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🔥NEW Official Blizzard interview reveals we will continue to see Sylvanas past 9.2 Eternity’s End!
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Sylvanas’ redemption has been all the talk pretty much since the release of Cataclysm but especially after Sanctum of Domination and her betrayal. We got the Shattered legacies cinematic where we are observing her soul being split and all of us expected either a trial or some type of a sacrifice where Sylvanas’ character will reach and end at the conclusion of the Shadowlands.
Well the most recent Blizzard interview reveals that isn’t exactly the case and we may be witnessing her razor sharp wit for years to come as they mentioned that she isn’t going anywhere. While the interview is purposefully vague it does heavily hint that Sylvanas will survive 9.2 in the end and that there might be more that awaits her after Shadowlands if over!
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Do you think Sylvanas' character should continue after Shadowlands? Also analyze your raid, m+, pvp performance completely free with SquadOV:
I think it's time for Sylvanas to step off the scene, she's a character like others who had her history and glory in the past in wow but has now become boring and forced, so I hope she never appears again in the next expansions.
They are going to "redeem" her character and pull back her character for a few expacs. It would make more sense to kill her character off considering everything she has done in terms of story but idk🤷🏾♂️ Sylvan as could come up pregnant with Anduins kid with this story writing 🤦🏾♂️🤣🤣🤣
I couldn’t disagree with you more. I still very much trust Sylvannas and I think she has been shooting for the long con against zovaal since after Arthas’s fall. I think the book next month with clear up a lot.
If she is staying they had better give her one of history's biggest redemption arcs and not just character vice
Make Sylvanas Great Again – make her Queen of the all Azeroth and united Horde and Alliance.
I honestly feel like the ending for her is kind of weak. I was hoping she would become the new jailer/arbiter to have no free will but to give other souls that enter shadowland the freedom to redeem selves or forge an after life. Now we have Pelagos as the new arbiter which is super weak lol. Unless they are still going to make her the new jailer, to forever keep the Maw at the bay sort of like Arthas at the end of WOTLK expansion, which I can sort of get behind but still weak since arbiter and jailer are one of the same.
I will always support sylvanas the most awesome character ever in wow as long as I can still her in wow then I will always remain happy
They ruined Sylvanas for me. She could die of a stroke despite not having a beating heart & I’d be like… yep sounds about right for blizzard writing.
I am honestly just tired of her being a super prominent character. I mean she has been in the last three xpac trailers. Even if she's not directly important to the story, she's used in promotion, or a prominent figure in some story within the xpac. If they're not getting rid of her, at least shelf her for a while.
Would the jump animation not just be Sylvanas jumping from icecrown citadel? As a flashback?
won't be satisfied till her head is impaled on the spires of orgrimmar
Don't say words "majority" and "most" of the players. I don't have a tools and actual numbers. I love Sylvanas.
Unpopular option, I like Sylvanas.
I liked at Syvannas before BFA. She was always a morally grey character that would do things that you will question the morality for her reasoning on things.
But, are we forgetting the trauma behind becoming forsaken? There are reasons that this builds such an interesting arc behind her story line.
Myself and all the people I play with don't want to see Sylvannas written out. She has made some of the books, and I'm sure if you've read them you'll get what they mean by her wit.
She is gonna be a quest giver in future expansions. There is will be a half ass attempt at justice where Tyrande will end up apologize for something. Most of the story will be told in the upcoming book. There will probably be a handful of mentions of her offensive war, and genocide in future storylines, but largely nothing will happen to her. I am growing to hate the warcarft story.
If the comment section is representative of player views then there is a desire for Sylvanas not to be killed off. I don't want her to be killed off and I also don't want her to be too apologetic. Instead I'd like her to regret how things worked out but defend her actions on rational grounds. There is altogether too much crying and emoting and sentimentality in wow and not enough acceptance and defence of real-politik calculation.
Yet again it's Blizzard saying "Fuck you Night Elves. You see this women who destroyed your home and lives and killed 10s of thousands of your innocents? yeah, she gets full redemption and a therapist. You guys tho? You get shit. Fuck you. HAHAHAHA"
i say whoever writes illidan, should write how sylvanas returns or dies, we had a love hate love with illidan, same like sylvanas but now its just hate for her. thats how she is "redeemed" either living or dying.
Let Blizzard make justice to Sylvans.
Cause they did plenty bad to her.
At this point, I don’t care what happens to who as long as it’s good storytelling. I know, that’s a high ask of Blizzard.
This is almost the only video i disagree with you. She has done nothing wrong to my opinion she as banshee queen and leader of forsaken was allways wanted the progress of her ppl. Even tried using valkyries to res up undead wich been rejected even by garosh and to brake the cycle of death brought to her by zovaal was her ultimate goal so she took it .by watching the cinematics in shadowlands i saw her disagreements with zovaal actions but still waiting for right action at right time. And to talk about charcter devs look what they done to other main characters saurfang that literaly was the Horde just killed (meaning the chars end not the one who killed him xd) thrall just allways escapes situations ,voljin is just got killed by a random legion guy who we kill 12 or 14 time to get a quest done and ….. .
