26 thoughts on “Why Does Everything Glow in Retail WoW?”
Such an old and tired complaint. The “paragraphs of text” in Classic only ever contained one or two sentences of valuable information. Quests in WoW have always been incredibly simple: go to X, kill Y. Expansions since Classic just made it so you can skip the one or two sentences and get straight to the point, the thing we care about, which is playing the game. Funnily enough, the single most popular addon in Classic WoW is “Questie,” which turns the questing process into that of modern WoW, eliminating the need to read quest text at all. You can whine that people don’t want to read paragraphs every time they’re asked to kill 10 boars, something they’ll do hundreds of times between lvl 1 and max, but those paragraphs are still there for you to read if you love them so much, and they’re not hidden behind menus. Every time you accept a quest the first thing that happens is the quest text appears and you click “accept.” Paragraph Andies get the option to read their precious text every single time they right click a dude. The rest of us have shit to do.
I started playing wow at 12 I went from RuneScape (osrs now lol) to WoW. I made an undead mage and had the time of my life questing and leveling solo. I died ALOT but I also learned how to survive as a frost mage. Questing though, maaaan it was work lol. No addons or help. Okay yeah I did look online for some quests but for the most part it took a lot of time to get stuff done but it was fucking amazing. Retail is much faster and I guess you could say easier. But I love retail as well.
Game really went from an MMORPG to an MMO on rails. There are no roleplaying aspects left, since the path is laid out in front of you with glowing arrows and you're punished by not following that path.
To be fair, classic will give you a quesy where you have you talk to Blendar the recluse and you're basically going "where the heck is this guy?" For 2 hours until you accidentally find him. But by then the quest is gray
After playing classic from retail (i played vanilla back in the day) I can only ask one question. If you have to think for every quest. Why are so many WoW classic players so fucking bad?
Retail WoW took all the QoL mods and just put them in the game by default. I remember discovering them and thinking the game was WAY more playable cuz I didn’t have to constantly read and reread nonsense to figure out what I was doing with my 20 chicken heads or whoever tf Bolvar the Chameleon was and where he went
I don't blame blizzard here. I blame the players. I blame them because they all downloaded all those horrible addons that put you on rails and optimized the roleplaying out of the game. And then they made you feel like crap for not running 20 of them. Blegh. Blizzard just decided "ok, if this is what you want, I'll do them myself"
I loved classic so much because it was very easy to determine who was actually good at the game and put in some hours to be good at the game vs some scrubs who thought they had it all figured out. Yes it's anoying when you get older to have to put in so many hours in a game but that's also exactly why it was so popular in the beginning. This is how you start an addiction. The rest of WoW was just manipulation to keep playing the game. It wasn't as good anymore. They diverted into giving you small pieces of a puzzle to keep you hooked like raids for 10/20 people or PVP arena. People honestly dont understand good games anymore. Good games are where you spend most of your time not just because you are addicted but because you want to explore and find out more stuff and learn more
ok grandpa lets get you to bed. seriously who the fuck cares about this guys opinions on wow? major old man holier-than-thou back-in-my-day vibes from this. day9 never heard of UX development before? yes classic is like that and retail is like this because of decades of development figuring out what works best.
Man, as someone that sometimes reads the quests' text, they don't really tell you much, even if you read them, cause the game expects you to do certain inputs and not role play the quest. I don't get why some people complain a obout this simplification; it was always simple, you know just know what simple thing to do right out the bat.
Such an old and tired complaint. The “paragraphs of text” in Classic only ever contained one or two sentences of valuable information. Quests in WoW have always been incredibly simple: go to X, kill Y. Expansions since Classic just made it so you can skip the one or two sentences and get straight to the point, the thing we care about, which is playing the game. Funnily enough, the single most popular addon in Classic WoW is “Questie,” which turns the questing process into that of modern WoW, eliminating the need to read quest text at all. You can whine that people don’t want to read paragraphs every time they’re asked to kill 10 boars, something they’ll do hundreds of times between lvl 1 and max, but those paragraphs are still there for you to read if you love them so much, and they’re not hidden behind menus. Every time you accept a quest the first thing that happens is the quest text appears and you click “accept.” Paragraph Andies get the option to read their precious text every single time they right click a dude. The rest of us have shit to do.
