Why I QUIT Shadowlands?!?

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Accolonn discusses his reasons for QUITING World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

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36 thoughts on “Why I QUIT Shadowlands?!?”

  1. People keep saying that Torghast was supposed to be wow’s version of deep dungeons, but I absolutely hated Torghast within a couple weeks. I still dig the challenge of trying to get my potd Necromancer title. I don’t know why, but I just think everything is so much more fun in FF. Rotations are more involved. Raids have more movement and keep you engaged and moving/active. The only thing wow does better is transmog, imo.

  2. You are right you that if the MMO isn’t for you then you shouldn’t play. But I think you’ve gone and drunk the Haterade and nothing Blizzard does will make you happy until public sentiment changes. It’s “cool” to hate on ABK and there are good reasons to be mad at them. But I think people are jumping the bandwagon of hate because hate on the internet is the meme.

    I’m kinda glad you are quitting WOW because the negative attitude is getting old and I’d rather see Soul in my feed than your piss and vinegar. When you start getting excited about lore and speculations, perhaps I’ll be back.

    I respect your opinion and that was mine.

  3. Maybe – if the current story telling direction that Blizzard have chosen to take us on was a new IP, a new game, a new setting – it will work and perhaps it will find its own audience who will appreciate it and find it interesting enough to take part in it.
    However, trying to forcefully shove the existing lore of WoW into this new narrative, I find it very artificial, out of character, and non-functional. No matter how much you try to justify it and attempt to logically explain its existence in the WoW universe, you cannot avoid the fact that it completely dilutes the historical story line and deems it irrelevant.
    This is exactly why every devoted WoW player has been severely critical of this new lore direction. Through our in-game characters, our "avatars", we have taken part in building this universe for decades now. Most of us take pride in it. Trying to constantly devalue these efforts and diminish the world that has been built with so much passion is very disrespectful to both – the players who took part in it and the lore itself.
    They already have a beautifully detailed world and lore we have loved for a very long time now. It's a huge part of what made the game so successful in the first place. They need to stop trying to erase the past and create new realities, and instead learn how to make the existing world richer and bring some life back into it. The current creators are proving to be incapable of it. They have no respect for the world, no respect for its inhabitants, and above all no respect for the player.

  4. I think you're overestimating the number of people working on WoW. You wouldn't be able to put 200 people there and 200 people there and 200 people there and another 200 over there doing all of this shit, given there's probably 5-8 devs max doing all of the class balancing n'shit, as transpired from interviews with ex employees, so imagine how many people they'd have on developing side content.

  5. Think of MMOs like food. WoW is pizza. You love it. You've eaten it everyday for years. You're burnt out and somebody tells you the pizza place has had health code violations for YEARS.

    Then a buddy hands you a hamburger (FFXIV). And you find a new love. Doesn't mean you'll never eat pizza again…but you see there's more out there. So that pizza needs to MAKE you love it again.

  6. I know for a fact that I will never run out of things to do in FFXIV… even now, having finished the MSQ for Endwalker. Precisely because none of their systems are left to rot, like Blizzard leaves its old content to rot.

    I mean yes… the farm in Mists of Pandaria was incredible… I loved spending time tending to that… and how much it incentivised getting my cooking skill up… because I had those farm fresh ingredients ready to cook food that would provide buffs for those fun raids from that time. How I would have loved to grow farm fresh ingredients for food to buff raids in WoD, Legion and everything else going forward.

    Yes… the garrison, much as a lot of people love to gripe about how it killed the social element of the game… was one of the things I actually enjoyed in WoD… building it up into a prosperous town. In a way it evoked memories of classic Warcraft before it was an MMO. It was a poor substitute for player housing but having that base of operations felt like we were someone important to the campaign.

    Yes… the Order Halls in Legion were incredible. From a lore standpoint it meant bringing together the greatest members of all of the respective classes in Azeroth to a common cause. But why should that common cause end after Legion? As a paladin main with the Alliance, it was so disappointing that my next encounter with Lady Liadrin was as an enemy after all we went through together… for no other reason than the fact that Sylvanas wanted to send as many souls as she could into Zovaal's grasp… which is obviously not something Liadrin would be cool with… nor would any paladin Alliance or Horde would be cool with. Having that Order Hall where we can all, regardless of faction debate whether or not this whole Fourth War is going to lead to any good would have been something that would have been a welcome addition considering the Order Halls were something that transcended faction allegiances and bridged that gap.

