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I'm a complete whore for spec gameplay. I'll take rotational flavor over visual flavor every day of the week. I don't get to pay attention to my character & spell visuals in keys anyway. I'll just match my mog to the hero spec and that's good enough for me. That'll be easier with the mog acquisition changes anyway. I am not disappoint.
Having only cosmetic changes is nice only for specs that are meta and functional. As a Mistweaver main, the one spec that has been notoriously memed at for 3 xpacks in a row (I know it was strong in some patches, but still never played for a long list of reasons and still the buggiest spec with the biggest amount of dead talents and nonsensical design) I am more than happy to see new content being added on top of the spec so it can finally be more functional. If by miracle one of our hero tree can help the fistweaver gameplay significantly and tie the spec together I'll be happy. I don't care about the meta, I don't care about min-maxxing if both are playable, different and fun I will be super happy.
At the end of the day it's "just" having more nodes in the talent tree, the big difference is that you choose one big cluster of branches among X (2 for now, presumably more in the future) but technically it's the same concept.
Also Guild Wars 2 might be a messy game with messy balancing (because the devs working on the game are blind to the meta) but their specialization system and elite specializations is essentially a very similar concept to hero talents and it sort of kind of work. Many classes in GW2 have different niches thanks to their elite specializations and can change their rotation/gameplay a lot thanks to that.
The system might be a bit simplistic and good vs bad option for the war within but in my opinion it's one of the best features wow could have had as an evergreen feature. If every xpack we get 1, maybe 2 more hero trees per class it will give us so many options to choose from and adapt your spec to each situation. Even if there's an objectively better hero set for each situation you still have so much more variety.
And anyway there will always be a meta pick. Saying I want this to only be cosmetic can be pushed to the extreme. Why not only having classes being cosmetic and strandardizing 3 gameplay for the 3 roles? I'm exaggerating but it's the same line of thinking. What's the difference between every caster dps? High-end players often just choose the meta option and roll with it just to be competitive. We are already living in this situation anyway.
Easy way to avoid player power issue: all dps get one single target ability, all tanks get a mitigation, all healers get a heal. Then yeah, everything else is cosmetic. Would feel a bit hollow to be 100% cosmetic. Maybe they all get a fun non-combat skill too
I'm just hoping one of the hero specs makes me feel like old school survival. I miss my elemental hunter damage 😔
My guy, you really need to try out GW2, experience what evergreen content really is, and understand the reason it can never work in a system that runs baseline on vertical progression.
I'm so tired of seeing various WoW creators saying they want evergreen content without understanding that WoW would break if you added evergreen content since it went against the core gameplay loop. Evergreen content is one of those things that sounds good and it needs a gameplay loop of horizontal progression to work.
How would a heroic raider know whats good or not
Pack Leader better mean that I can make a full party with my pets! I want a tank, healer, and 2 DPS pets out at all times! How else can you be a pack leader without a pack of animals out to lead?
I’m probably gonna be happy with this system no matter what. I love my Dracthyr, and currently play all specs, so I’ll continue to enjoy her no matter what. And all I want out of Druid of the Claw is to be more bear and more cat at the same time. I would also be happy with becoming the Ultimate Lazer Bear, so I expect I’ll find something I love between the two.
I want to Colossus Warrior to be permanently bigger than other characters. We need MASSIVE TAURENS 😎
Druid of the claw is feral and resto, coz of kitty weaving
I agree them being cosmetic would be cool but then everyone would complain there's no new talents. And if they were still player power focused with cosmetic attachments then ppl would complain they can't have free choice of those cosmetics and talents to mix and match. The way they're planning will result in the least amount of upset people. Tali just happens to be one of those people this time.
I would like both, thematic abilities with some slight combinations of the two talents, so retribution can be more tanky, or support better
I want to play a Shadow Priest with Bloodmagic skin based on Revendreth.
I totally agree Tali, they will miss the opportunity to do Hero-Talents like they did the Class,-and Orderhall-campaign in Legion. Hero Talents caould be so immersive including a classstory, cosmetics, quests, titels and even mounts. But i will be an empty shell of what it could have been.
The sad thing is that it actually feels like Covenant choice all over. It should have been purely cosmetic, but it wasn’t, and that forced people into certain builds to be accepted into groups. Alas, we all know how the community is, and the moment flavor and power are connected, power becomes the necessary choice even though only a limited fraction of players get involved in content hard enough for talent choice to truly matters more than the actual player skill.
