Why Shadowlands PvP is FRUSTRATING! RPS w/ Wizk & Pikaboo!

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Carl shares his opinion on the current state of PvP while pushing rating on the main team RPS with Wizk and Pikaboo!

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outro song: https://youtu.be/CVOH7yVmEus
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#shadowlands #absterge #wowarena


35 thoughts on “Why Shadowlands PvP is FRUSTRATING! RPS w/ Wizk & Pikaboo!”

  1. I think its gonna be hilarious seeing LANs start up again with the pro players not having addons/weakauras to help them react in the .2 seconds they need to to live in the current meta. I think they will be able to manage (they have in the past) but something tells me ret warr teams are gonna have a field day in tourneys.

  2. Yes, and all that mattered before was dampening, because heals were op.
    That's probably preferable, since it gives more time for mistakes.
    Then again, a prot pally was more valuable than an actual healer. And heal druids were close behind.

  3. I actually like this fast paced meta, it's refreshing coming back from MoP/Cata, and btw not all comps rely on cds, jungle/ boomie / DH have high constant pressure

  4. i agree its pretty frustrating but honetestly if there werent this many coodldowns then healers could just out heal all the damage. in alot of games there also not just 100-0 you, and your not 100-0 them. you guys get there defensives and trinkets and setup a stun to get the kill

  5. I only play wow for pvp. I bought shadowlands two months ago and I’ve already quit. This is thee stupidest pvp expansion I’ve ever experienced. I’m healer so it’s hard Ben more frustrating knowing I or my teammate is going to die in 2 seconds if any mistake is made. And now it’s like impossible to not have to use a bunch of add ons Bc cooldowns are so crucial.

  6. They need to get rid off all add ons other than ui changes. The auras and extra crap that gives you a huge advantage over someone who doesn’t know when you press your cooldowns is way too big of a gap.

  7. I've never been a big fan of PvP, but shadowlands have forced my hand because of how bored I've gotten with the content. From what I've seen, the people who have the most CC will win. The CC stun one person, then blow all their CDs on another. The game is over.

  8. Problem with the strong cds is even bigger in lower CR where you dont have much vers, imagine being new to the game and join couple arenas and getting oneshoted over and over again

  9. i ve watched the same on pika's channel , my favorite part is always the same : aaaabsterge … aaaabsterge … aaaabsterge … aaaabsterge … great fking job carl ! 2 sec later : ooh what the ! what is this game ! 🤣🤣

  10. Hi! I wonder if I should go back to WoW. I wanted to focus on pvp, but the last time I played pvp in WotLK. Is there a chance that I will cover the arenas to get some pleasure from it? Does a person like me have anything to look for in the arenas in Shadowlands? Carlos, would you be nice and share a list of your addons that you use for pvp? Best regards from Poland.

  11. It’s really gimmicky atm I know how he feels. I took a 3-4 month break from the game though and it felt much better when I came back. Obviously Surge can’t do that but anyone else feels that way it certainly helps.


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