Windwalker Monk M+ Guide for Shadowlands

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This is a quick guide for playing windwalker monk in M+

The single target priority in the video should be the following
1. Invoke Xuen
2. Whirling Dragon Punch
3. Spinning Crane Kick (dance of chi-ji proc)
4. Rising Sun kick
5. Fist of Fury
6. Black out Kick
7. Tiger Palm

for a more in depth list of priorities, please check out :

Weakauras for UI:

0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Covenants
2:00 – Talents
7:05 – Legendaries
9:02 – Stats, gearing, and enchants
13:56 – Priorities and final thoughts


15 thoughts on “Windwalker Monk M+ Guide for Shadowlands”

  1. Hey man. First of all, awesome video! Really helps me get going. Question though: on the ST-prio list you don't mention FoF in there. Am I missing something here or you dont use it in ST? I'm probably wrong here, but just checking

  2. im 190 windwalker i play necrolord and this bonemarrow brew looks kinda bad, aroud 2,5-4% total dmg in m+ i know that chi refund from crane kick has some value but i think it still feels weak. I saw ight fae hunters doing like literally 8x more total dmg from their coveant ability. I wonder if i should switch to kyrian

  3. Great guide man! I’ll keep playing and read up on more ww-info.
    I’m already improving after talking to you and watching your stream! Hard to watch you live due to the time diff but I always watch your vods 😀

  4. Question, in your previous video (How to dps as Kyrian Monk) you weren't lining up your cooldowns. They were still close to each other but it was:
    Xuen -> FoWT -> TP -> WoO -> SEF and then start priority list.
    In this video you are saying you are stacking them. Should I update my monk rotation practices according to this video or the previous one?

  5. on aoe you didnt list blackout kick anywhere and on single target you didnt list fist of fury anywhere. do you basically never use those in that situation? feel like fists is still great damage in single target

  6. YOoo you are amazing. I asked if you had PvE content earlier today. Because im truly thinking of maining a monk since they messed up fury warriors. You are for sure getting subbed to. Thanks mate!


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