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The Lucy battle pet is definitely one you NEEEED to get lol it’s so cute!
When the Covenant Calling where you have to complete 3 world quests with your trainee is up, there is 1 trainee for each Covenant that will be able to give you a chance at getting Lucy. The trainees to look out for are as follows:
Venthyr – Drippy
Kyrian – Deos
Night Fae – Twinklewings
Necrolord – Dregs
Your trainee will find a Dirty Glinting Object after leaving combat and this can occur every 5 minutes. I used a Weak Aura that someone has made to track this and it shows a countdown timer on your screen and also pops up when a Dirty Glinting Object is available to loot! It really helped me keep track!
Weak Aura for Dirty Glinting Object:
How long it will take you to get Lucy really is RNG-based so GOOD LUCK! You’ll be able to loot lots of other random items and here is a list of all the stuff I collected over 11 hours(!) before getting Lucy:
– Flawless Battle-Stone
– Flawless Flying Battle-Stone
– Flawless Dragonkin Battle-Stone x2
– Flawless Humanoid Battle-Stone
– Flawless Magic Battle-Stone x2
– Flawless Undead Battle-Stone
– Flawless Elemental Battle-Stone
– Flawless Critter Battle-Stone
– Flying Battle-Training Stone x21
– Undead Battle-Training Stone x16
– Aquatic Battle-Training Stone x12
– Elemental Battle-Training Stone x4
– Mechanical Battle-Training Stone x14
– Magic Battle-Training Stone x5
– Dragonkin Battle-Training Stone x8
– Critter Battle-Training Stone x4
– Battle Pet Bandage x2
– Attendant’s Pocket Portal: Bastion x6
– Attendant’s Pocket Portal: Revendreth x12
– Attendant’s Pocket Portal: Ardenweald x3
– Attendant’s Pocket Portal: Oribos x9
– Potion of Empowered Exorcisms
– Potion of Spiritual Clarity
– Potion of Unhindered Passing x3
– Potion of Divine Awakening x3
– Potion of Spectral Agility x2
– Potion of Deadly Fixation x2
– Potion of the Hidden Spirit x2
– Potion of Spectral Strength x3
– Potion of the Psychopomp’s Speed
– Potion of Shaded Sight
– Soulful Healing Potion x2
– Soulful Mana Potion
– Spiritual Rejuvenation Potion x2
– Spiritual Mana Potion
– Spiritual Anti-Venom
– Masterful Jewel Doublet
– Versatile Jewel Doublet x2
– Angerseye x2
– Oriblase
– Umbryl
– Shrouded Cloth Bandage x2
– Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage
– Porous Weightstone x4
– Porous Sharpening Stone
– Shaded Weightstone x2
– Shaded Sharpening Stone
– Desolate Armor Kit x2
– Nutcracker Grenade x6
– Squeaky Duck Bobber
– “Flying Faerie” Costume
– Millet Wafers x3
– Candied Walnuts x5
– Rhubarb Stocks x2
– Garlic Clove x2
– Midnight Starpepper x2
– Muck-Covered Morsels x2
– Ripe Watermelon
– Blood Oranges x2
– Ethereal Pomegranate x2
– Dry Cabbage Leaves
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I can't wait to get this first try next time its up 😀
whoa a cool way to farm stones
Also, yes cageable for now as of 1.24.2021 that might change
Didn't take that long. I went off and on for about 11 attempts. It's once every 5 minutes.
Another awesome video and guide , thank you 🙂
darn haha got excited I had a troop today and it's not the right one haha glad I watched this before I started 🙂 thanks amanda!
I have the troop today! DEOS! Downloaded the weak aura I LOVE IT. SO far I have gotten 4 undead training stones, blood orange and some kinda weapon thing for a blunt weapon haha I hope I get it soon but again very very helpful amanda! <3
I have no idea what anyones on about, i randomly looted it doing world quests in bastion. Oo
Thank you! i farmed 20mins 😀 i was lucky, i think, such a cute cat <3
lol. I looted her by accident and came here because I was looking for information about the pet I just got. I'm sorry for your 11 hour madness. This video is the top result on google for "how to get lucy" 😀
I saw this in my bags. I don't even know how I got it. Lucky me. Going to buy a lottery ticket
Well… I was very surprised when Lucy dropped on my 2nd kill… with the timer on. Cool. 🙂
Damn, don't hate me, I just had no ideea about this, just go questing, just do some random stuff in the fight, just loot all I can see and I found some weird item in my bag. I had to search on wowhead to find how rare Lucy is 😀
got it thanks got in 31/2 hours