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World of Warcraft Then vs Now
#worldofwarcraft #wotlk #classicwow
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It was just better.
Retail is a different game, it's not even WoW anymore. That's why classic is so popular, HC, SoD, LK and soon Cata will be booming, while in retail when new xpac comes, there is a short 3 week honeymoon phase (which can be fun), then 70% of the players quit and return to classic servers or other games
Scal serveur in serveur go to play wow
It's just about feelings, you play the game you like, and to be fair, at this time, there was not a lot of games ^^ look what we got now and WoW is still going strong ;))
Retail is not WoW.
I’ll always prefer Classic over Retail and that just shows a good thing. You have several options for which version of the game you wish to play.
DF is so clear and good only old people that have no life or family/friends will say classic better cause that’s their life they play it 10h a day meanwhile retail all done in 2-3h and much more fun, more content more people..