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An examinaton of World of Warcraft Classic’s rare mob system, mainly of the precious few that actually drop rare blue BoEs – and an attempt at explaining the reason behind it. Join me, as I answer an MMO-related question you (probably) haven’t asked!
Please let me know in the comments if you are aware of any that I’ve missed out on, or if you have any other suggestions/constructive criticism. Thank you so much!
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Most of rare mobs in original were for hunters for pet was retaining look and modded stats. Then principles were reworked…
On HC those Of the Whale items aren't horrible. Actually wearing one on my druid as I'm not going to pay over priced AH fees for a Of the Monkey.
Way back in Vanilla I had an alt permanently parked in the Hinterlands, and his only job was to farm Mithrethis every single time I could catch a spawn. I ended up getting four Chan’s Imperial Robes. Kept one, gave one to a friend, and sold two more. At the time, it was probably the best looking dress in the game (better than any of the alt colors imo)
I encountered Ironeye an hour before this video was recommended to me
Slark, a murloc in Westfall, drops Slarkskin…
You forgot the rare mob outside uldaman that has a chance to drop the mining helmet that gives +axe skill, that mob is probably the most well known rare with a unique blue drop
Because you are a crying little retail player, probably born after or around 2000 somewhere, spoiled littlre weezle,
missing digmaster shovelphlange who drops a very useful helm even for lvl 60
The craziest part of this video is that you don't use a bag mod
I don't quite understand why you consider the blade of the basilisk useless – for me it was quite the best tank sword I could get my hands on at this level (def warri) albeit by accident.
Tbh rares did have a purpose, certainly in the early levels in vanilla. Green items were fucking hard to find before lvl 20 and these rares that had a 100% chance to drop a green item was a god sent
Season of Discovery you know what you have to do
I miss the old days where coming across a rare was exciting and well… Rare. Now it just feels like another half world boss. Another grind. They’re everywhere as well.
Its a way to reuse enemys
what about the guy with the orb of deception. there's at least 14.
vol-chan UwU
There is a rare tiger in the badlands that has a 1.0 attack speed… so for hunter's that is better than blue loot
Absolutely loved this video! Noticed you didn't include the level of the mobs which would be helpful info tho.
I've probably looted vilerend slicer more than any other unique rare item in game ha ha
I play on a very low population server. I have an add on that Informs me when one pops up. I have kill over 3. Never had anything blue drop. Only green gear
Sorry I just couldn't take this video seriously. Nothing about it made sense or in anyways was true.
The issue with rares is that if they drop anything of value they become camped. Ideally, they should have given zone-specific buffs and/or extra experience. Something for people who encounter rares in the wild to get a little dopamine.
There is two types of "Rare mob" in Classic. There's Rares, then Elite Rares. The Elite Rares are the ones that drop blues. Most people aren't able to tell the difference because they don't use the default blizzard UI and frames but a Rare mob will have a silver dragon frame, and an Elite Rare will also have a silver dragon frame BUT wings on the dragon.
Rend and skul are quite important rates for unique gear but I guess you excluded them since they are instanced mobs
Re salutations ya t-il des mobs dans world of warcraft qui s'appelle les orgueilleux les arrogant les mécréants et les confiant ? Merci ++
Bonjour 👋 est-ce-que les mobs de world of warcraft on des coups 👊 gueule comme les humains dans la réalité ? Merci ++
there's rares and then there's rare elites. rare elites are obviously harder and drop better loot. looks like you haven't played wow for any significant amount of time.
Back in vanilla before wrath or even BC the first 1000 th mob kill would give you a blue item – this could be timed with a specific mob but usually happened in early 20s and every 50th killed mob would give you a green item, sometimes you got 2 sometimes nothing , but Blizzz seems to have changed droprate to just random or after a hour grind
This is something they could address in a "Classic Plus" version of the game. It would also give more incentive for open-world PVP.
I should try to catch vultros etc on my horde toon on doomhowl. Not gonna be many of those items on the market on horde
10:00 tons more drop unique green items tho
In vanilla some greens are actually just as strong as blues for their level. Typically items that have 3 stats rolled on them like Demon Band or The 2(&1) Ring. Necklaces and rings “Of Eluding”… Even max roll high level greens are as good as blues. I paid 20g for a 20 Stam 20 agi green chest on my Druid.
as a warlock I cannot stand for this Of The Whale slander, that shit is random drop green BIS
I might be wrong but I think shadow fang keep had a commander on the ramparts that could drop a rare item.
Is there not an Troll Rare in Highlands who can drops blue pents?
The rare mobs have been significantly nerfed in classic, so it makes sense that the loot has, rare mobs used to be a challenge to kill, now now they just fall over…