Will Shadowlands Be Cut Short?

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

With Blizzard falling behind so early in the expansion, and Blizzard being known to cut expansions short in the past (WoD) to work on the next one. Will we see this happen again with Shadowlands? With falling behind this early, EVERYTHING from here on out will be behind, and we can’t help but think they might need to close the story off fast before we enter the next one.

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43 thoughts on “Will Shadowlands Be Cut Short?”

  1. 4:00 The lore isn't "fragmented" it's just nonsense. They literally left the giant space sword sticking out of the planet and never addressed it, why would they care about leaving any of WTHisThisLands behind?

  2. Shadowlands is cool, ( the actual physical place), but the next expansion I want to be about Warcraft. They should go HAM with Chromie Time and just do M+ versions of ALL the dungeons. No new land mass, no new continent, no new systems. Then do Timewalking versions of all the raids. Open up and unlock your massive game, stop layering piles on top of each other, because it's not working. We should've had a Timewalking Tomb of Sarg by now, they literally aren't even trying.
    If they ever feel ballsy, they should go back to the Alpha WoW talents too. Just let the players pick from giant pools of abilities and you can only pick one, then have a simple weighting system.

  3. Why didn’t complain about any of this before they disappointed you with the shadowlands announcement? I think ya took it personal with making the doomsday posts since then

  4. Blizz need to let the game breathe. Retail is a freight train of massive new story one after another. The cut and run mentality when a story doesn't resonate is detrimental in my opinion. How many expansions have there been that had huge swathes of cut content that the playerbase was looking forward too?

    When they pivot they end up forcing huge content droughts which is bad for everyone. Simplify sure but just not releasing things that have been teased or promised sucks.

  5. shadowlands must be cut short they need to not release anything simply go dark until they put forth an expansion a game so grand so glorious so amazing that it wins back all of the previous subscribers if they can't they should just disappear

  6. We played the entirety of shadowlands already before 9.1

    let that sink in

    Actiblizzard always promises this, says that, throws us a small bone here, but never actually does anything.

    This has happened for years. Since like what… After Wotlk?

    If you guys are still holding on to hope that they'll change something or do something. Stop. This is the game. This is the end product. It will either get worse from everything getting nerfed, or it'll stay the exact same until like the year 5021. They might give us a "small step in the right direction" here and there but ultimately it wont feel like anything.

    Dont be fools. If you enjoy the game still great. If not, there's more games out there.

  7. Dude was huffin like my dog after it snorts an entire flower up its nose. Lean back or mute the mic man, christ. Was wearing ear buds while at work and listening to this and just constantly hearing HFFFF HFFFFF HFFFFF right in my ears was seriously distracting from the topic of conversation.

  8. I love WoW but I'm sick of Blizzard. I actually finally unsubbed 3 days ago. So tired of their bullshit, think I'm done for good. Feel kinda free tbh. Only after unsubbing did it hit me how much of my time I've (wasted) given to Blizzard. They treat us like shit and they don't care. WoW could be so amazing, but it isn't cos Blizzard stopped farming passion. Bye WoW, was fun while it lasted.

  9. Am I the only one that clicks on these videos hoping for some good information on things, but get baited every time? I can feel my brain cells slowly dying.
    Not sure of it's a format issue or purely because it's clickbait most of the time?
    I guess the comment section tells you what kind of people this appeals to lol

  10. Honestly at this point I'd rather see WoW being buried. I love WoW but Blizz doesn't deserve this franchise anymore nor do they deserve our money. I hope the majority of players simply stop their subs and don't start again with 9.1 either, just to show Blizz they fucked up. Nobody asked for all these bs overly complicated systems, nobody asked for all the stupid decisions they made. Time to protest against Blizz.

  11. Blizzard short changes the story and character development because they spend the majority of their time and resources in working up bullshit systems and build around features that are so horrible and useless that i cant even describe them using acceptable language. Lets not go into borrowed powers….

  12. i really think them cutting wod short was a giant mistake even tho it gave us legion. it was a pr failure. so if they cut shadowlands short it might hurt the game even more.

  13. The books ruin the mmo by far, they really screw up the pacing, take FF14, the short stories are added retroactively, not pre-launch to any content, all the short stories are there to enhance story chars and moments already done, not to take away the pacing.

    The problem is novels dont really add *anything*.

