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streamed at i answer all questions here daily! for spec/gear/game questions and ui etc
0:21:00-0:23:20 Lucifron
0:25:55-0:28:21 Magmadar
0:42:30-0:43:59 Gehennas
0:48:28-0:50:07 Garr
0:55:54-0:58:53 Baron Geddon
1:02:19-1:04:52 Shazzrah
1:10:34-1:12:49 Sulfuron Harbinger
1:28:37-1:29:52 Golemagg the Incinerator
1:32:01-1:35:58 Majordomo Executus
1:50:02-1:54:09 Ragnaros
2:01:35-2:05:09 Secret boss
i got jebaited
thought it was a stream
Congrats dude
Warrior sounds
Padding on trash yet Not even top 3 overall. 13th on dps On the rag kill says enough even on ur main class of over 5 years since classic launch. This what is look likes when put in a true competitive environment with top of the shelf plagers and none of ur fanboya to boost u. Hahah😂😂😂😂
I think I just sodded my pants
Wow. I have never played warrior before but I think I will now! Thanks for the guide
is he using something else in place of elixir of giants?
Why did sarthe pretend like he was in the world first clear?
Worlds first in a 40 year old raid 😂
Find you a gf that loves you like Hoggism loves dying.
Are you running booming voice over unbridled wrath right now?