Defias story also extends further into the Story. The story of the Defias links up with the Second war and how Stormwind got messed up, it links up with Onyxia's questline because they didn't pay the Stonemasons because Katrina Prestor intentionally wanted to shaft them. Their rise to power is facilitated by Onyxia and the instability caused by the Second war. In learning about the Defias, you learn about the secret clandestine underbelly of the Alliance, the corruption of the Nobles who helped create the situation.
If you take the Defias out of WoW, you lose an integral part of the Story.
Zomg…fast and furious crossing over with Bayverse Transformers actually makes a ridiculous amount of sense.
I understand why, but you're dancing around the real problem. The problem is that they let women take over the writing room. Unfortunately, until that issue is clearly and directly stated, it will never be fixed. If you care about this, you have to overcome your fear of being labeled an uncomfortable word and just come right out and say it.
Pandering to an audience that doesn't exist, we want good stories and ideal looking heroes, not the crap that is sold to us at the moment
After decades of people pointing to new MMORPGs coming out as being "The WoW killer", I think it'd be hilarious if the one to actually do it in the end, was My Little Pony Island adventures. XD
Would say more about modern Blizzard then anything else.
17:34 True and real!
I don't know why nobody is addressing the obvious reason why WoW got soft, it's because they want to bring back the players that went to FF and Genshin, and their brilliant idea was to make the story and feel of the game close to those MMOs. It's not more complicated than that, they saw the competition steal some of their market share so they copied the competition.
100% – Soft Modern
I love how everyone was "Dragonblight gonna be the best expansion" and they called me an idiot for calling this the lamest expansion that has nothing to do w WarCraft as we knew it… Well, well, well. How the turntables… But at least people can fly on colorful dragons. Instead of Hello Kitty this should be called Hello Dragons!
this happenes when the people who worked through woke colleges land jobs. This is only going to increase.
You all have to remember that the storytellers and staff that were in charge of the story of WoW are gone and have been gone for years. The best example were the novels. The older novels were fantastic and the ones that have been coming out in the last five years have been complete crap.
Fyrakk mocks Alexstrasza, attacks her and tries to decapacitate her however he only manages to deeply but not mortally wound Alexstrasza. Then we arrive, we see Alexstrasza lying still in a pool of blood. As we think she is dead we charge to avenge her and the battle with Fyrakk begins.
After Fyrakk is defeated we the same cinematic plays however at the beginning the camera focuses on Fyrakk who draws his last breath and then the main characters look at the body of Alexstrasza – still in a pool of blood. Then Azeroth blesses the aspect – Alexstrasza stands up, we don't see her face yet. Then the original cinematic plays however there is a huge scar across the face of Alexstrasza and one of her eyes is lost.
Yes, this is old Blizzard writing.
I know it's not saying much, but at least Fyrakk > The Jailer, lol.
Wokism arrived to WoW, sadly!
The rant about Defias was spot on.
I highly disagree with 90% of what asmon said in this vid and think alot of it was complete bias bs but I still respect his opinion
You are talking about a game that changed the "Male – Female" bodies to "Body type 1" and "Body type 2"…
Welp, without the context of the dragonflight's ending cutsceen itself, that video doesn't mean much ngl.
People always hate on BFA, but fuck, it surely did its thing to make Azeroth a brutal place. So much betrayal, so much pointless people killed, Sylvanas burning down Darnassus sure hell was epic, even if the story behind it was kinda screwd. And then the siege of Undercity from the Alliance and the gas counterattack from the Horde. Man that felt like Blizzard finally dont giving a shit. And not to mention WoD. People hate it, but it was all about strength, brutal nature of the world, warfare and and an epic adventure in Draenor, killing the Leaders of the Iron Horde. Yeah, they messed stuff up a lot, but the underlining story arc was easy to grip and did its thing to keep you playing. Cause you just wanted to kill those Orcs and that foul creature Guldan.
Dude Beowulf is anything than simple. Read a little bit i won't do it here
Warcraft went from Orcs and Humans to My little Dragon. Great job blizzard, you did good, keep it up.
Its like going from a Bolter that kills heretics, mutants and demons, filthy xenos to a nerf stick to hit softballs.
Can’t tell who the guy sitting across from Bellular is looking at
its probably because blizzard never feeds you enough of the emotion to leave you fulfilled, then expect you to buy into the emotions to become invested. it all comes off as sappy and shallow. they never earn their emotional moments, they just expect you to be emotionally invested because. like that huge musical swell during the Alex cinematic, that moment wasnt earned or explained, it just happened and Blizzard expected a standing ovation. Blizzards writing is the MMO version of a Oscar bait movie.
the power of friendship storyline isnt a bad one, if properly executed, but its easiest to see through when its done badly. You cant have a power of friendship with a group of people where you question if they are actually friends to begin with. Like they need to have spent more than 5 mins in the same room in the last 10 years. First you need to convince the viewer/player these people are really friends because you can pull the power of friendship card. Sadly Blizzard will never spend the time required to establish this.
joker in dark knight. he was creepy, he had morals. and he was smart. he wasn't a baddy that was butt hurt because he was a villain doing villain things.
Matt has absolutely no clue what he is talking about, basically ever. He's constantly confidently speaking out of his arse and doesnt even play games anymore.