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You’ve hit level 80, and you know how to gear up. What next? Well, nowadays, World of Warcraft has a lot more for us to do, even in preseason!
Our side quest tier list:
00:00 – So you’re level 80… Now What?
01:50 – Mounts to farm
05:23 – There’s a new reason to cook
06:43 – Side quests are actually worth it
07:33 – Delves
08:12 – Azj-kahet has a LOT
09:15 – The new fishing progression!
09:49 – Checklists to demolish
10:42 – A new way to experience in game lore
11:14: – There’s finally new PvP content in wow…
I've been gearing, and farming renown for the max level campaign. Good thing most of that is account- wide now. I'm also to leveling more alts soon.
Wheres the chat script for the beladar spawn
What is a good addon for doing all the checklist items? I have a hard time keeping track of what and where.
Go PVP and get full PVP gear and fight in PVP
Allen Kenneth Johnson Anthony White Sharon
I really do not like this expansion so far. The story and world is really too much Disney/Pixxar. WoW completely lost its original soul.This does not have to be a bad thing, but to me, it is. Questing is boring as hell too. Not sure whether I'll make it till 80.
what addon made your vendor tab so big?
what add-ons for runestones?
Whats that vendor Addon at min 3:10?
+1 to just enjoying the quests. The music is fantastic as well
I wish the hearty meals lasted like 30m instead of 15m. The persists after death doesn't matter if the food is gone halfway through a dungeon or Wquesting
DF was great and TWW is really freaking fun atm. I like the chill pre season period. I know all the content creators will start farming hate videos soon. They got the subs from drops so its time to shit on a game and the developer but I dont care. Im having a lot of fun and thats all that matters
Martinez Donna Jackson Charles White Scott
WHERE are all the players………….its vacant, the least populated expansion I have ever seen since 2004…….
Hi! whats the addon name for the quest tab in minute 8.22? cheers!
Siesbarg took me like 10 hrs to get
Ok but which addon to do it?
do all your videos really need to be so unnecessarily drawn out?
Hello old friend. There's only one reason I'm back and we all know I am gonna regret it
The sidequests are actually enjoyable
A few mount grinds
World Quests in certain areas that might give extra drops
So… nothing really new or original. And even kind of a backstep compared to Dragonflight, since doing the play is only a weekly reward, while the Tuskarr soup event actually provided a useful bonus thus giving incentive to show up and help with the soup whenever it was up.
So many of the youtubers I used to love. They're popular and have enough followers to do anything. They all start preaching that the game is just in game.
lol saying siesbarg is only a couple hours is funny af
Bellular: mount farming is the new king of group content
Also Bellular: you can get those mount items by soloing this dungeon or making it a follower dungeon