What is your favorite zone in all of Azeroth? November 1, 2024 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg source
Gotta be Frostfire Ridge. Coming up over the beautiful icy dunes with magnificent desolation playing… can't beat that for me. Reply
Many: Original Barrens, Stranglethorn, Dragonblight, Hillsbrad Foothills, Frostfire, Zuldazar, Vol Dun, Nazmir, Highmountain, Azj Kahet, Ringing Deeps, Zul Drak, Desolace, the list goes on Reply
stormsong valley, tauren place, ardenweald, inside tawerns with hearthstone desks and fire behind, and my non existing house 😭 i want player housing!!!!! Reply
Dun Morogh. It's the nostalgia of heading to Kharnos on my first character and seeing Ironforge in the distance. Reply
How are you not gonna show one of the most beautiful and serene zones ever created and my personal favorite: Nagrand from TBC. Reply
Gotta be Frostfire Ridge. Coming up over the beautiful icy dunes with magnificent desolation playing… can't beat that for me.
Arathi Highlands
Silvermoon <3
Icecrown easily
Barrens+ chuck Norris jokes 😅
This music always reminds of Patrick
This comment section shows how much the playerbase is stuck in the past
Nagrand with full HD graphics ❤
Many: Original Barrens, Stranglethorn, Dragonblight, Hillsbrad Foothills, Frostfire, Zuldazar, Vol Dun, Nazmir, Highmountain, Azj Kahet, Ringing Deeps, Zul Drak, Desolace, the list goes on
Barrens chat
stormsong valley, tauren place, ardenweald, inside tawerns with hearthstone desks and fire behind, and my non existing house 😭 i want player housing!!!!!
Jade Forest🐉🐼
Dun Morogh. It's the nostalgia of heading to Kharnos on my first character and seeing Ironforge in the distance.
Boreal Tundra or Eversong Woods
Elwynn Forest
1) Ironforge 2) Deepholme 3) Bastion
Teldrassil, Ashenvale. Also Loch Modan
Pandaria for sure
Suramar, Eversong Woods, Jade Forest. Gilneas. And more.
How are you not gonna show one of the most beautiful and serene zones ever created and my personal favorite: Nagrand from TBC.
Howling Fjord
Old Barrens.
Definitely teldrassil, anything night elf really. Also always loved nagrand and Zangarmarsh 🍄