People say no immediate plans, I'm sure the devs are all listening to the audiences that are asking questions etc and probably often think "that's a good idea, we could probably get that done before 11.0 etc and the players will lose their minds!". I'm sure it happens 🙂 I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Augvoker came to be! 😛 I was more surprised that Evoker got a 3rd spec before Demon Hunters lol
Evitel literally popped a baby out on the bed with no help. She don't need no dragon glyphs. 😀
I want both. Maybe not even conected. But I want more than just "2% of fire dmg applied to 3 more enemies around your target". I want some real changes. Pyroblast instead of ice lance, fire blast instead of flurry. I want to open with frostbolt, then fire and pyro blast and end with glacial spike. I want frost nova and fire meteors (yeah, I'm one of the 4 main mages remain in retail), I want some crazy stuff, a real change to the class, not just some extra tunning for the frost build I've been using FOR 20 YEARS STRAIGHT. THAT'S WHAT FROSTFIRE MEANS, BLIZZARD. And having the ice-fire with it's own "shadowflame-ice" aesthetic will be cherry on top.
I just want my Dark Ranger to look like Alleria's void form
I think had they explained what hero talents were before showing the trailer there wouldn't have been as much disappointment. Because when I saw that trailer and it said "Customize your class with hero talents" as this dude came out launching electric orbs, I 100% thought it meant we were getting class skins. And I love these new talents. It's a super cool idea, but I think it was just bad marketing for it 😂
I think with many hybrid classes it will be off healing/ maybe buffing so to offset that there is only 1 support spec.
So balance druid can be either dd bdruid or heal/support bdruid for m+ !
Yes, purely cosmetic please!
Haven't filled out the entire tree, whats the point i go fast and the tree will be gone in 11.0
I want it to affect gameplay honestly
I agree. I want it to be more cosmetic
I think it would be cool if, for example, one of the Hunter "hero specs" was just called "Ranger" rather than "Dark Ranger", but then the choice nodes in that tree allow you to customise whether or not your Ranger is more of a traditional elven, nature-aligned ranger, or more embroiled in the dark arts of Sylvanas' ilk. They could have small gameplay differences, but also different cosmetic spell effects that reflect this. The same could go for maybe a "Knight" option for Paladins. One may offer more links to a Knight of the Silver Hand and a traditional paladin, whereas the other choices could lean more into the old Blood Knight fantasy.
Not sure I like the general suggestion here, though. For one, it certainly seems like many of these things could be dealt with by new Glyphs (which honestly feel long overdue, give scribes some fun new shit!), and similar things. I think it's long overdue to get rid of armor-type limitations for transmog purposes. Like Tali says, not to equip, just for transmog purposes. I also think warglaives should be able to be equipped by anyone that could wield the original ones available, like rogues and warriors.
I'm not sure why they decided to call them Hero Talents and give very specific new class Titles / Specialisation / WC3 Hero Unit Names whatever you want to call them.
Any player that has been playing WoW for a minute or is even old enough to have played WC3 back in the day will instantly think about changing how your class looks based on the names alone.
Why Dark Ranger but no dark purple smoke and that Sylvanas Dark Ranger vibe ?
Why Keeper of the Groove but no proper nature visuals which druid out of all classes is lacking because they decided to make them space chickens instead of tree hugers ?
Aldrachi Reaver ? Have they forgotten who the Aldrachi were ? These talents won't show 1% of what an Aldrachi was.
And so on, like I don't mind the new talent system that they want to bring, it's actually an interesting take on talents. But the whole naming is so misleading and making you want for more than what it is, especially since this is something a lot of players have been wanting for years.
I agree with you, but we saw the little video, the warrior one with lighting efect arround.
I hate the ideia of being a Zandalari paladin or druid and use the same spell efects of a human or nightelf, fury of elune for zandalari druids? When we have all the lore in bfa, I always hate it.
Tali, Elune's chosen is balance and bear. Bears use a lot of balance type spells. The whole right side of the bear tree is all about buffing moonfire. The capstone is Lunar Beam which is just a massive beam of moon light that attacks enemies.
They have talents like "Elune's favored" and "Galactic Guardian and Scintillating Moonlight".
"Hero spec" should be a massive expansion to the philosophy of "easy to play, hard to master".
The kind of specs that you will not get a performance boost out of unless you are REALLY GOOD at it.
They already have "easy mode" in LFR… and with follower dungeons they're about to introduce "games journalist mode". I want to see the game start rewarding competency.
Kinda sad some iconic ones are missing in name. Argent Crusader, Ravenholdt Assassin, Netherlord, etc etc etc.
My holy ranged DPS still isn’t meant to be (ret priest aka ligjt themed spriest). I want it so bad man…..