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I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since 2004. This has enabled me to judge the personality of players in game strictly off of the class they play. This may not be accurate for everyone but it is accurate for the majority of the population.
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Omfg!!! I'm an Australian with fucking shit internet and I'm a priest main since classic ahhahahahahahahah
This was wayyy too accurate. #TrumpTrain
Wait wtf how did you lnow I play priest and live in oceanic
As a mage that shrieked in rage at your description then stared into the mirror in disappointment following this…. You’re right 😅
spriest should be different form the other 2 priests
Every bear druid i know smokes weed
I main DK ice type, and yeah, maybe im a child but… I least im honest for what i want i guess 🤔
Watching this while high as a rogue main.. lmao
I played a BM monk since MoP, am easy to get along with, and get complimented frequently on my tanking. OoH Yaaaa !
Look here, sir! I just don't understand why my mage isn't super-duper-mega-giga-ultra-fourth dimensional- celestial body-god tier-makes people bat shit insane cosmic horror style-totally overpowered badass. Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK!?!?!?!
I feel like he's throwing shade at Australia haha I play demon hunter but I'm new so idk the stereotypes 😂
My God I play death knight and everything this man said is true, except that I'm 30 not 60 😂
I play DK because I'm dead inside, but based on your assessment I should be a rogue
Hey! I play rogue but I do not smoke weed. I'm all about the edibles.
Did not expect to be called out as druid. The truth hurts
I main warrior and I admire a lot to Trump, lol you were super accurate
When grouping with a mage, i know its a 50/50 that they'll be the nicest or most obnoxious person
im using this video to find my main LOL
Hi I play a DK and I’m a 60 year old man
DH here, can confirm.
I'm a lock but im both kinds 😂
As a Priest main, I can conf- dc
I play a shaman and this is absolutely wrong. I got together with several other shamans and we can agree on only one thing. You’re wrong
As somebody that's a Shaman main… Yeah, you're right, and it's not often I say that to anybody other than my mirror.
As a (very phlegmatic lol) hunter main I relate the most to demon hunters.. Dumb but happy to be there, maybe it's time for reroll 😆
Lmao I have been following wow since launch off and on, truly only playing during vanilla tbc and mop. I feel like the one class that always heard complaining was def mage
As a mentally ill Warlock main, I agree
As a warrior main that drinks lots of beer and hates Biden, you nailed it.
beware of organized gangstalking
Yes my internet kinda suck 330ms always..
But how do you know?
I start as a bm hunter and then swap at pala and now im holy priest main sience season 2 Schadowlands (i play sience bfa season 2)
I will stay holy priest main ^^ lets see how good you are be in predicting ^^