woltk classic wow rogue pvp insanity!! world of warcraft July 26, 2022 by Arena Stories Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg wrath of the litch king woltk pvp battleground rogue world of warcrsft insane dmg!. #shorts #wow #pvp #arena #rogue #woltk source
The only insanity is the nervous left, right step. Or as i’d like to call it: the adderall twitch Reply
Woltk rogues broken!?
Song name pls
How called this addon u see your spell used and have position on his “head”?
"Shadowlands is too bursty, It was better before in wotlk"
What is the feral using to transform into a human with?
No gs?
Better Undead or orc rogue?
Lables it classic but it's a private server
Btw, that's what it looks like to play full bis against no gear players in bg…
What addons are those??
Whats the Name of the „debuff“ addon?
bigshiv with the bigcrits xD
Classic is boring i beat that game
The only insanity is the nervous left, right step. Or as i’d like to call it: the adderall twitch
How the hell you deal 10k damage ?