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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:25 Dates
00:41 New Transmog
01:12 The Greench Updated Rewards
02:30 Christmas Hat Bosses for The War Within
02:53 Exclusive Hunter Pet
04:25 Other Rewards
04:57 2024 Christmas Gift
05:28 Final Thoughts & Outro
What do you think of the updates to Winter Veil in 2024?
Winter Veil revamp. 20th Anniversary. Still refusing to give us the fucking sleigh mount where friends can ride on in the sleigh with you or on the reindeer as a multiperson flying mount. But lets put in another stupid toy that nobody wants.
The transportation to Winter Veil Boss is broken! I got disconnected every time I try to use. When you relogon you are close to the area in a graveyard.
How do you do the /target thing for the reindeer? I only get the /help error when I try it
I prey for Winters Chill enchant for my frost mage and frost dk ….. please Santa!
If you're gonna use the 'Costume Chest: Disposable Holiday Outfits' toy, for taming the Stag, make sure it is the red costume, otherwise the 'Dreaming Festive Reindeer' won't spawn.
Toy is not required, got both versions after 8 total tries. Just wear red cloth and hat (transmog or cosmetic wearable works as well). Spam the macro just a few meters far from the entrance after entering. If you use ELV UI and you dont have portrait on, just disable the add on until you finish so you know when the red nose one will appear.
just when I thought the trading post was at its lowest, this crap comes out really TRANSMOG and pets LMFAO im scared to ask could it get more gay really
wow i havent played retail in awhile i might come back to this event
Should add in the garrison dailies you can do aswell to make cash
Somehow, I got the red nose one on the second try.
queen in the raid was wearing a hat today too
mine didnt like 4 red mog, but it like and worked instantly when i wore the 4 green mogs
Thank you for going over all this for us.
One thing that bugged me soo much about this game. Its so awkward how most all the pets and mounts do not have animated eyes. There is one mount I have that does have animated eyes… but I cannot remember what one it is specifically.
I tamed the normal pet, and it does not show anymore. Guess I need to abandon the tamed one right?
out of my 6 hunters i got 1 who can't see the new pet. Neither rare nor normal. No matter what i do. Normal / Heroic setting. Change type of Winter Veil gear. Nothing works. I already got the rare on 3 other hunters. 2 BM and one Survival. This one is Marksman. Is it a Marksman bug or just her being strange?
How rare is the red nosed version of the hunter pet…? I've done this over and over and over and so far it's the NON red nosed version.. starting to loose faith a bit here….
great video, i will start doing this from this weekend
lol they took Christmas Cracker from Runescape
you didn't mention it but the owl with the Santa hat on top of the wagon behind the vendors in Iron forge is a collectable. It sits on top of your head. On 4:29 you can see the Owl. Get it guys.
Long live Madskillzzhc!
Imagine playing retail in 2024. Lol
so… how do I get the rendeer for my hord hunter aswell?! Can't find any quest giver in OG.
@MRGM Will the christmas transmog be December only? Or Can we use them all year?
I was lucky enough to get Grunch from my very first daily.
can I ask what this youtb that want to say something marry Christmas friend in the later no words after, someone know this want to say
Honestly I'd trade the port to hillsbrad for the org sleigh ride.
The only puntable creatures are gnomes.
sad face, i've got the mog but the pet doesn't appear. gonna have to read up some more on this – if i'm missing something
Had great luck with the stags, got 2x red nose, and 2x dull nose.
I can confirm, the disposable winter veil toy works if you are wearing the red suit, so just keep click it off and re-apply till you get the red suit
I went in and out of the instance so many times that Blizz sent me a message saying you have entered too many instances recently and I had to log for a bit lol.
Got Rudolph on my first try! Thank you 🙂
took me 3 tries to get the red nose. GL to yall!
It was fun getting the reindeer pets in Hillsbrad. I have both models. Awesome idea Blizzard ❤
Never knew about the exclusive tamable, many thanks for the info MrGM!!!
had the Merrymaker title for 13 years, with this "revamp" and not adding a new mount im still skipping this event again.
Good stuff! 🙂