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Real talk about Season 2 of Dragonflight – the one area where WoW is improving at a TREMENDOUS rate.
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sadly BFA and Shadowlands killed my interest in retail WoW, that and im just not interested in raiding anymore, i have time i just dont want to dedicate nights a week to something that has lost most of its appeal over time to me.
Just let retail die in peace already
I came back to WoW completely on an impulse. And while I still have a trepidation about them being able to keep the quality of DF going forward, I can't deny its likely the best WoW has been in a long time. I ultimately gave up on FF14 because, while the story was excellent, I prefer participating in the story instead of being a passive viewer. I guess I'm just old because I like
playingmy video games, not watching them. WoW has done made nearly every quest in DF meaningful, the side quests alone have floored me with the emotional depth they have compared to expansions in the's a joke that you literally have to do high level M+ just to kill final boss in heroic.
blizzard fucked around and they found out that a large portion of players will never come back
I wish I could be happy for the people currently enjoying the game, but there is SO MUCH ill will born from a literal generation of anti-consumer decision making that I find it personally cleansing to constantly re-highlight ALL of the past mistakes Blizzard have NEVER properly ~APOLOGIZED~ for… and let the cards fall where they may! The community of players was always the "hype-machine" for Blizzard… they never had to properly advertise their games… and now that community has turned it's back on them, for all the right reasons!!!
Matt's comments about FFXIV's gearing change are really misleading. FFXIV's gearing change is a band-aid on top of a stack of band-aids. And it's not the devs respecting the players, it's the devs giving a small concession to the players over complaints that have been made in some form or other for multiple expansions now. And the devs of XIV won't fix it because the root of the issues comes back to Tomestones and Raid lockouts. i.e. The player retention mechanics. WoW has had similar changes in past expansions, think conduit energy or artifact power grind nerfs. And in all of those instances, Blizzard was rightfully called out for not fixing the actual problem. Don't let XIV off the hook for stuff you would criticize WoW over please.
The sad part about this is knowing that in a few patches it’s going to go downhill again because of the exodus of employees from blizzard due to Bobby’s bad decision making.
Normal should not be lazy shit. It's so stupid. Leave the baby stuff for LFR
Plays with 1 affix in m+, this is a cakewalk.
ff14 has so much spectacle you need to turn it down in the settings to see anything in tight areas other people
Magmorax on Normal and Heroic is actually easier than most Molten Core bosses due to how hard you can cheese pool soaks. Mechanic might aswell not exist.
We did assault and didn't realize it was a boss, thought it was still trash
last boss of neltharus is much easier with a decurse so you can instant dispell the shield! But yeah, week 1 tyrann when people didn't know it was very rough boss.
Couldn't they fix splits, if they made it so you can't get loot traded to you if you've already killed the boss that week?
It ain't that good lads sorry, average at best!
I think normal make sense to be where it's at . It actually opens up the raid to many people . Heroic is where shit hits th fan
Abberus is undertuned. Most of my guild was a minimum of ilvl 415 when we started off 10.1, and a few of us hit 421 or damn near it before we stepped into raid the first night. We were downing bosses in normal so fast that many of the officers were like. "did we even see all the mechanics?" lol Sarkareth seems to be the only one that ever matched our dps. Zekarn, was a lil wall, but that was more about getting our pattern down and getting hold onto the when immunes or offtank soaks were needed, and dealing with the adds. Once we got that down he died the next pull. Magma hydra is an absolute joke. Netharian, is actually a fun fight, and once we got our pattern down it took just a few more pulls to get him down.
Heroic started offering us a challenge, and we are now 7/9 bosses. With Netharian probably going down next reset aka later this week. sarkareth I see being our big wall on heroic. there is just alot going on in this fight. Like jailor was alot, but it was spread out. Razageth was alot, but again it was spread out. Sarkareth is alot, but its all coming at you at once or almost. but even on normal it was fun to progress. To be honest, the raid is fun. There hasn't been a fight that i've just dreaded, like that of Painsmith, or Halondrus. Even Lootdropper magmahydra still has an fun fight. Its simple, but I can see where if you don't do the mechanics, it can overwhelm you quickly.
I think that the Raid is undertuned for the most part, but still fun. What I worry about, and almost fear, is that Blizzard will see this and then swing the other way around and we will end up with another Seplucer in 10.2, or 10.3
Sarga of Neltharus was atrocious week one, but the changes to it have made it tolerable. I'm still having a bit of ptsd when I face her because of week one, but nerfs, and changes to the items has really taken the sting out facing the boss. However, Forftified has always been my more favored affix because yes the trash is tough, but the bosses are not. No having face both. In season two I much prefer tyrannical to fortified, because some mobs in season two dungeons are just rage inducing.
Retail didn't want me to play it, since we're talking about bad feels. I could feel the game didn't want someone as casual as me playing. Casual has nothing to do with being averse to difficult content. I love doing difficult content and strive to do it, IF and only IF it respects my time. Casual is all about my time. If I have 2 hours set aside to play WoW and I spend 1 and a half sitting in a lobby or sitting afk waiting for stuff to fill, then the game just becomes unplayable. It's more about it not being worth my time, more so than the game's own flaws, but it's flaws definitely compound the fact that it doesn't respect my time or even try (gear never dropping because they assume you play all day).
My sis got me to play DragonFlight. I am enjoying it. The only issue I have is the fast zoom zooming of Dungeons with no time to breath or learn mechanics
And… the (0-100%) zone battlefield quest thingies.
I agree with you guys. DF is really fun, especially season 2. They really nailed the gearing system this time around. Crafting is the best it has ever been really. All and all, great fun.
Sako is not broken we did him last night with 30 tanks 😀 lol
Normal was a bit easier to help get more people into heroic that never wanted to touch heroic
Dragonflight will go down as one of the best expansions made
Pay to win garbage game.
weird situation where I'm kinda interested in WoW and D4 but seeing what's happening with blizzard I don't want to touch anything done by them with 10feet pole
i haven't seen a more bipolar chanel then this one, WoW is the worst- WoW is the best, WoW is ruined – Wow is saved, if this is not click bait idk what is