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this boss is my #1 opp (right after walmart)
final pull count – 304
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#maximum #liquidmaximum #thewarwithin
This boss looks nuts lol
What in the Enhancement Shaman is going on here?
what is the walmart bit about?
Anyone care to explain fuck walmart? 😂
Would love to know how many views of the raid max watch’s to lead from outside
Gz boys. What's with the walmart reference?
You guys are a true inspiration! The commitment the perseverance its just mad! Well done and congratz
GZ, but 300 pulls is an easy boss no? gul'dan was more fun, brutal
Liquid make Bug Using everbody have it see by Imfiredup . I hope that Imfiredup is banned for the rest of seasson and a permanent bann for RTWF. Fucking cheater and its a Fakt
This reaffirms my entire lack of desire for anything "end game" in this game. Grats though.
Well done
the healers PUMPED
They have been first on all of them so far, let's hope they are first on the last 2! They deserve to win this.
Damn…Nicksevok is a fucking beastly healer. 3m hps near start of raid and ends at 2.63m…gooooot dammmmmn.
Tobo and Dank both roll 100 on wrists? wtf lol. I haven't rolled higher than a 36 all season so far and only won a bow because we had no other ranged hunters. GG Guys…rooting for WF Queen for yall.
Time for 500 wipes on silken court
gz guys!
What did Walmart do ?
Pull wise echo did better – but happy you manage kill it first! What is story with walmart?
with or without abuse bugs? xD
whats wrong with walmart, i dont get it?
Can someone explain the walmart bit to me please?
So CR'ing riku at 30% is it worth to use gloabls n shit to rebuff him instead of just continue blasting? Does it make that big a difference at that point?
did they finally fix Vantus then?
lets talk about exploiting
Didn’t they mage exploit a mechanic ?
gz nicely done, i stopped playing wow along time ago but still love to watch it. this boss reminds me of Kil'jaeden in legion
The one who has a why can bear almost any how
2 things:
1. Me reading A Court of Wings & Ruins while listening to your stream, hears you say only GS left, assumes another inc. wipe, only to then hear FUCK THIS BOSS and miss seeing the actual kill mere seconds later. GG boys! A hard earned world first kill.
2. @ the fking morons crying about FiredUp's BRILLIANT BIG BRAIN. Imagine if they used their own brains (or even their eyes) to realize the "exploit" (which wasn't even an exploit but rather Blizzard's own design flaw) wasn't even used during the actual boss kill… It literally had zero impact on the outcome of the race.
Stay small, cry babies and fuck walmart.
Would have been killed sooner if they had just locked in harder. Kinda makes you think that they would be behind Method/Echo right now if they didn't have bans for those 2 guilds.
yo fuck Walmart
who cares
Wow, firedup isnt fired? Thanks to blizz, now they cant ban players for using exploits 👏🏻 I heard vods are investigating coz he should use it before in this raid (when bosses were close to kill, he switched talents).
didn't receive any global warning of world first… so…
Exploiting and then turning off stream at 6/8. How much more cringe can Liquid become? We'll find out soon
"FOCUS" up firedup
with exploi, or not 😛
evoker healing in a coordinated group looks insane
common walmart L
walmart BTFO
I didn't play WoW for many years and all i have learned from this video is that arcane mage is still 2 button spam. No major changes since wotlk, or maybe even tbc.
today wow very very easy,garbage shit!!!TBC forever!!!