    Even if that call for unity was to end in failure… the fact that there was at the very least an attempt… it would certainly pay respect to how far the two factions had come and what they achieved in taking down even the Burning Legion itself when they put aside their differences. I mean that's been a constant in WoW ever since it was still good. Alliance and Horde for all of their differences can only triumph against the big bads that threaten Azeroth when they can put aside their differences and focus on taking down the big bad.

    Of course, one of the problems Shadowlands has is that there is no actual reason for the Alliance and Horde to be fighting one another anymore. And yet Blizzard still hamfists that system into it. I mean neither faction benefits from Zovaal winning. Neither faction gains any upper hand fighting against the other for a realm neither can possibly stay in long term. A realm that cares nothing for which race or faction a soul belongs to… only which afterlife best suits that individual soul according to their Arbiter. And of course nobody from either faction wants their soul or any they care about to end up in The Maw.

    And yet for all of that those who chose to remain loyal to Sylvanas in BfA are also screwed, because they end up joining the rest of us in opposing her and her master anyway. And there is no nuance at all. Just one minute she believes he will deliver the kind of universe she's down with, and then the next is 'i WiLL nEvER sErVE!!!!1!!!1!'… and then the moment after that is this same thing Blizzard did with Sarah Kerrigan in Starcraft 2… only not as well.

    After having experienced Final Fantasy XIV to the end of Endbringer… I don't even know if I can ever possibly go back to WoW… even in the best case scenario where they somehow turn things around and they make it good again. FFXIV just set the bar so high with their next level storytelling and lore.

  7. As much as I could hope for the game to get an entire rework, and as much as I could hope for all-class-more-races (involve current NPC races) and maybe even unlocking additional flexibility for current classes (gather extra spells to make your DPS more attuned to Tank or Healer), we will never have that with the current WoW Team.

    For all the 'inclusiveness' being spouted, they are dedicated to ONE flavor of ice-cream, and that is to repurpose content to their political culture and only that culture. And they don't even play their own game, so why should it matter? It boggles the mind just trying to figure out the "why", and I think it's because they all just want to see the World burn.

  8. the simple problem with WoW is just the fact that every time they release even a patch ..
    everything that came before immediately gets thrown into the "not relevant anymore"-dumpster.
    for the class order halls .. it would be nice to have them as the location for the weekly box, have a questline to open new portals to the new places ..
    just have it work as the nexus that connects everything .. you would not even need to put new content in there .. just as a starting point for quests, maybe a weapon forge or something similar where you can change stuff around … stuff like this

  9. Ion hates warlock… the guy should have never been a lead developer. He is not a "team player". He's literally saying to people that "i don't want you to play like this"… Worst part, yes what you said its true. They don't even need to redesign anything into the game to save it. They already have all the assets and systems in it to do so… Now in order to see it, well that is simple, they will need their own Yoshi to do it. But allas, Bob will never allow this. He will lose money if he do from the token >XP….

  10. . I gotta say tho… as an actual game developer, it really sounds like you have no idea how things work haha I wish wow was as easy to fix as you make it sound, but sadly it is not. The game is faar too fucked to be fixed easily.
    Theres some stuff easier than other, of course. Some would literally take a few days for 1 dev, true.

    I hope to someday perhaps enjoy wow again, but as many others, I am loving ff14 so so much 🙂

  11. I love wow, mostly just the setting and lore, but Blizzard is making that part harder and harder. I guess I have fallen into more of the collection business every since N'Zoth and the let down that raiding an old god was. I guess it's my fault for equating the excitement of C'thun and Yogg-Saron to how much better Blizzard could do in modern day, I was wrong. So now I have pretty much stopped raiding and that really does kind of kill the enthusiasm for me in the game.

