Will Blizzard Undo Shadowlands’ Damage? 36 EASY WINS For Patch 9.1.5

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Easy wins, why not have em? Patch 9.1.5 could do a lot to solve the pain points Shadowland & open up content to more players.

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28 thoughts on “Will Blizzard Undo Shadowlands’ Damage? 36 EASY WINS For Patch 9.1.5”

  1. I want covenants to replace horde and alliances. I’d rather fight for my image of the afterlife than pretend like the the war between horde and alliance isnt a race war

  2. blizzard wont listen anyways. let this company burn down. they fucked the game year after year, ignoring community. we told them all of that even before the release of shadowlands and they still did it their way.. how dumb can developers be holy shit

  3. But hasn't this been the story for WoW for years now of trying to 'make things right' and fix things yet continually disappoint it's players. How much more disappointment will you tolerate? When will you say it's enough?

    No king rules forever, and what a good rule WoW had. But for how long will this death be dragged out and what new levels will Blizzard reach to even further disgrace both itself and it's once beloved game. Just let it die, go outside and find some other interests, or even just explore the many new exciting mmorpgs now out there. But for the love of god please don't give these people your hard earned money they don't deserve it and you deserve better

  4. Reduce the amount of honor points needed to upgrade honor gear. A full set costs 89k and represent a 300+ bg grind. WoD gear cost 27k and could easily be grinded over a few days

  5. Another thing I think they should do is make in-expansion previous raids more relevant to current content but don't have them act as an entire replacement or anything. For example, if they boosted Castle Nathria's gear by 6-13 ilvls across the board but also increased the difficulty up alongside that. Normal Sanctum is a joke compared to Mythic CN, so why is it equivalent in rewards? I disagree with this fundamentally. Castle Nathria has basically become almost completely irrelevant because of the catch-up mechanics. This could also further encourage people to replay previous in-expansion raids as well.

  6. 1: If they are not changing the way renown gating works then they should at least make us able to buy renown with let's say 500 anima that you can send to your alts.

    2: i'm all for merging covenants, even mixing and matching main and secondary covenant abillity would be fun!

    3: let soul cinders and soul ash drop from everything that you're into, pvp, m+, raids, wq's. Remove the base items needed.

  7. There will not be any changes that will make-up for the mess that WoW currently is…
    The patch was in motion since before the "$hit" hit the fan and at that time, no major changes were to be implemented…
    And now, they would have to delay the patch for another three months to make any impact full changes…
    Do Not expect anything to change, and on the outside chance that they do make some changes… it will be a buggy mess…

  8. Isnt it boring ? Literally the same issues as in BFA… How many times people need to make videos how to make the game better? You have already told these stuff in BFA and also in the beta… shame on Blizzard. I really hope that theres gonna be a big change from now on.

  9. They should make it where, when you switch to another covenant and you go through a quest/quests/campaigns to unlock access to that particular talent. So you'd have to unlock all the covenant talents but afterwards you could just switch around and use whatever covenant talent you wanted. That would make the game so fun. If I wanted to play a necro druid for one battle ground and then be able to immediately switch and be a convoke feral druid the next. Oh that would be awesome

  10. automatically handing in Anima and cataloged research or stigia or anything else when we receive it would be a huge quality of life change. anybody that likes to play multiple specs probably has multiple sets of gear in their bags and 32 slot bags don't really enable you to carry all the b***** around that you'd like.

  11. want to buy one to one legendary scrapper, I'm sitting on six legendaries I don't use I think now. not that I have much interest in farming Korthia on more toons so I probably won't benefit if they do put in a scrapper, but if I was going to I would want to be able to send more soulash to that character.

  12. Personally I would get rid of the Great Vault for valor/justice tokens, but if you have to keep it… The Great Vault should only drop gear that is higher ilevel than what you have. I mean, s***, you're only getting one piece of week!!!

  13. So I would love solo islands, but there is obviously some bugged or broken tech with islands in the game currently as I had a full group of 3 and we queued islands which should be instant queue pop and nearly in all cases we still had to wait 5 minutes.


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