VoiceOver add on adds voices to Classic
I started playing wow at 12 I went from RuneScape (osrs now lol) to WoW. I made an undead mage and had the time of my life questing and leveling solo. I died ALOT but I also learned how to survive as a frost mage. Questing though, maaaan it was work lol. No addons or help. Okay yeah I did look online for some quests but for the most part it took a lot of time to get stuff done but it was fucking amazing. Retail is much faster and I guess you could say easier. But I love retail as well.
This dude is pathetic lmao
I love day9 😂😂😎😍☺️
Elder of Scrolls Morrowind is the worst game I've played with quest tab and quest progression
Great game. This is my only complaint about thw game
Remember the days of Ventrilo and Thottbot?
Game really went from an MMORPG to an MMO on rails. There are no roleplaying aspects left, since the path is laid out in front of you with glowing arrows and you're punished by not following that path.
Meanwhile at FFXIV…
To be fair, classic will give you a quesy where you have you talk to Blendar the recluse and you're basically going "where the heck is this guy?" For 2 hours until you accidentally find him. But by then the quest is gray
Thoughthammer do be pounding eh??
After playing classic from retail (i played vanilla back in the day) I can only ask one question. If you have to think for every quest. Why are so many WoW classic players so fucking bad?
Everything he is commenting about came from addons that WoW incorporated into the game. its SYMO Sucks You Missed Out.
"where's rexxar"
This guy talking about 4 to 8 sentences like it's a 300 page novel
Day9 has truly evolved into a WoW player, shitting on the game from Day1. Literally anyone used Thottbot for everything back in vanilla.
Oh my god, its yellow paint!
Retail WoW took all the QoL mods and just put them in the game by default. I remember discovering them and thinking the game was WAY more playable cuz I didn’t have to constantly read and reread nonsense to figure out what I was doing with my 20 chicken heads or whoever tf Bolvar the Chameleon was and where he went
he stole my mug
I don't blame blizzard here. I blame the players.
I blame them because they all downloaded all those horrible addons that put you on rails and optimized the roleplaying out of the game.
And then they made you feel like crap for not running 20 of them. Blegh.
Blizzard just decided "ok, if this is what you want, I'll do them myself"
everyone uses quest marker addons in vanilla except the absolute noobs who probably mouse click on their abilities, ew
I loved classic so much because it was very easy to determine who was actually good at the game and put in some hours to be good at the game vs some scrubs who thought they had it all figured out. Yes it's anoying when you get older to have to put in so many hours in a game but that's also exactly why it was so popular in the beginning. This is how you start an addiction. The rest of WoW was just manipulation to keep playing the game. It wasn't as good anymore. They diverted into giving you small pieces of a puzzle to keep you hooked like raids for 10/20 people or PVP arena. People honestly dont understand good games anymore. Good games are where you spend most of your time not just because you are addicted but because you want to explore and find out more stuff and learn more
This is amusing cos all Classic players download Questie anyway
Classic/Vanilla WoW was about the journey. Retail WoW is about the destination.
ok grandpa lets get you to bed. seriously who the fuck cares about this guys opinions on wow? major old man holier-than-thou back-in-my-day vibes from this. day9 never heard of UX development before? yes classic is like that and retail is like this because of decades of development figuring out what works best.
Man, as someone that sometimes reads the quests' text, they don't really tell you much, even if you read them, cause the game expects you to do certain inputs and not role play the quest. I don't get why some people complain a obout this simplification; it was always simple, you know just know what simple thing to do right out the bat.