    Meanwhile, been playing FFXIV for a little over 2 years now and man, the difference is amazing. The story is so much more exciting and unpredictable, you actually feel emotions playing it or at least I did. I love that my character is a part of the story and not some abstract idea. I literally have lists of things I want to do kept in OneNote and it is growing, not shrinking. The great thing about it too, do to design of the game, there is no FOTM so I don't have to prioritize any of it. It really is an amazing game and I wish WoW would steal some ideas from it.

  12. In WoW I went yesterday to a lot of the old cities and areas, omg they are dead, probably 95% of population are always in the current expansion main city, but the rest of the world is so dead, while in FFXIV regardless of the area you are there are people ,old areas, new areas , anywhere you find people, for an MMORPG that is just valuable

  13. I haven't even level capped a character in Shadowlands. I bought the game, installed it, got on it, got to the first zone, and then it hit me that it's literally the very same thing as every expansion. I logged off and never progressed any further

  14. When I played Legion, I didn't know that class order halls wouldn't go over into BFA. I leveled Paladin just to be in the order hall. I believe later they said something about it not going forward for BFA.. was so disappointed. . I love the idea of hanging out with all the NPCs of (insert most classes) from WoW's past/present.
    It feels purposeful that they have all these amazing characters and your only allowed 10-30 minutes an expansion to spend time with them in any type of meaningful way. 🙁
    When I look back… there was so much content that was "small" that was never carried forward or expanded upon in WoW…
    I truly hope one day WoW returns to the King of MMOs, I would love to hop back on.

  15. I haven't played wow really since Wrath of the Lich King I only really played to see Arthas' story come to an end I loved warcraft 3 I never liked MMOs really the only reason I watch all these cinematics and lore videos is so I can see if Arthas I actually coming back or not I just hope that when blizzard do show him to use again in person instead of a flash back I hope they don't mess him up that's all I want just to get 5 more minutes of the character I fell in love with all those years ago

  16. I'm sorry, but the game has lost me forever. I can't trust Blizzard anymore. I can't trust Activision anymore. They can't fix the game because these systems would just be turned into cash shop things. And you know I'm right. The systems failed, even though they had all the money and time to make them amazing. They don't move features forward.

    By the way, Garrisons sucked. They were never good at anything besides making WoW into a mobile game. They are tarnished for that reason alone. As much as Acc says he's not on the copium, he's got some in there.

  17. You do realize that in this case, you need Bobby, Ian, Activision or any Soul Goodman in marketing to have no way to veto you, because they ARE arrogant enough to think that they know better than anyone else on the planet.

  18. I legitimately think I might still be playing the game if a million different things weren't tied to player power. I mean, that's not quite true, I uninstalled Bnet and deleted my payment info when the lawsuits went public. But realistically, I quit shadowlands about two weeks in. I leveled 50-60 on my main, I enjoyed it just okay, I hit cap, I looked at all the things I had to do week 1 and realized I was behind, and just said fuck it. All these chores just for the privilege of raiding. What, I'm stuck doing the kiddie-proofed version of the raid just because I have a job and other games I play? Yeah, a heroic pug COULD let me in, but they're not going to and anyone who plays the fricking game knows that.

  19. "I'll fix WoW!"
    Accolonn walks into Blizzard
    "Anyone who believes they can make something awesome raise their hands"
    No one raises their hands
    "Ok. Anyone who thinks we need an androgynous non-binary race in WoW raise their hands"
    Everyone raises their hands
    Accolonn walks out

  20. I really hope WoW can get it together, the one silver lining is all the issues have finally come to the surface and they're forced to fix things in game and out, or the game will die. They can only go up at this point and the good thing about them blatantly copying FF14 now is, maybe they'll actually put care into the story and stop forcing players to do things they don't want to. Everything they need is already there but they keep squandering it.

  21. i downed the first raid and never returned.
    From start to finish, that shit was boring.
    Even if i wanted to return i cant, theyre systems prevent returning players. (forever behind)
    Not that i would, but just another example of why their systems fucking suck.

  22. Totally. So many things in game become obsolete soon as a new X-Pac comes out. Compare that to FFXIV. The crafting is relevant and useful hell fishing is a whole mini game. Towns are lively. Old dungeons are still relevant due to syncing.


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