Why Nobody Likes Pelagos in Shadowlands

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Pelagos, jfc…

His character didn’t even have a downfall

Some lighthearted critique and a general review, enjoy,

0:00 Introduction
0:44 Quests & the Kyrian
3:40 Pelagos Aspirant
5:18 The Arbiter
8:10 Purpose as Arbiter


6 thoughts on “Why Nobody Likes Pelagos in Shadowlands”

  1. In my opinion, he's really just this tropy "good guy". Like, that line "friends, aid me" sounds like from a Disney movie. And Pelagos the Arbiter is even more terrifying than the original Bible concept of an Angel. Like, imagine the first thing you see after you die is this. I'd be fucking scared.

  2. Love your armor designs for the Orcs. My favorite styles are ones that try to look like the players are part of the world thematically and not wearing mismatched armor pieces. So, of Pelagos is the arbitor does that mean your soul binding to him in the Kyrian covenant is null and void? Does that Pelagos get replaced? Or is it like the Primus, leaving some illusion behind in Torghast? I always thought he was unworthy of getting that kind of power.


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