Why Everyone is Excited for Warbands (War Within's BEST Feature)

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This is why everyone is excited for Warbands, the best and most-requested feature coming in the War Within. In this short rant video, Nixxiom geeks out about this upcoming addition to World of Warcraft, detailing why exactly Warbands are such a big deal and why they will be so impactful to the game.

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50 thoughts on “Why Everyone is Excited for Warbands (War Within's BEST Feature)”

  1. What I and my guildies really didn't enjoy in DF was that they introduced raids one by one. And then by the end of the expansion, they reintroduced said raids as "awakened".
    That's all fine.
    But only one raid is awakened each week in a role.
    They could've just awakened all the raids by the end of the season and let us choose what we wanted.
    Also the awakened raids dropped season 4 gear.
    They could've made it drop previous season gears with up to date item level and let us choose which one we wanted.
    That way not everyone would be wearing the exact same set.
    It doesn't even matter if they change the color of those gears because people are already drowning in transmogs.
    More player freedom is almost always better.

  2. New player here, I think this is great! I feel lucky coming into the game and this coming out so soon x'D Not having a shared bank between characters is wild when many other MMORPGs already implement that, i was suprised they hadn't yet. With what I've seen so far from the most recent updates and expansions, I think WoW is making a lot of quality of life changes and really trying to get new players on board as well.. and I think it's working 🙂

  3. You still have to level Alts individually though right can’t just have one character and then transfer levels to another like final fantasy can have all jobs or classes from one toon I guess

  4. I can only imagine how difficult it is to add complex features like these into a game engine designed in 2002. I mean look at the "Player Backpack". For YEARS they told us they couldn't make it any bigger because it was so deeply embedded into the old code. The finally added 4 slots to it, but as I understand, even this was a monumental hack of the ancient source code.

  5. Hopefully the war and backgrounds have different idle animations. Like their shoulder be class ones that unlock. Like rogue sharpening its blades sitting down. A mage conjuring a magic ball or something cool like that

  6. Keep in mind reputation isn’t fully shared. Whatever character has the most reputation with a given faction is what all characters will be able to benefit from. So for example, if a Paladin is max reputation with Valdrakken, your mage who is at just 2 reputation can buy max level faction rewards. However if your Paladin got to 14 reputation with Honor Hold and you logged into your mage to farm Honor Hold reputation, none of it would really count until the mage reached 14 as well.

  7. Wow is lame now after seeing all the bs, sod, cata ,calssic ,dragon flight,the war within n im so done wow fell of and paying more attention to women is were my time will. Be so glad i quit that loser shit

  8. yeahhhh 5:20… You're 100% wrong. you cant just transmog whatever onto whatever you can just unlock all gear appearances… So getting plate on your mage will just unlock that plate item for your plate wearers. this is why we can't trust youtubers. so much misinformation.

  9. Shut uuuuuuup Nixxiom. I unsubed long ago because all you do is hating on wow and blizzard in general. I clicked on your video to see if something changed, and it doesnt. Screw you.
    I dont know how do you even have some fun from your videos. All you do it hate shit.

  10. And they still won't simply do the GW2 Reagent Bank. It's so simple… it's right there… it's better than anything they've tried to come up with in the last 12 years. And they just won't copy/paste like they did to GW2 mounts in Dragonflight.

  11. Dunno what friend circles you go in nixxiom but i bet its boys dressing up as fantasy. No one is excited about the war withing. Read the room. Most of us are very pissed off on watining for good stuff on Our Money

  12. one of the other things the warband gives is that for each max level toon you have, the more experience alts earn, so it gets easier the more toons you level

  13. Not once while i played from TBC to WoD have i ever heard anyone wanting account wide progression. MMORPG are supposed to be about making decisions and sacrifices. once in awhile i see these wow videos and changes, never encouraging to hop in again.

  14. Hmmmmmmmmmm, that mmo's are time sinks is what I personally feel it should be. That's a big part of what I like about mmo's, and you're kinda admitting it yourself in the video, because you're going out of your way to sink more time into it by creating alts. If mmo's ends up being a 30 min to 1 hour type of game per character, it is gonna feel very instanced, and not very mmo, because you're not gonna end up running into the same person 3 hours later (or even the next day, week, month, year, or ever again).

  15. This is nice and all, but what about the actual content in this expansion..? I hope they aren't going to put out an anemic expansion, and then hope everyone gets blinded by this feature long enough to make their money while trying to finish the beta using us as their usual guinea pigs. I hope this is as awesome as it looks, but blizz has a track record of doing the latter.

  16. What a bunch of whining tbh, whats next, that blizzard has to provide a botting service so you dont have to do shit at all? leveling an alt isnt a waste of time if you choose to level an alt because you want to. Making it sounds like a job instead of playing a game. Yes mmo's are time consuming, thats part of this genre, doing the same quests can be fun still since your leveling a different character wich you choose yourself to do so, because you thought it would be fun. Doing it for the 25th time okay yea thats getting boring, but this is literally for everything you do in what game your playing or irl. Account wide progress is bs aswell, ye didnt grinded that rep on that character so why would it make sense to be exalted on it and benefit from that from the start. tbh sounds like if all these things bother people then an mmo rpg isnt for you. Or play casually and accept the fact that if you play casually you wont be able to achieve everything even if you want to. If you want to then put the effort in.

  17. what war within are you brining us Microsoft? downsized battlegrounds? (40v40) no tol borad, no 120v120 wintergrasp. Ohhh your bloated graphic engine cant take it, but its a good idea to add more bloat and release an expansion.. Brilliant


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