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Seeing that Nathanos was in the initial cinematic where is he now in the Shadowlands?
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Right at the start of Shadowlands, more precisely in Shadowlands pre-patch we had seen Tyrande defeat Nathanos and he was supposed to meet with Sylvanas in some sort of a grand fashion.
However we are almost reaching 9.2, Sylvanas even betrayed the Jailer yet there are no signs of Nathanos thus far? What is going on, where is he and what did Tyrande mean when she said that her master was keeping secrets from Sylvanas?
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Do you think will Nathanos even show up in the Shadowlands, if so in what manner? Also check out Gamivo to get games cheaper:
We all know it is because Blizzard can't manage more than a handful of characters at once and then just leave the rest out. Look at Malfurion for instance, this is the perfect xpac for him to be an actual part of.
Doron said “Sylvanas is Sargeras” and I believe him
Queen of 3D chess
Its funny if Denathrius know that Arthas its dropped into the maw and he send the Anima to Arthas not to zooval and now the Dreadlords are sended out to give him the sword of Denathrius 😅
please…. Varian is also not in Shadowlands, just like Grom, Aegwynn, Lothar, Cairne, Zul'jin, Blackhand, Gul'dan and both version of Gul'dan, still not appearing in Shadowlands.
The story is so abysmal
so if the Jailer is using Nathanos's soul as a way to blackmail Sylvanas, does it mean that Zovaal is also using Varian Wrynn's soul to blackmail Anduin? If the Jailer is so powerfull he could manage to rebuild Varian's soul after it was destroyd by Fel Magic so that he could more easly dominate Anduin, don't forget that Anduin and Varian had a strong relationship of father and son and so is much more easy for Zovaal to dominate Anduin using the rebuilt Varian's soul to be like a "Achilles' heel" of Anduin (if Anduin is the biological or adoptive son of Varian, what matters is that Varian and Anduin had a strong family relation… and that is all Zovaal needs to dominate Anduin)
The answer is simple – because Blizzard doesn't publish patches as he used to. Probably if the patch frequency was the same as with the previous expansions, the history of everything and everyone would be hundreds of years later already.. .
Maybe Nathanos and Arthas have grouped up and appear later. Jaina and Sylvanas both seem to have similiar relationships with them.
Sylvanas Likes Nathanos but hates Arthas.
Jaina likes Arthas but hates Nathanos.
Nathanos and Arthas combined could temporarily bring them to fight together and stop the jailer.
Edit: and since both Arthas and Nathanos have knowledge about the Shadowlands they both should be able to hide and use that to their advantage
1:11 is Sylvanas was Sergeras , Nathanos is Azhara…. but on the other hand, Sylvanas is simping him more than he simps her.
Because blizzard is too lazy to write him in shadowlands
Can we forget him? Please?
For Zoval he is not important soo I cant see him any further. Nathanos is just a Banshee Queen puppet and nothing more.
More important question here is what is Silvanas now ? Taking back her (part) of souls doing with her WHAT ????
She is Banshee or not ???
She have powers or not.
What is next role for Silvanas now ???
Just some food for thought….Wouldnt Nathanos be in his original body now if he is dead? He did swap body's with his cousin after all with the help of sylvanas and the valkyr .
My theory is that they're shipping anduin and slyvannas
It makes sense
I can tell you why. Activision Blizzard's writers are horrible at writing stories. These new writers do not care about the lore and would rather change everything for their own benefit.
I think Sylvanas deserve tittle
Betrayer more than Illidan. She basicly stabed in back every faction which she met.
1. Arthas and the scourge during w3ft.
2. Than dreadlords also in w3ft.
3. Garithos in the end of her campaing in w3ft.
4. Alliance at wrathgate (I know it was Varimatras doing, but still she was his superior and it was her stupidity letting him alive).
5. Varian at Broken shores.
6. Queen of valkyres.
7. Her people in alterac meeting.
8. Horde soldiers in Battle of Undercity, Saufrang.
9. All "nothing" Horde.
10. Her own people. (Dark Lady don't watch over you anymore).
11. Entire Azeroth (Jailer is a enemy of all living).
12. Anduin. His sacrifice wasn't worth it as she decided that she will not serve.
13. Jailer.
I know in some of these events she had moral highgrounds, but it still count as betrey.
Nathanos has fallen under the same curse that has begun to effect so many characters. The curse of bad writing.
Know what would be actually decent writing? If everything we saw in the final 9.1 cinematic..sylvanas betraying zovaal…was all an act. Sylvanas still working for zovaal, but from within the walls of his enemy
Because Zovaal = Shadowlands Thanos
Nathanos = NA Thanos
There can only be one Thanos in the WoW universe
idk what im talking about
Nathanos is in Torghast. Tyrande got to kill him daily as she was leveling.
Blizzard just forget to add Nathanos to Shadowlands, that's all. It has nothing to do with the lore. 😊
Maybe Nathanos was just cut content?. To be honest it seems like the entire SL expansion is cut content with a raid bandaid stuck on it and some really bad writing glue wiped over the ferstering wound that is wow right now… but hey maybe your right maybe there is a real meaningful reason hes not around.
I ll say it a million times. The only thing that would save WoW’s lore at this point, was to make Zovaal the good guy and we get betrayed by the eternal ones.
The breaking of the unfair system was great as an idea and i dont know why they ducked up so hard.
Mindblowing ✔️
Plot twist ✔️
Wouldnt ruin 4 major characters ✔️
More freedom for future expansions ✔️
Now we ll just beat Jailor and go back to Azeroth, Shadowlands will become another 1 hour leveling area, forget that Eternal Ones even exist and continue with Azeroth problems when we are stong enough to beat a First One… shame, good thing i quit playing and i just see the lore progression on youtube.
At least im disappointed without having to pay Blizzard for this ridiculous scripts.
nathanos seen how much of a shit show shadowlands is he ran off to back to warth of the lichking 🙂