I thought you’re joking when you said we shouldn’t be worried that she won’t be back 😀 It’s not just her ridiculous storyline, but the fact that there are many more interesting characters we didn’t get much of and the doesn’t deserve such highlight..
The previous person that screwed up Sylvanas's story in ways that NOBODY WANTED but he just pushed forward with is getting all his stuff wiped from Warcraft. Sylvanas shouldn't have to suffer from his terrible decisions. I do expect Sylvanas to take a backseat after this expansion for a little bit though, however at least now the people writing her actually give a darn about her character and where it goes, unlike the last person who just wanted to "shock shock shock!" With no idea how to resolve it.
After all the information came out, a lot more people are on board with the "fixing of a broken mess" that they are doing with Sylvanas right now. Because her character unjustly suffered behind someone that didn't care about the lore or the character and just wanted to do a "witches be crazy" storyline. Now that he's gone from Blizzard(and good riddance) the people there had to pick up the pieces and try to right as many wrongs as they could that were done to Sylvanas's character and in essence cleaning up his mess.
Sylvanas SHOULD be there after Shadowlands, and written by people that actually care about her character. Not someone whom overrules everyone else for the sake of "shocking" people.
Where is this Blizzard official interview referenced in the opening and throughout the video? I can find no such thing.
Yea sylvanas isn’t a bad character she has shit writers. She’s a good character concept executed in a boring way. All getting rid of her will do is pass the target of bad writing onto another character that doesn’t deserve it. Vul Jin didn’t deserve it, tirion didn’t deserve it, sylvanas doesn’t deserve it either. But that’s just an opinion.
I think you just live in an echo chamber. Sylvanas is incredibly popular and will always be. She’s part of the iconic villains of WC3 next to Arthas and Illidan. You can disagree and say sykvanas’s current writing is shitty – but she is absolutely not unpopular. Most of your videos with her name in the title have big views for a good reason. Hate her or like her – you’re still thinking and talking about her, thus keeping her infamy up.
Sylvanas become next jailer of maw? If she invade arzeroth I will defeat her.
i would be more sad if the spider in my roomcorner would die then sylvanas
Getting fooled by the jailor and attempting to save the world by trying to kill everyone definitely razor sharp wit.
At this point might aswell call the game WoS. World of Sylvanas.
I really do dislike the WoW fans we have left at this point, either blatantly blind or willfully ignorant about the story and Blizzard, or even just fully aware, but willing to simp no matter what 😩
20 bucks says they still don’t explain why Elune didn’t just let Tyrande kill her. Or why Blizzard hates their own night elves so much xD
YEPPP they're justifying sylvanas; i quit. FOREVER… Had enough of this shit.
I think it's hilarious you didn't link this interview in any fashion.
sylvanas should 100% not have been redeemed… she should have left to be in the shadows and she could be an "ally" for both factions but only for the player character. she would maybe give some legendary quests or could be something completely optional depending on how you feel about sylvanas
Time to cancel my World of Sylvanas subscription
I think that she's going to step down as the leader of the Forsaken and appoint Calia Menethil. I think she's going to be working in the shadows on some "project" and seeking atonement for what she's done. But I don't think she's going to be a major character anymore
Her "not going anywhere" could be a lot more literal than we think. Sylvanas might be diving into the maw, to assume the role of the jailer, wher she spends the rest of eternity to undo the damage she did. Release the night elf souls, and perhaps those of others that have been unjustly trapped in the maw and restore the cosmological order in the shadowlands out of guilt.
If they want to make this really good I'd say let her final act be something meaningful for the forsaken to show deep down she did truly care for them. Perhaps she releases and/or completes their souls too, helping them to become more true to who they once were.
Her character should have ended after Wrath of the Lich King. I was one of the very few people who found her impossible to root for ever since Cataclysm.
Victory for Sylvanas!
Y’all stuck on the vibe of hating and claiming bad storylines.just let it go.
There should be capital punishmnet for clickbaiting, change my mind.
I like Sylvanas i thought they will just end her with one raid i'm glad she will stay and continue her story
I personally think. It's not 95%, of ppl who would b mad. It's 50% there are numerous of people almost half the wow population that absolutely adore sylvanas. I am one of them. Which is why they went with this decision most likely. It's just the sylvanas hate train is alot louder than the love people speak on her. She deserves a redemption arc. And I would like to see it. But if we want to be technical. Most of the ppl who complain about her burning teld, are mostly pvpers who kill innocent quest givers and random trade merchants and massacre cities themselves. So ppl need to stop being hypocrites. Can't wait to see her story
lol you are so wrong about sylvanas..people loved that character they dont want her gone they want her returned to what she used to be and not be taken down this fart arc of a story..its just hard to see anyway for them to bring her back to what she was. its like watching a good friend go down a bad dont want them dead and gone lol you want them back