When You Decide to Queue For LFR at 3 AM – World of Warcraft Shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

WoW LFR is heralded as a mystical thing. Some may seek to queue for it for “easy” gear. Others may seek to wipe and troll others. Guess which one we will run into.

I’m gonna start streaming a lot over on twitch, so make sure you follow for more mayhem: https://www.twitch.tv/therealkruciall/about

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#wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands


16 thoughts on “When You Decide to Queue For LFR at 3 AM – World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. Thank you to Notfrost for showing me the way. After claiming that tier was on reserve just like he did, I was able to get 4 pc within a week. Now time to spam rain of fire and do 30k overall in a m+

  2. Bro when Tycin's PC blew up, I freakin lost it. I was literally laughing exactly as hard as the girl with the nice voice for the rest of the video after that point. Which, coincidentally, made the experience extremely immersive! It felt like I was in the call at that point.

  3. I wish I had recorded that moment on my end.. shadowplay or some shit, whatever its called, that was the most absurd thing I’ve seen playing WoW lmao


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