Where To Farm Death Blossom WoW Shadowlands Gold Making Guide

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1 thought on “Where To Farm Death Blossom WoW Shadowlands Gold Making Guide”

  1. Im on trollbane server, auction there is broken.. No one buys anything and price of darkmoon decks is too low to even craft them.. Its like 1000 – 2000 gold .. Barely any profit. I really don't know what to sell. I use to buy like 150k deathblossom for 151k gold then mill it and create decks and i wouldn't ever sell them maybe like 4 -5 of them in 2 3 weeks xD.. So i started selling cards individually still barely any profit.. Now i tried selling raw materials and I got like 2k gold profit which is very low and now i really dont know what to sell XD… Missives are like 35 gold XD but when I figure out how much i spent for 1 is like 150 gold 200 gold.. very bad server i guess.. Inflation hitting us irl and wow


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