Why You Should Goldfarm In WAILING CAVERNS | Shadowlands Goldmaking

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Here is a list of some items to look out for, even tho i recommend everybody to download LootAppraiser & TSM , the addons will let you know whenever you pick up something worth alot of gold!
Wailing caverns:

Deviate hatchling

Ceremonial items
aborignal items
barbaric items
prospector items
Mystic items
Grizzly items
โ€“ US : https://www.g2a.com/r/cheapest-gametime-us
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mic : https://amzn.to/31OB6u7
Keyboard : https://amzn.to/3e2K3Vk
Mouse : https://amzn.to/2J94vbH
webcam : https://amzn.to/37NqcbH
Lights : https://amzn.to/31RBZBX
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#goldmaking #goldfarming #wowgoldfarm


33 thoughts on “Why You Should Goldfarm In WAILING CAVERNS | Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. Keep making these videos please! I've been following your methods since the DK challenge and have made my first million gold <3. With leather prices tanking, could you do an update on leather farms please ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Just in case you didnt already know, but you missed to fill the right side (below right and right side) of your Spellbars with Whirlwind Spells!
    No need to thank me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I was literally doing Wailing Caverns when I tuned in to see this new video on why you should do Wailing Caverns ๐Ÿ™‚ I always find the RNG of Transmog farming to be much more enjoyable than trade good/mat farming. Nice to have steady money coming in where you don't have to camp AH to sell stuff – I just post every 48 hours most of my stuff, and then an interim post 24rs hours in between for anything I got since the 48 hour post. Also nice when the big ones drop and sell – got a Jackhammer from Uldaman a couple of months ago, sold it last week for 2.3 mil ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I feel like if you are really paying attention to the 100 runs videos you can probably figure out most of this info, but I do like the explicit naming of the sets to look out for, and for dungeons with more zone drop items (BFD, Scarlet Monastery, BRD, etc) something like this will come in super helpful. So my vote is definitely keep doing them!

  5. I have a question, but first lemme preface this: I have been playing Paladins since vanilla. I love the class, and no matter what other class I try, I always come back to my pally mains, so we're talking 16+ years of pally fanboyism here.

    Pallies are SLOW. Not the slowest, but definitely slow… Do you have any recommendations or even a guide that can help me speed up my max level pally as much as possible? I know he won't be like a druid or warrior or anything, but there's gotta be something I can do!

    Thanks for your guides! Bought your book and it was helpful ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. how do i blacklist some items in loot appraiser? ive been farming for the crimson whelping and keep looting some grey/white items "worth" like 32k gold…obviously not really worth that but annoys me to hear that ding thinking i got summit good when its literally just trash


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