What's Really Behind the Giant Door in the World of Warcraft Dungeon: the Deadmines?

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Today we will take a look at what’s behind this giant door in the Deadmines and figure out if there are any World of Warcraft secrets. There should be an ocean behind it. But is that right? Let’s find out! Before, when we entered the Deadmines, it was to find the alpha version of Outlands. We succeeded, but ignored the rest of the out of bounds area and saved it for this video!

I hope you enjoy this UnCrafting episode.

Part 1 of the Deadmines: https://youtu.be/keMhsqPzt3M

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Intro: 00:00-00:35
What’s Behind the Stranglethorn Vale Giant Door: 00:35-02:08
Behind the Deadmines Dungeon: 02:08-02:41
What’s Behind the Giant Door in the Deadmines?: 02:41-04:21
What’s ABOVE the Door?: 04:21-05:23
The Rest of the Out of Bounds Deadmines: 05:23-06:40
Thank You to All Who Support the Channel: 06:40-07:56


20 thoughts on “What's Really Behind the Giant Door in the World of Warcraft Dungeon: the Deadmines?”

  1. The side tower in the cavern actually does have a purpose. If you play a rogue you can do a set of quests from a ghost pirate in the tower to unlock the Blackened Defias armor set.

  2. Fun fact you can mount up in the final chamber of Deadmines, the room with the boat. I used to do this a lot back in the day, showing off when carrying low levels through there on my Paladin, that you could mount up in a dungeon be cause at this point almost all dungeons were indoors where you could not mount up.

  3. I always knew about the door leading to STV, but never knew it was geographically incorrectly positioned…

    Btw still waiting for the Twilight Highlands video 🙂

  4. Haha nice, I remember when one idiot told me '' don't share missinformations about wOw '' when I said '' all the continents are actually parts of ONE BIG map, even Draenor, Outland, Argus, Telogrus RifT, all the dungeons, all the raids, Darkmoon, EVERYTHING is in actually ONE World (continent) '' So, yeah.. there we go! 😀


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