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World of Warcraft Shadowlands continues to keep it’s pre-patch release date elusive, although the smart money is on October 6th. Was it delayed? Is Shadowlands NOT READY??? We look at Chromie Time levelling, the removal of bonus rolls, the upgrading of conduits from the maw and wonder how it’s all going to end up. Join us for the Weekly Reset!
+++ Wowhead Articles +++
Bonus Rolls Do Not Exist for Shadowlands Content:
Upgrade Conduit Ranks and Add Sockets at Ve’nari in the MAw for Stygia:
Upgrading Legendaries in Shadowlands:
Castle Nathria Weapons Have Covenant-Specific Appearances:
+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++
EU Gear:
US Gear:
inc furry porn for the night fae covenant
And we are here today when new expansion is delayed, once again Taliesin see the future 😯😀
I think we should stay in bfa for at least another year. It's not that bad.
Well we did not get pre-path but we got issue with game constantly downloading ( green circle ), lagging, skipping audio… thanks Blizz, and this is going on for last week…
I do enjoy how their studio is evolving amid a newborn epidemic. Much love!
Idgaf if they take a year ffs just make the next expac good n too much of a grind I miss wanting to come home to play lol haven't had that feeling since wotlk…
I think I'm the only one who doesn't like playing ptr and ruining the new experience
Someone said a delayed game is better than a rushed game…. star citizen/squadron 42 people…….
Well. This news got very old very fast XD
Found your Channel not long ago, but can't already wait to see a Video about the delaying News ^^
Great work btw !
Leave covenants as is
shit, well you called it
This is not . . .The BEST SKIT IN THE WORLD!…NO!..this is a Tribuuuuute, Ohh woo Ohh.
Why are you defending racism on Twitter? Unsubbed. 🖕🏼
I hope that their no bonus roll thing balances out because otherwise RIP any chance I ever have of getting gear.
well you nailed the part about being the 13th just not the part of being a 2 week prepatch since they apparently are starting to listen the community and delayed shadowlands release date
Shadowlands already looked pathetic, I had zero desire to play it, now its been delayed, full of messed up system designs that noone likes, enough. I just requested a refund for Shadowlands and could not be happier. It was nice while it lasted, but WoW died years ago. Bye bye.
I'm having fun with Beta but the amount of systems and how they operate need to be scaled back. Its all a bit confusing and need better tutorials in game.
I swear, all these idiot youtubers whining about a "Release Candidate" don't even know what that term means.
Here's a link to my forum post about my worries about SL. I hope you like it Tali. =D
Bonus rolls usually are shit anyhow
1:13 "… that shadowlands is postponed" … oh yes it is … 😉
love the twins! Paused at 24:15 ty for sharing.
Evitel sounds like bottled water.
I just want my dark skin for the blood elves…. can we please just get that far..
Maybe even the 13th. We have a winner!
"OMG, Blizzard removed BONUS ROLLS? I'm done with Shadowlands, back to good ol' classic! Can't wait for BC classic or WotLK classic (which didn't have bonus rolls either)"
Not being able to change conduits until next reset is a bad idea, I hope they change that.
I lost my shit over the Boston joke because yea anything that isn't 'more than a feeling' just isn't worth singing obnoxiously until it gets stuck in everyone's head rofl
You guys are slacking. Gotta catch up thought I’d see a new video of the delay… 🙏🏻
lmao, guessed the 13th release date. lol
Why don't he talk properly instead of acting like a div
I loved "Blizz giveth hype, and Blizz taketh hype away". Pretty much summed up their entire methodology.
What this game really needs is a more interactive involvement like D2. Smash everything, get gear from everything, work through dungeons solo if wanted, and a more complex talent/professions system.
That aged well.
HazelNutty Merch!
You know I'm super hyped for shadowlands but ya know… spending two years getting the same stuff over and over kinda sounds like a buzzkill to me.
Also my infant son thinks your gorgeous, Talie, he spent your entire segment staring and blowing raspberries around his pacifier when you got excited.
Can someone explain lore-wise or at least sense-wise how blood elves became black?🤦♂️ and why WoW is becoming so politicized
I feel really bad that i missed this last week but i didn't have much time to play wow and when i did i spent it getting gold as i'm 300k in debt to someone in my guild. i feel especially bad because I missed two shit shows and a competition, thankfully i could still do the other one just. With how many changes happened over a week this video is very out of date but I remember being very concerned that blizzard wouldn't add any more conduits ranks and we would have to farm the aethershunt. It's also super weird to hear the 6th being talked about as pre patch date. I was surprised that bonus rolls were a shit show honestly most people i know were like that makes sense.
This video I got 35 viper eel and 43 mauve stingers to try to sell on the auction because I'm poor. I hope you enjoyed reading this comment and I hope you have a great week. I'll see on the next weekly reset
Little confused here. Soul Ash, you mentioned it would take you 4 weeks to get enough for rank 4 but that you could buy it off the AH, so if you just have a couple alts you could crank out Soul Ash with ease… right?
who in the fuck wants shadowlands delayed?