Why I stopped playing World of Warcraft

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This is my personal experience playing wow lately. I’m just sharing my thoughts! Not trying to influence anybody’s opinions about the game. Maybe playing an MMO is generally not for me at the moment, idk


15 thoughts on “Why I stopped playing World of Warcraft”

  1. It's healthy to pause if you're feeling like you're not enjoying the game. I've been playing since Vanilla through Lich King then made a long pause and really came back in Legion. And I think the game is in a great place right now (personal opinion). But even though I really have a blast playing Dragonflight (11 max level characters, a record for me ^^) there are some days when I log in, ask myself what I want to do and then just log off because nothing feels right at that moment.
    And I'm also a mount collector but I try to stay humble with my goals: for example I'd love to have the meta achievements mounts they added recently but I know I'll never have the patience to do the work to get them so I just acknowledge they exist knowing full well that I'm probably never going to add them to my collection (I know it's easier said than done… I've been a compulsive record collector before). Like you said, collectionism is toxic. Setting realistic goals is the key.
    TLDR: just play if/when you're in the right mindset.

  2. I feel you bro, cursed by the collector mindset as you. I am almost at my 400th mount and I sometimes log in without really knowing what to do. Yeah yeah farm this raid with main and alts, then that raid with main and alts…etc.

    I even got interested in the lore and read the chronicles and following content creators about it. And then it hit me: why not use what I learned from wow (love for fantasy, story telling, worlds, races…) and create my own thing (whatever that is). So I started writing my fantasy/mystery novel, I have no idea if it's gonna be successful but I know that, being inspired by wow story and world, I can create my thing and still be interested in wow since it's a pioneer in it.

    You seem like one hell of an efficient person (500+ mounts in less than a year). I am sure if you redirect what made passionate about wow in something you deem worthy, you're gonna crush it.

    PS: I saw one of your videos once and forgot to sub. Been looking for your channel for maybe a month and subbed a few days ago. Thanks for the content and you're awesome.

  3. feel like taking breaks brings the fun back for me, sure i get upset that I missed out on some limited time stuff in the game but i always feel like theres loads of stuff for me to do when I come back

  4. The problem in this game is the players are mentally ill. A whole crowd of people literally changed factions, race, wtvr over a god damn racial, and it wasn't even the pro players or none of that, it was just regular people who don't even raid or pvp!

  5. I think this is exactly how Blizzard wants us: too bent and broken to know what to do with the game, let alone to enjoy it, but also too broken to even consider canceling our subscription. I think that's it, exactly.

  6. I'm a collector myself, with 740 mounts on my account per simplearmory. The difference is I got those mounts by casually collecting FOR TWENTY YEARS! You did it in a single year, all the expansions! Of course you're burned out!

  7. I followed a near-identical track as you over the past year and am dealing with the exact same issue you described. Rejoined in March of 2023 and immediately reignited my goal of mount collecting (my true end game). I've collected over 450 mounts this past year but felt an immediate dopamine drop after hitting the 500 mount achievement goal, even though I've collected more since then. I've tried to hype myself up for gearing with raiding and mythic+, but I don't love the seasonal rotation where everything you've worked for suddenly becomes obsolete after a few months. All that to say I've been feeling burnt out and logging on less and less. I am excited for the Pandaria Remix and TWW and hope this reignites my passion for the game, but I have a sneaking suspicion that until they add more mount achievements, I won't feel the same drive to play. The collector mindset is a very real/weird thing.


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