Why the Story of Shadowlands COMPLETELY Failed | Asmongold Reacts

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Video by Nixxiom
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25 thoughts on “Why the Story of Shadowlands COMPLETELY Failed | Asmongold Reacts”

  1. Shadowlands and WoD are by far the worst wow expansions by far. BFA a close second, based on public opinion. The fact that I leveled up during Shadowlands and went back to legion to farm old content.

  2. The issue wasnt the overused fantasy tropes like "A guy in the shadows controlling everything" The issue was bad writing and how badly those tropes were written, how pre existing story have been ruined by a single ass pull expansion with no foreshadowing at all.
    I agree that i would have rather had an extremely boring story i didn't care about than this, because it felt like an insult to any warcraft story fan.

  3. They took a strong independent female character and used her fear of being lonely as a point of control a man had over her. As for the Jailer I can accept the "reframing" of wow lore and zoom out to see him holding the strings… what I can't accept is the delivery. I did every quest in SL, watched all the lore videos on YT, read the short stories, and even bought the novel… and I still have no idea what the jailer was doing. The worst part is SL ended with a cliff hanger… one that probably wont be resolved for several YEARS.

  4. nah the belf leader woulda been the best leader we could have had if it was still a warcheif, he was the only one whod act when needed and not act when not needed, he was as thoughtful as baine and as aggressive as thrall he was a perfect balance, untill they put him in the same room as sylvannas those were the only time's he just made dumb choices

  5. He actually made some great points imo. Literally small changes could have been made to make the jailer tight, like I wanted to like him because i thought the idea of the expansion was so dope. The execution just missed completely though. At the end of the day, the thing that made me the most mad:

    This man had a 15.000.000 year old plan (or something like that), shit on every main character, and then got bodied in two patches. Bro what!

  6. in Shadowlands, God is a robot and everything is made of math. A story that explains what comes after death, lifting the curtain, and it was written by a fucking Redditor. Oh and you get thrown into the sorting hat when you die, never to see your family ever again for all eternity, so there is no eternal reward its all just shit.

  7. Everything is so powerful and far away at the start of the campaign, but within no time, you are the hero, and even something as untouchable as the arbiter, becomes a little bitch grasping for your attention. – every wow expansion ever.

  8. I genuinely felt very saddened and disappointed by how they treated Arthas. I guess I should of seen it coming from the expansion trailer with Bulvar. Setting up a major badass to only be overpowered by unnatural power literally breaking all the lead up in seconds. I felt the same with Uther too. What a sad ending for the reason why I loved warcraft from the beginning. His soul just fizzled out of existence. How sad is that .. I still can't get over it.

  9. I hated the idea of those guys being robots myself… How about some type of spiritual beings since they are something like aspects of death. What we got, was to go there and its just like the normal world, nothing different and the leaders are robots, like WTF?

  10. It didn't work because there was no lead up, no hints, no mention of the Jailer let alone that the Jailer was a powerful figure behind everything. Lei Shen was liked because his fight was epic, he wasn't a world ending baddy who has been pulling the strings to all pre-existing story.


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