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How do you make World of Warcraft Shadowlands fun? Easy, get you a tank who wants to do keys while hammered.
I made a guild!
[JFK Was Convoked]: If you want to raid with people with a cumulative iq of 6 then this guild is for you. Located on Zul’jin (NA, 10/10H) we are recruiting everyone to build up a social and friendly environment while also looking for competent and capable players to raid/grind keys with (all roles welcome.) We’re a chill guild looking to build a social environment so as long as you are not a d*ck or harass people, you’ll fit in. Raid Times: SAT/SUN 8PM-11PM EST.
My perfect tanking led us to victory…
2 locks and no gateway skip tsk tsk 😛
whats that damage text addon?:D
Do you have a video or list of all your add ons. I really do enjoy how tour ui looks
That drunk tank needs a night in the drunk tank to sober up.
Haaaaaaahahahahahaaaa…”WHO HAS THE KEY?????” Uh….not me!!!
good good another drunk dungeon video
Fertile gets to do Dungeons with you? Well, I guess I have a new person to be jealous of lol.
loved it mate <3
The flood music gave me ptsd
This shit was so funny, your vids are always so damn good lmao
But more importantly…did Oz go pee?
You probably get this question a lot. But can we find your addon setup anywhere??
I tanked once while under drugs and im didnt went well. It Was back in Legion in Vault of the Wardens.
Do you remember 2nd Boss? It was pure Chaos.
fokin legend
Man the content on this channel has really gone downhill. Just watching you do mythic+ runs is about as exciting as the current SL content.
I think Tim’s voice is the funniest and cutest 🤣
These just keep getting better
Nothing says nerd like a god dang it
What’s the Addon for health bars you have bro?
Where can I meet dudes like you to do keys with lmao
was wondering how you guys would do in the maze…then you just ran headfirst into one…
"good thing none of the mobs are ginger otherwise I wouldn't be able to use drain soul"
seen worse xD
ur tank was way too sober, i believe i can do better!
Oh God it wasn't me I seriously am plastered playing wow
At least he was drunk and not on a bad acid trip
wen't to play league, made moaning noises and then passed out…couldn't relate more to a person than this guy
whats that party frame addon and the one where it shows the key making it transparent?
This is me.
Loved the video my guy. Still laughing at the "Ohhh shiet, hwhat is that thing" wayyyy to much
Does anybody know what addons he is using ?
Does anyone know how he gets his nameplates like that? It's really cool and I want to use it too.
Ive seen this vid 7 times now. Upload please krucial senpai.
Cool Video! Does someone know which name plate add-on he uses and which profile?
Took me this long to realize that you could do Mythic+ sober. Don't know why you would want to, but it's possible.
This reminds me of the good old days my friends played games with me. Now they all say they have stuff to do and I play alone 🙁
very entertaining
3:59 i love this man 😂🤣
Reminds me of my guild in classic, always drunk to the boot on the raids but damn it's fun times 😀