    If the series was just a book series it'd work, sure, but then you remember that the people who only read the books wont know what happened in the game, and the people who only play the game wont know what happened in the books.

    Its a disasterous way to tell a narrative meant for 1 media not 2.

  14. I think they have done a great job with Sylvanas and the development, except for the letdown for the loyalists. Anduin has gone through some great development as well and they have focused so heavily on the relationship between him and Sylvanas it seems they have something for us, maybe in the raid. Not a redemption for Sylvanas, many will hate that, and not a kill her off finally, many will hate that as well, but maybe a turn on the Jailer and save Anduin or an escape, something along those lines. Open ended at least where they dont come back for a while with the rest of the main leaders still in Oribos. A whats happening of Azeroth could be a bridge for the next expansion, so that patch could be 9.2. There are many plot points there imo, where many thrown into leadership roles could be a wtf are they doing moment.

  15. You give Blizzard too much credit on the lore and world building angle. This is the company who's "Loremaster" said "Continuity exists to enhance the story, not tie the hands of it's creators" when criticised for WoW's nasty retconning habit. Learning the lore is pointless because that lore will be made irrelevant whenever Blizzard decide it's inconvenient for whatever dumb cinematic they've got. Just look at Chronicles.

  16. Yes please cut Shadowlands short. The whole covenant thing is just very meh to me and I'm hoping for some true depth in a character progression system for 10.0

  17. Its an interesting question was thinking the same thing I am just raid logging ATM and this just feels like warlords ATM raid Is cool but covid is probably gonna wreck this expans we shall see.

  18. Blizzard has gotten better with the storytelling in WoW, but the story was pretty much mostly garbage so improving upon garbage doesn't really change things and they keep on sabotaging themselves and hurt the story by putting in some big parts of the story in the books and other media. Now if they can work on that improved storytelling for new games and stop putting important aspect of the story in books then they could potentially make some decent stories.

  19. I agree with a lot of stuff said here. And I want to add this: Blizzard should really take a lesson of storytelling their MMO from what happened in Guild Wars 2. Specifically, how they went from a boring, broken vanilla campaign, with some of the worst chars ever created (and the need to get the lore outside of the game), to a pretty good living world campaign, pretty consistant, with some good characters. I'm not saying GW2's lore is better than WoW, but it's just really easier to grasp from an average player point of view.

  20. Danuser wants to further the story into the cosmos? As a roleplayer, I can't regard that as canon. The truth of the cosmos and such will eventually get back to the people, and what happens to culture and society when that those truths gets out?

  21. Floating this as an idea: Blizzard makes the "next expansion" Shadowlands 2: Plotline Boogaloo. They basically put together all the plotline they intended to cram into Shadowlands, cut it at a reasonable place for 9.3-9.4, then resume it as 10.0-10.4. Part two could open up more of shadowlands, bin the covenants system (perhaps the covenants getting shredded would be the reasonable place to break between the two), and otherwise refresh the same area with new content rather than giving up the whole expansion as a bad idea and trying to move forward from the smoking heap of rubble.

    It would basically give Shadowlands two "expansion" time slots to get it right and benefit the following expansion by giving it the time they need to do that right as well. Thoughts?

  22. I hate it so much that do many things that are crucial for the game are outside the game itself. If you want to tell a story then go it in a comprehensive and connected fashion and not like they've been doing it since WOTLK.

  23. If Blizzard wants to do the Marvel thing and have big moments for their characters then they need to build those characters like Marvel did. Make them fun and likable, even, in their own way, the villains. The same goes for the lands. Make people want to go to these lands. Places like The Maw fail, in part, due to how much of a downer it is to go there. Likable characters and interesting fun lands go a VERY long way.

  24. I'm glad you can empathize with those people. The story should be digestible and enjoyable in game, I haven't been able to really follow or enjoy the story for some time for that reason (Legion had a pretty good balance up until the end of it for me~ story telling should involve the player not ask the player to be involved externally.

    I used to love Warcraft lore

  25. Right now, in my opinion, Shadowlands is the worst expansion. While i really disliked WoD, and didnt have a lot of fun in BFA, It felt like there were things to do. In Shadowlands im just bored.

  26. They really need to introduce the end game legendary mechanics at the start of the xpack. Weave it into the story in a way that makes it the centerpiece not the addon and allow people to feel so pressed to rush to the end to start.


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