World Of Warcraft Raiding Is DYING People Hate It

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the future of classic is kinda up in the air atm it could be really good or very bad we will have to wait and see


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#gaming #worldofwarcraft #mmorpg


6 thoughts on “World Of Warcraft Raiding Is DYING People Hate It”

  1. I never wanted to waste hundreds of hours grinding pointless, god-awful content all to raid shitty recycled content alongside the most dogshit, toxic community known to man, all for gear that that never drops due to rigged drop rates to keep the sheep playing, and even if you win gear, it will be worthless and replaced in 3 months when they implement catch-up mechanics. The only fun way to play a blizzard game it to just not play. Blizzard should keep catering the game for the 1% wow addicts who would never quit even if they wanted to.

  2. I just want a new mage style challenge for cosmetic rewards that are my taste or they have to hit me with FOMO.

    I got all 36 done in Legion. I had fun, I stayed subbed, I learned all specs just good enough to beat them, it was like my thing.

    Like some people are about pets, mounts, or pushing M+

    Since Legion… meh I quit mid Shadowlands passed on dragonflight and am not sure about war within.

  3. Most players don’t even do the raids. I’d nearly even say 80% of players don’t do the normal raid and will only do for the looking for raid tiers. Most groups are just toxic and elitist with the player base being 40 year old dads with 6 wives and 24 kids.


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