Why is it hard to get Healers in World of Warcraft?

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Healers in Warcraft need that level up experience #dragonflight #game #gamer #gaming #gamingcommunity #gamingvideos #twitchclips #worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #openworldgames #warcraft


4 thoughts on “Why is it hard to get Healers in World of Warcraft?”

  1. Follower dungeons? That’s pretty neat. I’m surprised there aren’t official time trial dungeon or raids with titles, mounts, or some loot as rewards. Probably have to be level capped similar to XP gain based on Mob lvl. Idk but in the end having “group” content even for new players or casuals is great.

  2. The fact anybody still plays wow after what the devs and the whole of blizzard said they don’t care about their players. Is mind boggling to me. Idc how enticing a game is if it’s run by shit people ain’t getting a penny from me


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