World of Warcraft 2 In Unreal Engine 5 ?

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World of Warcraft 2 in Unreal Engine 5 would look amazing and we have proof for that! But it’s not always just about the looks, how would world of warcraft 2 gameplay be in a brand new engine, would there be a brand new talent system? New abilities? Sky’s the limit and until we get an official world of warcraft 2 cinematic with the announcement, it’s all speculating here so join MarcelianOnline in todays On Cooldown for a different type of wow news 🙂

Check out more WoW in Unreal Engine 5 here:

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25 thoughts on “World of Warcraft 2 In Unreal Engine 5 ?”

  1. Wow was awesome when it first came out except the fact that they completely ruined the Warcraft story line, nobody even realizes arthas, sylvanas , and many more story started before wow. but let's get real the games almost 20 years old it's time for something new. How about A game like Wow but instead give us a StarCraft Universe we can play in ? How about give us a real Warcraft game. Sorry but wow is not as fun as warcraft 2 tides of darkness , Warcraft 3. These games have are fun to play over and over again as is StarCraft. Not to mention the multiplayer and custom games. I grew up on Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo. Look at where the games are now and how longs it's been since a new one was released…… StarCraft 2 still awesome but it's even outdated now. Warcraft hasn't had a new game in over 20 years not not counting expansions ….. And dont give us anymore crap like Diablo 3 , it was not Diablo, it was gauntlet with the diablo name ….

  2. they should have done that long ago. just started playing lost ark which is my first mmorpg ever. never liked the genre, especially not wow. but now since i really really like lost ark, i could imagine myself trying wow. especially since the people who played it always raved about it. but I have absolutely no interest in getting into the current game. not only because of the graphics. but starting a game that's 20 years old is just not appealing. it sounds dated just from that single fact alone. and who has interest in catching up with all that? i absolutely don't.

  3. (short version)
    Stop throwing games with a style and good art direction in to an engine and slapping hyper realistic textures and assets everywhere, just because they look realistic doesn't mean its better, Blizzard always exceed in it's creative art styles and non realistic look, keep to that.

    (long version)
    I hate seeing X game in unreal because it's just mostly people porting already made assets in to the engine and calling it done with some attack animations to then have people go "if 1 guy could do this all on there own then why couldn't a whole team do it!? “

    But the one thing thats also annoying and people forget is every X thing in unreal uses the whole" look at all the hyper realistic graphics" forgetting the game people mostly throw in is a stylised game that doesn't fit or has lost it's style making it look bland and fit in with every other hyper realistic game.

    Theres so much that would need to be done and such a cost to make a whole new mmo but if they did do it in something like unreal 5 then best thing is still keep the art style but improve it with the tech by using a higher polly and less restraint out of the game emgine not handling it and just add more things you which you could of as it would be able to render it all together now. Also make 3D chest plates instead of shitty 2d textures too.

  4. Looks incredible, keep the gameplay update the graphics to this point, hands down id buy it asap, i think the people with potatoes or even without dont realise how much theyd like the game much more with such a graphic update, kinda like how they thought old wow was amazing but then replayed and it was crappier,
    Basically the comments saying keep graphics cartoony.. they really dont know what they want.. Most of them.
    But i dont think there will ever be a wow 2.. a shame. games rekt lore wise.

  5. I'm pretty sure blizzard needs to kill WoW completely before they can do something like WoW 2. It would make sense to basically decide that the next two expansions lead to the definitive ending for the game,after which servers would be shut down.though they could still keep classic servers running and then WoW 2 would take place at a different point in time in Warcraft universe.

    Somewhere before warcraft could actually be pretty neat because you could have people play as early humans and vrykul,tauren and the elves would be a thing,you could have furbolgs as playable races and all that,so it's not like player options would be limited just because you don't have orcs or forsaken undead.

  6. they should have given us classic wow with this graphics? this would have given many players the nostalgic feeling of their favorite game and the investment in unreal engine. I would have played this game with this graphics and enjoyed it more by just questing and when we finally enter late game, it would have meant so much for many players and also given new players a chance to try it <3

  7. after reviewing the optimization, features, advancements and ease of use of unreal 5 it would be pure stupidity not to reboot your old games on this engine. The optimization alone can increase your games performance by substantial amounts that people wouldn't need to buy overpriced gaming pc's to play. Older games Like Everquest and Dark age of Camolot could increase performance up to 200%, you could already play wow on a toaster but i could make the game look 100% better.

  8. unreal warcriminalcraft mover5 racist game is lie propaganda to force players to kill nations.
    What is nation?
    Humans born without nationality, born without fascism, nationalization in childhood make them.
    False value, false enemy, false nation definition make false enemy, destroy value of life.
    Nationalist kleptocracy created fa, refuse value of life and human rights.
    Reward for worsening is kleptocracy support, steal reward system.
    Support nationalist kleptocracy, participate in war crime.
    Wikipedia false nation definition changed always.
    They kill for nation, they not know what nation is.
    Not can distinguish between race and nation.

    Golden toilet marauder hilterugend science academy economy, kill and loot.
    Big cost in money and time.
    Sacred satan religion war godless church.
    Killing for religion of peace, priest ten commandments.
    False race definition, false nation definition, make players to kill nations, made fa.
    Overpopulation family values.
    Booze narcologist barmen alcohol chemical addiction for children.
    Many program errors.

  9. A "WoW 2" would NEED new mechanics. WoW is very very dated. To be able to run on walls and be agile like that would be cool if it was a Rouge/Hunter-exclusive thing because it's what you expect from those classes. A warrior doing that would be weird though, then every other class had its own exclusive thing that fit to their class without it being too "just because unique". For example Mages having an impact on the environment with their spells and be able to light up dungeons etc. Then it would be fun if the devs thought of different class approaches in the world map when it comes to quests.

    Because one thing I really want is better combat. It's so boring to stand there charging your spells and not be able to do much else. I want the ability to be an agile Hunter, run on a wall while I hit an enemy, then jump on to him, slit his throat and feel like some master Archer in a movie. Or like I mentioned above with the devs class approach thing be able to climb a wall in some enemy town to bypass guards, hide and wait until a nearby enemy goes off alone, slit his throat without alerting the others and then have a clear path to kill the quest target inside his house. Instead of just taking care of mobs one by one until you reach the quest or run to the quest.

  10. i loved wow but last 3 expensions where so crap getting old dungeons like why would you go back and still ask money of old crappy dungeons and the lagg on servers the never change even the raid are so easy its so stuppid i unsubd even tought i love wow

    we need a new start like wow 2


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