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Why are Indestructible items still in Warcraft? #warwithin #dragonflight #gamer #gaming #gamingcommunity #twitchclips #worldofwarcraft #game #gamingvideos #mmorpg #openworldgames #warcraft
Indestructible mean no repairs needed?
I think its not bad for pvp players as you die alot but otherwise
Indestructible is garbage vs literally any other bonus. The only real value is if you are progging and don't want to leave for repairs. But there are repair bots. And also, the rest of your gear is busted. Maybe if it made ALL of your other pieces indestructible as well. But even then, I'd rather have a socket or leech or speed or avoidance. So literally, anything else
I would rather have that over leech😅
It 100% does add value. What you meant to say is it doesnt add much
I can't fathom the cosmic level of greed required to equip a full set of indestructible gear.
It was great in diablo 2, when you had ethereal items that were 20% stronger but couldn't be repaired. Getting indestructible on those babies was fantastic.
I like it but it’s nothing worth saving the item over. There’s a lot more important stats in game like leech and haste