World First Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza – Liquid Maximum

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this boss is my #1 opp (right after walmart)
final pull count – 304

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45 thoughts on “World First Mythic Nexus-Princess Ky'veza – Liquid Maximum”

  1. 2 things:

    1. Me reading A Court of Wings & Ruins while listening to your stream, hears you say only GS left, assumes another inc. wipe, only to then hear FUCK THIS BOSS and miss seeing the actual kill mere seconds later. GG boys! A hard earned world first kill.

    2. @ the fking morons crying about FiredUp's BRILLIANT BIG BRAIN. Imagine if they used their own brains (or even their eyes) to realize the "exploit" (which wasn't even an exploit but rather Blizzard's own design flaw) wasn't even used during the actual boss kill… It literally had zero impact on the outcome of the race.

    Stay small, cry babies and fuck walmart.

  2. Wow, firedup isnt fired? Thanks to blizz, now they cant ban players for using exploits 👏🏻 I heard vods are investigating coz he should use it before in this raid (when bosses were close to kill, he switched talents).


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