Why Sorcerers Exist – D&D Legendary Moments

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23 thoughts on “Why Sorcerers Exist – D&D Legendary Moments”

  1. Ah yes, the classic “D&D players are horny” 🙄 while completing disregarding lore.

    Don’t do the whole “I don’t use the prewritten lore” argument because this post is making broad generalizations and the basis for most people would be what’s in the books, not because they’re running the Forgotten Realms, but because most people are not out here rewriting the lore for every single class and subclass

  2. I'm running a campaign and one of my players made an entire character around the whole "Bard seduced a dragon bit". I assumed his stat roles would save me but… 18 in charisma. With a kobold stat boost to make it a nineteen.

  3. I love how people who make posts like this just CANNOT be bothered to read the class description before spreading such an idea and then it gets people to repeat it because those people can't read either. Then all of those people get mad at anyone capable of reading for doing something straight from the class description and try to gatekeep what the lore (they've never read) says.

    How do I know they didn't read it and this isn't just me being the gatekeeper? Because the origin of the class is in the opening line of the description. If you can't make it that far, well… ya didn't read it. 🙄

  4. The only sorcererous origin thats a direct bloodline are dragon, and possibly divine (and even then they dont need to be genetic. Dragon sorcerers can get their powers from consuming dragonblood, and divine soul sorcerers can just be blessed with power).

    The theme of sorcerer isnt birthright. Its innate power. how they get that power is usually environmental (lets be real, if you were born a sorcerer and had your powers from the start youd definitely be above level 1).


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