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Legion > Wotlk
10 men raids were the best! miss pandaria
Pandas suck but MoP was better than legion imo, class rework fucked everything up.
The disrespect to Mists
I'm really happy legion was a great last hoorah for the game, I really wished N'zoth was in legion though, would've been a perfect final boss
tbc>wrath>legion>cata>mop>SL/BfA best to worst imo (mainly pvp wise)
EDIT: warlords was so bad i forgot completely about it but its beyond SL/BfA hands down the worst expac
mop was the best exp pvp was more fun then ever and pve was pve
Ладно, это было смешно 😁
Can you censor out the guy's face at the bottom? Thanks
why do ppl hate BFA ? not really , just Americans hate tough mechanics and necessary teamplay xD
this is 100% true, well done. Legion was the last time I played WoW and enjoyed myself, never gonna play it again tho
Why the fuck does everyone pretend legion was like the best expac ever, it was not any better than bfa. It was fucking literally bfa but with shiny nolonger special, cool, or unique "unique cool special awesome legendary weapons"
Youre gonna tell me
Legion : gives you ashbringer and says go grind legendaries and ap 5ever = amazing
Bfa : go grind ap 5ever = absolutely dogshit.
Theyre practically the same fucking xpac, but instead of grinding to level up ashbringer you ground to level up a fucking necklace that did the exact same thing except you also didnt have to hit the rng lottery and get ur 3 bis legendaries.
Mop was mediocre, wod was horrible, legion was barely passable, and bfa sucked balls. Trying to say anything else is just wrong.
People see illidan on the cover of legion, associate illidan with tbc, and then just start thinking about tbc and how great it was completely forgetting that they're actually supposed to be talking about legion. Tbc nostalgia goggles are that fucking strong that anything associated with illidan automatically is good
Vanila is not expansion
I do approve, while I didn't appreciate BC that much
The Asmongold Father
Legion would be first for me and then WOTLK. I would place them both at #1 evenly, but what sets legion apart for me is how they made every class feel like the most important class in the game with it's class halls and everything. You feel like you're the hero the game needs, and combined with multiple artifact weapons and specializations that change up things entirely, it truly made me feel like I was the main character of azeroth for the first time, not just another nameless adventurer who tagged along with a bunch of other random people ^^
I liked MoP. I played it extensively. And great memories from great times.
Cataclysm, my love, don't worry, please, there are people who love you so much just like me.
Dear my, waiting for you after that frozen sword fellow
The dude where’s my mount 😂
There was one video that was made just for him
MoP was the best thing that ever happened to WoW. So many mechanics were invented that we still have today came from MoP. MoP had the best storytelling, best raiding, best new class the monk, and the most immersive expansion ever. I could go on and on FACTS about MoP. They should have never changed a thing after MoP, Warlords literally ruined the entire game.
WoD is the chad expansion, of course that automaticly disqualifies it for all the rainbow Transflight soyboys.
what is the video asmongold is reacting to? Who is the old guy? would like to use him for future memes lol
I agree with the guy. Worlord of Draenor was horrible. wow redeemed itself with legion.
Imma be honest i liked every expansion except BFA
BFA allied races are actually cool, the problem is to farm them is way toooooo boring. That's what actually killed that expansion.
in retrospect i enjoyed bfa alot more than legion. 8.2 is the best content patch iv played since 2.4
I know nothing about the game, all I know is my uncle left me like 4 old never opened expansion packs when he died because I like games. And I’m trying to figure out how to use them and what they do 😂
yeah legions striaght up trash
mop was legit top tier
but yeah wow sucks now
Holy crap!
It's the happy mask salesman.
Haven't played anything past WotLK, but if I did, the Panda one and the one where you go back to old Outland would be at the top of my list.
MoP was the best and everyone knows it. From pvp to raids. Nobody ever complains aside from pandas bad and SoO lasted too long
This is so true, but Dragonflight is pretty good, I think it's basically just a modern MoP.
MoP is highly praised expansion and players rate it slightly below WotlK. Yes the subscription continue to slowly decrease durning MoP but to be honest it was WotlK effect as the Lich King fell so did the numbers. Afterwards nothing Blizzard deliver could match that peak!
1. WotlK
2. MoP
3. TBC
4. Legion
5. Vanilla
6. Cataclysm
7. BFA
8. Dragonflight
9. Shadowlands
10. WoD
WoTLK was and is my favorite, which isn't a hot take, I guess. I came in during Burning Crusade and didn't really know what I was doing until Lich King came out. Some of my fondest memories were during that time, which actually carried over into Cataclysm, which I actually enjoyed quite a bit for its difficult Dungeons, especially heroic dungeons. The raids were fun, but not at the level of previous versions. I've really only played casual since then, so my enjoyment has been middling.
Anyone else hate MoP? I thought the whole design and gameplay was childish.
Last one made sense why the game suddenly got soft like a Disney movie mixed with the power of friendship ew
I randomly remembered this existed and I had to come back. It's so good