200%+ Run Speed Fast and Cheap! Great For Transmog Farming in The War Within! World of Warcraft

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A brief guide to get you started with developing your own speed set fast and cheap!
This is inspired by the upcoming change where characters will be able to unlock transmog appearances regardless of gear type!

Wowhead guide https://www.wowhead.com/guide/making-a-dragonflight-speed-gear-set-and-running-legacy-raids-dungeons-fast-18075

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830AM Tuesday through Thursday

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0:00 Intro
1:14 Class/Race choice
2:28 Gear (the easy parts)
5:22 Consumables , enchants
6:21 Gear (the expensive parts)
7:31 Other thoughts and takes

#warcraft #dragonflight


39 thoughts on “200%+ Run Speed Fast and Cheap! Great For Transmog Farming in The War Within! World of Warcraft”

  1. BM hunter I feel is better then Druid, Trailblazer talent for 30% when not attacking, Pathfinding talent 6%, Cunning pet for 8%, Aspect of the Beast talent to improve cunning pet by about 4%, Aspect of the Cheetah, and disengage with Posthaste talent. I have been working on a speed set for years, currently my base move speed is 227% as a Goblin. My highest speed was at the end of Shadowlands with a base speed well over 235%. I can easily hit 357% with CDs and Engy belt enchant.

  2. I prefer my hunter .. 155% speed with 1 potion only..
    MY pet is virtually invincible and I can heal it..
    I'm ranged so I can kill stuff around VERY easily..
    And 1 more perk is the last skill on hunter tree ''Barrage'' insta kills mobs within 40 years continuously to every direction you face with very low cd.
    Disengage +45% speed and all the time available..
    And cheetah.

  3. How noticeable is a difference of 180% speed and say 210%? I play Paladins in my ALT Army and would like them to be quicker for sure but how quick is actually required? Pally's are slow for sure so I'm interested in just being quicker not lightning fast so I'm thinking that these speed sets are relative ie an improvement is good enough

  4. Great guide, I haven't made a speed set in a few years, bear tartare was the food I used to use.

    It's also long overdue to have tuning to BFA raids to remove the mechanical roadblocks, enough players have asked for this by now.

  5. I just paused and made a ztroll druid named Fartablaze. I am ready. I will say you could touch on what professions are best too. I think i will go for Enchanting and Skinning. Thick leathers still sell okay. And obviously the druid portal and back to reset dungeons faster is a bonus.

  6. Another solid alternative is using a hunter and speccing into trailblazer grants you 30% movement speed after not attacking for 3 seconds. Accompany that with the 8% movement speed increase you get with a cunning pet, you're only a few speed tertiary stat items away from moving as fast as a ground mount. Plus we have posthaste and cheetah (which resets after a raid boss kill). I had a speed set in BFA that when I popped cheetah I was faster than a flying mount, that was a great time for farming.

  7. Warrior is also quite good for farming since heroic leap every 30 seconds clears 40yards and gives a 3 second 70% additional speed buff.
    So each use gives you a few seconds of time saved while farming.

  8. Genuine question, but why is Shaman never mentioned in these kind of speed-guides?

    Ghost Wolf has a permanent indoors 160% running speed, with spirit walk increasing that with another 60% for 8 seconds every 50 seconds. Wind rush totem gives 40% for 5 seconds. They can remove snares and prevent fear, sleeping and charming. Still get CC'd? Lightning shield will automatically kill of melee enemies.

    I threw some gold at getting a full set with the speed stat on them (it is very true that getting longstrider on mail characters is a pain since 2/3 pieces only drops from raids), and with a phial (cheapest) I'm at 218% running speed without pressing any buttons (and I'm not playing on a troll, so can add another 5% to that).

    Sure, Druids can swipe their way through a dungeon to kill mobs fast, but usually thunderstorm and sundering are more than enough for me to quickly clear even the biggest packs. I agree Druids have their advantages, but I feel like Shamans definitely deserve at least an honorable mention when it comes to speedrunning! 🙂

  9. While I appreciate the guide, I would point out that you get locked out at 9 runs per hour. That's just under 7 mins a run, to clear loot, exit and reset. With no speed gear, I am ALWAYS hitting that cap on older content on my druid with cat form and the enhanced speed "Dash" ability. Especially when farming for mount drops in dungeons. I would say that engineering rocket boots would be a great addition to fill the gap between cooldown of Dash. A reminder of a few things: 1) soulshape from nightfae will dramatically speed up shadowlands content, 2) speed sets are really impressive on lvl 10 xp locked twinks. 3) there are a few ways other than speed that can save you up to 50% or more on dungeon time. Example: using the macro "/run C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty() end)" will port you out of a dungeon even if you are not in a group saving you the run out. Some dungeons you can use druid dreamwalk and dreamwalk back to be taken to the entrance. There are ton of dungeon "skips" if you are just farming a specific boss for a drop and most of these involve gliding on a Demon Hunter through walls, although again… if you are clearing faster than 1 dungeon per 7 minutes you are eventually going to have to wait for 7 mins or so to reenter making all the speed you are using useless.


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