Why is Vanilla+ World of Warcraft getting so popular? (how to make a good MMO)

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I want to talk about Vanilla+ as a WoW genre and why it’s on the rise. People everywhere are gravitating towards Vanilla+ realms, and with WoTLK Classic adding things like increased difficulty in dungeons that rewards a player with raid loot – it looks like Blizzard is taking notice and adding some custom changes of their own.

But what makes Vanilla+ good, and why is it on the rise?


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37 thoughts on “Why is Vanilla+ World of Warcraft getting so popular? (how to make a good MMO)”

  1. this is a core difference between the first WoW game and it's expansions (especially later ones). in the original game you are nobody- just a person in the world leveling up and the quests only become more large scale as you yourself do.
    Fast forward a few expansions and they're literally doing the "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE" shit and that's just so boring when you know there are 10 million other 'chosen ones' running around with identical legendary gear.

  2. It's ways been the adventure and meeting random people that you recognize over and over in passing. Like hey,I met that guy yesterday! Always been awesome,and definitely sick of being the chosen one,for sure. I prefer being a tiny speck in the universe.

  3. It's a mixture of story & game position. By that I mean you aren't classed as an all encompassing god of war champion character. The player is of lower status with a richer history and bigger world to explore.

    The story also is more 'grounded' in this era too. Thiers no spaceships & things akin to Dragons are an intimidating site.

    The world, story & intrigue suck you in way way more than current story & game position.

  4. i cant even explain it for myself but Vanilla just captures me more than current wow, it just feels more "cozy" to just chill through the game compared to current wow. You arnt pressuered to grind and basically have a commitment like a secound workplace in order to keep up with the content. You can just level a few levels, maybe have a dungeon or do a 1h 1/2 long raid… its just so much more relaxing after a stressfull day than "Oh shit i have to do that daily and that event! Shit i am lacking in renown, my Key depleted… oh god raid starts i bet we will wipe 100 times on the new boss".

  5. I mean many of us never stopped playing vanilla when TBC classic launched. Now it's full again of bots, spams and trolls. Please streamers get off our game. We don't care and don't need your 15 seconds of fame and stupid followers ruining vanilla like it's 2019/2020 again.

  6. You nailed it. The nostalgic feelings I have about WoW are exactly what you described. Walking through endless, beautiful and dangerous landscapes, discovering cities, barely surviving in little fights in the wilderness. That's what it was all about. Raiding and all that never gave me the satisfaction I felt when I first stepped on those elevators to go up to Thunder Bluff and then look down, back the way I came from. If a game could just give me that again, I gladly would take it.

  7. I tend people think to hold on to the name Blizzard like it's an entity… But Blizzard does not exist anymore, the company that once was is now gone. Warcraft 2 was not made to make the most people happy, it was made for gamers. Activision makes games for consumers. There's the difference.

  8. If ever an MMO comes out that tries to maximize community involvement while minimizing time invested, it will be king, but the premise itself is paradoxical to the current profit model so that's why we haven't seen it done yet.

  9. RS carved a market niche because it offered a free game despite the costs to run servers. This subsidy was the key to their success, as similar models have launched with literally no success. RS has proven that nostalgia sells, the same as classic models. The plus model is definitely good, but vanilla wow leveling was similar to RS in that it was so slow paced it was almost akin to turn-based combat, like in a text-based game, pokemon, or FF early games. It played out almost like a faster paced DnD in that each strike was the result of a "roll" etc. It seems that the new plus models seek to modernize this point and make the games more action-combat, as we saw with the AION to TERA model in eastern games and hybridization models like GW1 to GW2 changing the pure tab target model into a soft lock action combat system. It's clearly not as simple as "people want to have more agency or at least the appearance of it, in the form of higher required APM," but rather, people want to OPTION to be more active. All my friends loved questing through the barrens and such when vanilla and eventually classic re-dropped, it's just that the second time around, they had more IRL obligations, and the slow-paced early combat was just as enjoyable, it's simply that they couldn't justify the longer sessions. They still loved it, despite being because of the gameplay model or from pure nostalgia. Charging micro sub fees will help for a game release, private server or not, and making all the cosmetics feats of strengths and not cash-shop seems the right thing to do, as evidenced by the success of GW1 and early WOW. Creating a more sandbox game model in an engine that has modularity and immutability for the unforeseeable future seems to be the most important, as it will give you the agency to develop and incorporate interoperability with new parts of the game and others. The problem with these wow servers fragmenting into further "shards" (not actual shards of servers but conceptually, as these are different projects with different teams and for all intents and purposes even different IPs, though the US Supreme Court would beg to differ) is that it splits the community and you lose the benefit of the network effect. If there was a better way to phase people, create an open world where people interact (but it cant be 100% as this GUARANTEES you have a hardware burden in the form of unsalable servers that must host the un-instanced overworld and one that likely will have to be increased with population and game complexity, creating a capital REQUIREMENT over time, ie; a subscription model) but put a pseudo-limit to the concurrent interactions (think GW1 overworld being instanced, GW2 mission instances, wow dungeons, EVE "Grid" skirmishes, etc), then that would surely be something people want to see. Unless a very clever hardware scaling solution comes to concurrently-phased models to render in the same area at once, this will ALWAYS be a design limitation, despite it being allegedly the #1 draw to these community-based RPGs, as you mentioned around 8:15.

