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Liberate your appearance with your choice of Six(6) epic and unique Paladin transmog sets gathered from various xpacs in World of Warcraft. These original Paladin transmog sets are put together from various pieces from different xpacs including Burning Crusade (BC), Wrath of the Lich King (Wotlk), Cataclysm (Cata), Mists of Pandaria (MOP), Warlords of Draenor (WOD), Legion, Battle for Azeroth (BFA) and Shadowlands.
Where to find and how to acquire each piece of all Six(6) Paladin xmog sets is detailed in the video and linked below. If you want to find a substitute for a particular piece of gear, you can always find more information on Wowhead.
Moogle is a World of Warcraft (WOW) transmog guide/tutorial uploaded and produced Luxeley. At the end of the video, there is link to another Paladin Transmog video and you can find a gigantic Shaman Xmog playlist in the channel’s playlist section. Enjoy and Create…
Paladin Xmog Sets 1-4
Paladin Xmog Sets 5-8
Paladin Xmog Sets 9-12
Paladin Xmog Sets 13-16
Paladin Xmog Sets 17-20
Paladin Xmog Sets 21-23
Paladin Xmog Sets 24-27
Paladin Xmog Sets 28-30
Paladin Xmog Sets 31-32
Paladin Xmog Sets 33-36
Paladin Xmog Sets 37-39
Paladin Xmog Sets 40-43
Paladin Xmog Sets 44-45
Paladin Xmog Sets 46-50
41 is dope
wait am i missing something? where exactly is the link to the specific mogs? also great videos man, appreicatwe the effort you must put into these
Also if i wanted to sumbit some mogs for you where and how do i do it.
22 is nice
It would be really cool if you started adding matching mounts with these xmogs! 😀
Criminally low view count. I appreciate the effort you've been putting into these videos man.
Cant seem to find set 26 in your videos!
This compilation of sets is AMAZING! I have been looking through video after video of "meh" transmogs thinking "maybe that one." This video, I WANT THEM ALL! HOW TO CHOOSE WHICH ONE TO COLLECT??? OMG Subbed to your channel!
I need some 1h + shield mogs! Great video
Personal reminder : 14, 22, 25, 27, 32, 38, 41, 50
so like no 1hand weps or sheilds? this is for rets only
WoW meets Project Runway
why the hell is only females
I love sets 24, 40, and 44 going to go get them all this week also great work!
You know it would be really good if you put the xmog with male characters too, not all of us play with female ones
#23 — the shoulders can be crafted also (BC recipe).
Love alot of these, would be nice to have had some male draenai used though, just to show off how they'd look with a bulkier frame. Still an amazing display though. Number 39 is out of control.
Amazing stuff hot damn
just like other vid not good all but maybe a few bland and can be made many ways
what pants and chestpiece are you using for #8?
What a great video
28 is amazing!
your intro dosnt make sense if you cant kill boss you wont get any transmog