World of Warcraft as an 80's Dark Fantasy Film

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#midjourney #ai #warcraft

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00:00 Arthas Menethil
00:07 The Lich King (Arthas Menethil)
00:11 Northrend Skeletal Mage
00:15 Alexstrasza
00:28 Magni Bronzebeard
00:33 Anduin Lothar
00:44 Queen Azshara
00:50 Nagrand
00:54 Elwynn Forest
01:01 Human Knight
01:05 Illidan Stormrage
01:09 Jaina Proudmore
01:16 Kel’Thuzad (Human Form)
01:27 Lady Katrana Prestor
01:38 Medivh
01:42 Alleria Windrunner
01:46 Sylvanas Windrunner

Artist: White Bat Audio (Karl Casey)
Song: Black Rainbows
All rights belong to Karl Casey – White Bat Audio

#Worldofwarcraft #AImovies #blizzard #aiart #Gaming #gamer #fantasy #80s #film #art #concept

Disclaimer* © All rights to the artists and the label of their music. If you are the producer or label and do not wish to see this track being promoted on this channel, please do not hesitate to contact us and we can take action immediately.


29 thoughts on “World of Warcraft as an 80's Dark Fantasy Film”

  1. Thank you very much for the support, please subscribe button and be part of the growing community.

    ► Please check the 'YouTube Success in 2023' series📕 📕by my fellow content creator Benjamin Williams, he has really helped me with my channel creation and editing.

    Remember, if you have any suggestions or video requests, feel free to leave a comment below, I always appreciate your input.

  2. Honestly want you did her movie based on Warcraft the original stuff before world of Warcraft

    If we ever get to an actual World of Warcraft movie I would think I would most likely (after Microsoft acquire the company and everything) Isaiah original story lines and maybe the sequel to focus on maybe one expansion for a movie

  3. they really should have just done the human campaign of WC3 for the movie instead of WC1, sure its further down the plot line but its more accessible than orc immigration policy.

  4. Even the A.I doesn't have gender confusion, but instead creates highly superior art compared to that of today's woke snowflakes at bLizzard. How can A.I know so intimately every little detail, this is seriously impressive…


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