Will World Of Warcraft Drop On Xbox? // Why I Think WOW is Coming To Xbox

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

WoW game director Ion Hazzikostas is dismissing the idea that World of Warcraft will come to Xbox. I think he’s wrong. Microsoft and Blizzard will bring WOW to Xbox Series X and S in the same way FFXIV came to the PS5. Lets discuss.

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34 thoughts on “Will World Of Warcraft Drop On Xbox? // Why I Think WOW is Coming To Xbox”

  1. Honestly I don't think it will, the WoW community like the Diablo community are PC gamers. I think it could get added to gamepass possibly but hoping they don't merge it into the Microsoft store. Also it's not a developer saying that it's built for PC it's the game director, which you did say but adds alot of credence to the fact of no consoles. Now that's not to say Microsoft won't change that but I don't think it's what's being planned in regards to these changes. Also putting it on consoles limits it. Yoshi P has said mentioned limitations due to hardware from consoles which could change now with ps5 but would mean canceling support on ps4 and upsetting a large player base. I could be wrong though

  2. Would be so cool if it did come out for consoles especially with the expansion coming out and Wrath of the Lich King classic coming out this year. Could you imagine playing it on the cloud and on the go!! Man that would be so cool. Here’s to hopeful thoughts!!

  3. Nope. WOW may get better after the acquisition goes through, but it won't be on console. The UI is too much for a controller unless they streamline it like ff14. Which i doubt they will.

  4. From a business standpoint this would make the most sense. Game pass subscriptions could rise because of this. They did eso on console and you can’t do this? If not using a controller there’s literally keyboard and mouse support. I think it’s just blizzard trying to be as lazy as possible.

  5. I think Blizzard should put the Warcraft series, StarCraft series, and the rest of the Diablo series on Xbox over time ofc. I think if they took their time and port them good it would do wonders for the franchises. Then release new installments, gamepass would be unbeatable at that point not to mention all the other franchises Activision could add it’s a now brainer for Xbox so I think it is inevitable that wow will be put on. Let’s just hope they actually release it in a good state whenever they do

  6. In my opinion I think Microsoft and blizzard would benefit heavily in releasing a fresh version of WoW for consoles. I don’t think them porting the current state of the game to console will affect the total number of players all that much. I think the majority of people who are interested in playing WoW have found the means of buying a pc to play it. I think Blizzard/Microsoft would benefit more by creating a separate MMO under the Warcraft lore for console. Essentially make the game a more dumbed down version with less spells/abilities. Given it would be great to have the option to play the game on my Xbox; but I think it’s a lazy way of trying to draw more players into the WoW scene. We need something fresh from Blizzard/Microsoft. (I’m not sure if I should call it blizzard or Microsoft quite yet)

  7. I don't think it will ever happen reason being most console players don't play mmorpgs .. so it's not worth it for game developers to use the resources to bring it on console

  8. makes no sense. So they don't want new players flocking there Player-Leaving game ?
    Console players will literally bring this game back to life. No joke lmao. I'd main WoW if it was on console. I did for ESO on console and it was a good experience.

  9. Well i believe it was originally was going to be wow moving to console but they went with diablo 3 memory might be wrong of course. But I can't see why it shouldn't come to console


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