World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade SECRETS (Azuremyst Isle)

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World of Warcraft is a massive game, one only made bigger when Blizzard Entertainment released their first expansion for WoW … the Burning Crusade. And now that World of Warcraft Classic is also getting the Burning Crusade Classic it seems only appropriate to for us to go explore the starting zones introduced with its new playable Races. So, today, let’s take to the newly discovered Azuremyst Isle, home of the Draenei and find all of the secrets and easter eggs hidden throughout it, just in time for the Burning Crusade Pre-Patch

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Hellfire Peninsula Secrets and Easter Eggs ►

Some environment B-Roll footage taken from:
Meisio —– ►
Everness – ►

Music and Ambiance by:
Meisio —– ►

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Timecodes soon!! 🙁

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37 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade SECRETS (Azuremyst Isle)”

  1. The guy Logan Daniel is a reference to Wolverine from marvel. Look at his hair first of all, and he's shorter than average humans, as is wolverine. He ALSO literally has wolverine's name, as in the comics and movies he is known as Logan by most people. His REALLY real for real name is James Howlett, but he went by Logan for a long time before that was revealed. I'm kind of surprised you didn't put this together yourself. haha. I also love the Pink Floyd references. I would like to see a videos about Stormwind, the Undercity, and Orgrimarr. There has to be enough to make a video for them. So much lore! The funny part is I don't even play wow anymore, but these videos are truly enjoyable. So thank you.

  2. Logan Daniel, the short human, may be a reference to Logan a.k.a. Wolverine of X-Men fame. Wolverine is 5ft 3in tall, and has a penchant for being in survivor/wilderness situations.

  3. Love these videoes! 😍 Dont know if its a secret or easter egg. But i find it interesting! At the end of the cave in Stillpine Hold you find a core hound ''The Kurken''. Not sure why its there but i find it interesting! This core hound is tameable for hunters and got a really special look. Only other npc with the same look (that i know of) is ''Omen'' a boss you kill at the Lunar Festival in moonglade! 😄

  4. Just speculation but Logan Daniels at Odesyus' Landing could be a reference to Wolverine from Marvel Comics. His name was Logan and he was quite short. Also Daniels seems to have fairly similar hair to Wolverine? (sideburns?)

  5. I really hope even years later yes I am still hoping we get Murlock and Naga races playable just to see this guy find more details Oh I hope this happens i need a Naga and Murlock Hunter BM in my life

  6. Azurmyst is good, but Bloodmyst is the zone I still go back to visit to this day. It's just so corrupted and hostile compared to everything else on Azeroth at the time. The ambience and music really add to the isolated feeling of being so far away form anywhere normal. Would you consider doing a vidoe on Bloodmyst?

  7. No peeking in caves? And as far as secrets go we can't forget that bloodelf assassin who wandered the roads south of azure watch. He dropped a unique looking face mask and had killed my many times.

  8. Mcweaksauces short interaction is that the captain asks whqta for dinner and not tell him its chicken, then the cook proclaims its a beautiful sounding dish brought from the arms of angels, to which the captain asks "wow really?"
    Cookie replies"no… shoots chicken it be chicken…"

  9. Azuremyst is such an underrated starter zone, it's a really relaxing quest hub, Bloodmyst is another one that people forget about, even though it has a lot of cool lore and looks really unique as far as Azeroth is concerned.

  10. Been pumping through these videos, I'm so glad that you popped up in my feed. Please contemplate making more of these videos, a deep dive into more areas, lore, races or people would be immensely appreciated. Have a great day my guy!

  11. These videos are great. This Azuremyst one was a great nostalgia trip for me. I remember starting to level my Draenei Shaman there on the day that TBC opened. Still one of my favourite characters to play in current WOW. I would love to see you do Dun Morogh. I have a great fondness for that zone as it’s where I started my first character back in Vanilla. And I just love the music and atmosphere of the zone.

  12. I’m wondering if Logan Daniel is a nod at Wolverine Logan from the X-men. It’s a stretch, perhaps, but Logan was notoriously shorter than your average human at about 5 ft tall. It was actually controversial when Hugh Jackman was cast for the role being as tall as he is. There were scenes where James Marsden who played Cyclops had to stand on a step stool or smth like that so he could appear taller than Jackman.


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