  10. As a long time RuneScape player and former WOW player and most of the players in my cc talk about wow and will occasionally go back and play one thing that hasnt been spoke on by many is the secret hub between those games you can see it even nore now with hardcore ironman which boaty started in RuneScape the devs adopted it in game and its now how at keast 60% of the playerbase plays the game

  11. I hear turtle wow will ban you at the drop of a hat. Not just for talking about politics either. I dont have time for that nonsense.

    MMORPGs that are worth their weight involve tense situations every now and then that test players. This can cause people to argue. One shouldnt be banned simply for disagreeing with their players over how to complete a given task.

    I want to suffer with other players sometimes. Challenging content that tests me and encourages me to do better. Not everyone has the stomach to handle that and the work it takes to lead or continue when things get tough. If I were to get perma-banned for one small disagreement, as ive read many people have been, why would I invest my time in it?

  12. Good video. I don't think you touched on one of the issues that has come up, specifically in the past 10 years or so, which is where people are obsessed with getting from point a to point b as fast as possible. Turtle wow in particular I am loving because of the journey I am undertaking in hardcore mode. So far I have soloed all the way to level 40 and I'm looking forward to the last 20 levels even though I know it's going to be hard and time consuming.

    There were people in the chat talking about how they ran around in a Zerg on hardcore mode to get to max level and I actually feel a little bad for those people because they missed out on the actual experience and in my opinion the importance of playing the hardcore mode as it was meant to be played a sort of hanging on to your seat kind of adventure game. Where every little victory feels that much sweeter and earned .The whole argument of it's not the destination. It's the journey.

  13. Heh, I was gonna say you left out EverQuest, the first 3D MMORPG, but that entire game is nothing but grind. Ultima Online was the first MMORPG but it wasn't 3D.

  14. With Classic there is drama and tension between you and the enemies you fight. You only get that tension in raids and Mythic + content in Retail. a lvl 15 Player in Classic barrens has to think twice about pulling the Kolkar Stormer and Wrangler Duo standing next to each other. Whereas in Retail you can pull that Duo, another Duo, a Third Duo, a rarespawn and Herzul and his 2 cronies without breaking a sweat because all your skills are soooo over tuned and your aoe just melts everything. What you do in classic feels more rewarding as you grow in level. And it is so justifying getting to go back to that same duo you had to worry about and just smashing them when you are 5+ levels from them. You remember running for your life when you agroed them when it was too much but now get the sweet revenge of stomping them out when you come back more powerful and experienced.

  15. I literally just deleted my retail account after having it for 18 years because, while Dragonflight's leveling is the best it's been in like 10-15 years (legit, I found it enjoyable enough to level like 15 characters to 60, just for the sheer fun of it), there's nothing beyond that leveling experience in the game that I'm remotely interested in. I like DF leveling, it's a LOT of fun…but it's short. Very short. And it's intended to be short, because they want you into the newest content, they want you in the newest dungeons, and raids, and swimming through McGuffin soup to the next shiny object. Personally speaking, I've already gotten and eaten the carrot enough times that it's kind of lost its flavor.

    TurtleWoW, Ascension, et al, let me actually enjoy the journey, and do so in a way I haven't already done a million times before since 2005. It's fresh without being too alien. And I think a lot of people are craving that, not just myself.

    (And yes, I know I could just unsub/uninstall, but because I have so much time invested into my account, especially with all the weird cash-grabby stuff they've being doing, I've had this weird feeling of sunk cost fallacy attached to it. So, away she goes. The memories are still there tho lol)

  16. welll. vanilla specifically 1.12.1 was just different from a developers prospective completely. paladins have reckoning, there is many things unique about it. im really into 1.12.1 Funservers, i like to see what other people can do with that patch. in vanilla patch 1.12.1 you can stack talents and max your talent points. only on private servers.

  17. I'll never forget seeing the wow trailer in my copy of wc3 circa 2001. Then I played a ton in high school and afterwards 2004-2009 before going onto a string of private servers with friends to play TBC. Now about 13 years later after playing I am back on Warmane, and maybe a MOP private server to finish my wow journey. It really is just about leveling a character and seeing all the awesome environments, music, mounts, transmogs, skills and spells!
    I will enjoy PVP more than raiding and I rarely even do 5 man content, but I just hanging out flying around in flight form, or finding that rare hunter pet to tame.
    I love wow it's the best game ever, but as a 36 year old who has basically quit gaming the last few years, I don't know how long my nostalgia trip will last, thank god for the faster leveling rates and I just might check out one of these wow+ servers If i get bored.

  18. Ascension leveling is booooring with everyone reaching max level in an afternoon the world is empty af when it comes to socializing by spending time doing stuff at the same time and getting to know each others that way. Ascension needs a Ironman Resolute realm if they want me back. With properly rare loot tables.

  19. Honestly, if there were NO raids, it wouldn’t be a deal breaker because if world exploration, quests, and dungeons were all increased and expanded upon, then it would MORE then compensate!😊


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